R 385
Legal Metrology Act, 2014 (Act No. 9 of 2014)RegulationsLegal Metrology Regulations, 2017Part XI : Measuring instruments and containers used for prescribed purposes94. Road vehicle scale for determination of the mass of road vehicles in motion or axle by axle |
(1) | A road vehicle scale used for measuring the tare or gross mass of a road vehicle or vehicles in motion or axle by axle must conform to section 22(2)(c) of the Act, unless otherwise provided in a certificate issued in terms of Section 22 of the Act. |
(2) |
(a) | A road vehicle scale used for measuring the tare or gross mass of a road vehicle or vehicles, in accordance with the provisions of regulation 56, by adding together the individual axle mass loads of a road vehicle or vehicles, must be incorporated in a system designed to do such measuring while the vehicle is or vehicles are in motion. |
(b) | Unless otherwise provided in a certificate issued in terms of section 22 of the Act, each of the approaches to a road vehicle scale referred to in paragraph (a) must— |
(i) | for a distance of not less than 10 m adjoining the load receptor be constructed of concrete or any other similar construction product and be capable of sustaining, without undue yielding, a load of 20 t across any line at right angles to the direction of travel of a vehicle moving over the load receptor; and |
(ii) | for a distance of 20 m, which includes the required 10 m in subpragraph (i), be such that a vehicle will move smoothly over the load receptor and the correct measurement of the mass of the vehicle not be adversely affected. |