R 385
Legal Aid South Africa Act, 2014 (Act No. 39 of 2014)Chapter 2 : Legal Aid South Africa8. Chairperson and deputy chairperson |
(1) | The judge appointed in terms of section 6(1)(a) is the chairperson of the Board and the Minister must, in writing designate one of the directors referred to in section 6(1)(b) as deputy chairperson of the Board, who must act as the chairperson if the position of chairperson is vacant or during the absence or incapacity of the chairperson. |
(2) | The deputy chairperson, when acting as chairperson as provided for in subsection (1), has all the powers, duties and functions of the chairperson. |
(3) | If both the chairperson and deputy chairperson are absent from a meeting of the Board, a person elected by the directors present from among themselves, must preside at that meeting. |