R 385
Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, 1996 (Act No. 3 of 1996)Chapter II : Right to Occupy and Use LandEviction of labour tenants and other persons11. Notice of intended eviction |
(1) | An owner who intends to evict a person in terms of the provisions of this Chapter, shall give the labour tenant and the Director-General not less than two calendar months' written notice of his or her intention to obtain an order for eviction. |
(2) | The notice referred to in subsection (1) shall, in addition to any prescribed particulars, also contain the grounds on which such intended eviction is based. |
(3) | The Director-General shall during the period referred to in subsection (1) convene a meeting between the labour tenant and the owner in order to attempt to mediate a settlement of the dispute between the labour tenant and owner. |