R 385
Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, 1996 (Act No. 3 of 1996)RulesLabour Tenancy Arbitration Rules12. The hearing: Witnesses |
(1) | The applicant presents evidence first, unless in the circumstances of the case, the law is that the respondent starts. |
(2) | Before a witness gives evidence he or she must swear or affirm that he or she will testify truthfully. |
(3) | The oath or affirmation must be administered by the arbitrator. |
(4) | The wording of the oath is set out in Schedule 2 to these rules. |
(5) |
(a) | The party who asks a witness to give evidence questions (leads) that witness first. |
(b) | Then the other parties may question (cross-examine) the witness. |
(c) | Then the party mentioned in paragraph (a) may question (re-examine) the witness again. |
(d) | The arbitrator may question the witness at any time, but preferably after the questioning mentioned in paragraph (c). |
(e) | All the parties may question (cross-examine) a witness called by the arbitrator on his or her own initiative. |
(6) | The arbitrator may stop any evidence or questioning that is irrelevant or repetitive. |
(7) | The witnesses give oral evidence, unless the arbitrator allows evidence in affidavit form. He or she may only allow affidavit evidence if this is fair to all the parties. |
(8) |
(a) | Any witness who is not a party in a case — |
(i) | may not be in the room where the hearing is taking place until he or she is required to give evidence; and |
(ii) | must wait near the room until he or she gives evidence and then wait until he or she is excused by the arbitrator. |
(b) | The arbitrator may allow exceptions to this rule for good reason. |