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Labour Relations Act, 1995 (Act No. 66 of 1995)


Schedule 7 : Transitional Arrangements

Part H : Transitional Provisions arising out of the Application of the Labour Relations Amendment Act, 2002

32. Expedited applications in terms of section 189A(13)


Until such time as rules are made in terms of section 159 of the Act—

(a) the Labour Court may not grant any order in terms of section 189A(13) or (14) of the Act unless the applicant has given at least four days" notice to the respondent of an application for an order in terms of subsection (1). However, the Court may permit a shorter period of notice if—
(i) the applicant has given written notice to the respondent of the applicant"s intention to apply for the granting of an order;
(ii) the respondent has been given a reasonable opportunity to be heard before a decision concerning that application is taken; and
(iii) the applicant has shown good cause why a period shorter than four days should be permitted;
(b) an application made in terms of section 189A(13) must be enrolled by the Labour Court on an expedited basis.