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Land Reform (Labour Tenants) Act, 1996 (Act No. 3 of 1996)


Labour Tenancy Arbitration Rules


Schedule 1

Form 1 : Witness Summons





Land Claims Court Case No:  .................................................................................................

In the case of:


................................................................................................................ Applicant/Plantiff*





To the Deputy Staff: .............................................................................................................(state town)

INFORM each of the following persons, namely:

1 .............................................(give name, gender, occupation and place of business or residence of witness)
2 .............................................(give name, gender, occupation and place of business or residence of witness)
3 .............................................(give name, gender, occupation and place of business or residence of witness); and
4 .............................................(give name, gender, occupation and place of business or residence of witness)


(a) he or she must in person come to an arbitration hearing at ...........................(state venue) on ...................the of .......................19 time);
(b) he or she must wait at the above venue until excused by the arbitrator;
(c) the reason he or she must come to the arbitration hearing is to give evidence in a case in which the Plaintiff/s* /Applicant/s* is/are* claiming:

(decribe, in general terms, the relief claimed)

(d) he or she must, as soon as possible, hand to the Registrar of the Court ........................................................................................(here describe accurately each document, tape recording, book or other thing to be produced);
(e) he or she must produce the items mentioned in paragraph (d) at the arbitration hearing on the date of the hearing.

Dated at of ..................................................19............





Registrar of Land Claims Court

Private Bag X10060

Randburg 2125








(give address, telephone, and fax number, where applicable)

Applicant/s * / Plaintiff/s * / Respondent/s * / Defendant/s * / other party or his or her legal representative *






(give name of firm, address, telephone and fax numbers, where applicable)

*delete where not applicable.