R 385
Legal Metrology Act, 2014 (Act No. 9 of 2014)RegulationsLegal Metrology Regulations, 2017Part XI : Measuring instruments and containers used for prescribed purposes104. Vehicle tanks |
(1) |
(a) | A vehicle tank must be designed to deliver a single value quantity of liquid or a single value quantity from each compartment into which it may have been subdivided. |
(b) | The strength and construction of a vehicle tank must be such that, when containing any quantity of liquid, which it is designed to measure, any distortion of the tank will not cause incorrect measurements. |
(c) | All quantity indicators, piping and valves of a vehicle tank must be of such strength, design, construction and material that they withstand usage without the accuracy of the instrument being impaired. |
(d) | The delivery piping connected to a tank must be of such design and construction that, when the vehicle on which the tank is mounted is standing on a level plane, complete delivery can be made from the tank or from any compartment thereof. |
(e) | The delivery piping of a vehicle tank, including the manifold outlet where one is provided, must be so constructed as to preclude any liquid being trapped in any empty compartment while delivery is taking place from a compartment. |
(f) | A tank, or each compartment thereof, must be provided with an air-release vent pipe or pipes so as to prevent the formation of interior air pockets and so as to permit the influx of air to the compartment during the discharge of liquid. |
(g) | The filler opening of a tank or compartment must be of such size and construction as to readily permit visual internal inspection. |
(h) |
(i) | tank, or each compartment thereof, must be provided with a dome, centrally situated at the highest part of the top of the tank or compartment and having a cross-section area such that, when the surface of the liquid contained in the tank is within the dome, the addition of a quantity of liquid equal to the allowance of error in excess will cause a rise in the surface of not less than 5 mm. |
(ii) | A dome referred to in paragraph (i) must be of such size that when the tank or compartment is filled to its capacity, there remains not less than 1,75% of the capacity as ullage space for expansion of the liquid. |
(2) |
(a) | Each compartment of the tank or the tank itself must have its nominal capacity clearly and indelibly marked on at least one side thereof or on the dome thus: |
(b) | Where a tank has more than one compartment, each compartment must be marked with a number and its outlet valve must bear the same number. |
(3) |
(a) | The datum level of a tank or compartment must be defined by an indicator comprising a plated or polished flat circular metal disc of at least 25 mm diameter, rigidly fixed within the dome and at the centre thereof. |
(b) | If the indicator referred to in paragraph (a) is adjustable, it must be so constructed that it can be sealed in such a manner as to prevent any change in its position without the seal being broken. |
(4) |
(a) | Where an emergency valve is provided for closing the discharge outlet from a tank or compartment, verification of the tank or compartment must be done with such emergency valve open and the tank must bear a conspicuous notice that such emergency valve must be open when the tank is filled in use. |
(b) | The whole of the inside of a tank or compartment must be thoroughly wetted and then drained before verification. |
(5) |
(a) | All tests for accuracy of a tank or compartment must be made with the tank in a level position and with all emergency valves open. |
(b) | The whole of the inside of a tank or compartment must be thoroughly wetted and then drained before commencement of any test for accuracy. |
(c) | A tank or compartment must be tested for accuracy, by means of water, against a measurement standard measure that complies with the requirements in Part III of these Regulations, or by other means approved by the National Regulator. |
(6) | Errors must be allowed on a tank or compartment, in excess or in deficiency, in accordance with Table 16: |
1 |
2 |
3 |
TABLE 16 |
Capacity of tank or compartment |
Error allowed |
In excess |
In deficiency |
200 L |
1,5 L |
0,75 L |
over 200 L and up to 500 L |
3 L |
1,5 L |
over 500 L and up to 1 000 L |
5 L |
2,5 L |
over 1 000 L and up to 2 000 L |
8 L |
4 L |
over 2 000 L |
8 L and in addition 2 L for every 1 000 L in excess of 2 000 L |
4 L and in addition 1 L for every 1 000 L in excess of 2 000 L |
(7) |
(a) | The verification mark must be applied in a conspicuous, essential and accessible part of the instrument either on the dome or at the outlet valve of a tank or a compartment. |
(b) | Protective marks (seals) must be applied to the indicator to prevent unauthorised access to any adjusting device or to the working parts. |