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Legal Metrology Act, 2014 (Act No. 9 of 2014)RegulationsLegal Metrology Regulations, 2017Part XI : Measuring instruments and containers used for prescribed purposes84. Conventional weighing instruments |
(1) | A conventional weighing instrument, manufactured prior to the publication of these Regulations, of any of the following classes or kinds must conform to any applicable technical regulation that pertains to it, consistent with the design of the instrument and relative to each class or kind— |
(a) |
(i) | equal-armed balances or beam scales; |
(ii) | post office letter scales; |
(b) | equal-armed counter scales having capacities not exceeding 50 kg; |
(c) | single-unequal armed steelyards having capacities not less than 50 kg; |
(d) | wall scales having two unequal-armed levers connected in series; |
(e) | compound lever scales of the following types, having load measuring devices comprising steelyards with travelling or sliding poises and with or without loose proportional counterpoise weights: |
(i) | counter-platform or bench scales having capacities of not more than 150 kg; |
(ii) | platform scales; |
(iii) | hopper or tank scales: |
(iv) | overhead track scales; |
(v) | vehicle scales; and |
(vi) | crane scales; |
(2) | Any such measuring instrument which so conforms may be verified without being required to be of a model approved in terms of section 22 of the Act, unless, in the opinion of a market surveillance inspector or verification officer any such measuring instrument is of unusual or novel design or has any feature which may facilitate inaccurate measurement. |
(3) |
(a) | The load transmitting device of any weighing instrument referred to in subregulation (1) must consist of a lever or a system of levers together with any necessary connecting links or rods. |
(b) | The pivots which connect levers together, which connect levers to their fulcrums and which connect load receptors or load measuring devices to levers, must consist of knife-edges and bearings. |
(c) | Pivot knife-edges must be positioned on the levers only. |
(d) | Where knife-edges are secured in such a manner as to allow of ready alteration to the ratio of the lever arm such alteration must be possible by means of a mechanical appliance only. |
(e) | No tare device must be provided on any weighing instrument referred to in subregulation (1) unless specially approved by the National Regulator. |