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Legal Metrology Act, 2014 (Act No. 9 of 2014)
Notice No. 385 of 2014
1. Definitions
Chapter I : Application, Objects and Administration of Act
2. Application and objects of Act
3. Administration of Act
4. Functions of National Regulator
5. Delegation of functions
6. Appointment of market surveillance inspectors
7. Designation of verification bodies
8. Appointment of verification officers
9. Designation of repair bodies
10. Registration of persons responsible for repairs
11. Registration of importers, manufacturers and persons who offer for sale any prescribed measuring instrument, product or service
12. Advisory Forum
13. Funds of National Regulator in respect of legal metrology
14. Fees charged by designated bodies
Chapter II : Legal Metrology Technical Regulations
15. Legal metrology technical regulations
16. Proposals to introduce or amend legal metrology technical regulations
17. Effect of declaration as legal metrology technical regulations
18. Measuring instrument, used by market surveillance inspectors, verification officers and persons responsible for repairs
Chapter III : Measurement Standards
19. Measurement standards used by market surveillance inspectors, verification officers and persons responsible for repairs
Chapter IV : Market Surveillance Inspections
20. Powers of market surveillance inspectors
21. Market surveillance inspection offences
Chapter V : Type Approval and Verification of Measuring Instruments
22. Type approval of measuring instruments
23. Type approval offences
24. Verification of measuring instruments
25. Powers of verification officers
26. Offences in connection with verification of instruments
Chapter VI : Repair of Measuring Instruments
27. Functions of persons responsible for repairs
28. Offences in respect of measuring instruments
Chapter VII : Manner of Use, Possession of or Sale of Measuring Instruments and Products
29. Restriction on and prohibition of manufacture, import, use or possession of certain measuring instruments
30. Sale, supply and use of universal measuring instruments
31. Offences in respect of manufacture or selling of false, defective or inaccurate measuring instruments
32. Measuring instruments to be wholly exposed
33. Prohibition of false statement as to quantity
34. Measurement for prescribed purpose to be effected in terms of certain measurement units and by means of verified measuring instruments
35. Advertisement of measurable products and services
36. Manner of selling products
Chapter VIII : Compliance schemes and Use of Marks
37. Compliance schemes and use of distinctive marks and verification marks
Chapter IX : General and Miscellaneous
38. Regulations
39. Penalties and effect of an offence
40. Disclosure of certain information
41. Confidentiality of certain information
42. Repeal and amendment of laws and transitional provisions
43. Short title and commencement
Schedule 1
Schedule 2
Tariff of Fees charged for Services rendered in terms of the Legal Metrology Act by the National Regulator for Compulsory Specifications (NRCS): Amendments
Notice No. 643 of 2015
Part A: Charges for Verification of Instruments
Part B: Charges for Type Approval of Measuring Instruments
Part C: General Additional Costs
Part D: Legal Metrology : Other Fees
Notice No. 630 of 2019
Part A: Charges for Verification of Instruments
Part B: Charges for Type Approval of Measuring Instruments
Part C: General Additional Costs
Part D: Legal Metrology : Other Fees
Part E: Legal Metrology Calibration Fees
Legal Metrology Regulations, 2017
Notice No. 877 of 2018
Part I : Definitions and application of requirement of the Act
1. Definitions
2. Application of requirements of the Act
Part II : Registration of importers, manufacturers, persons who offer for sale any prescribed measuring instrument, product or service
3. Requirements for registration
4. Offence in connection with registration of importers, manufacturers or persons who offered for sale any prescribed measuring instrument, product or service
5. Inspection, seizing and retention of measuring instruments, products or services by market surveillance inspectors
Part III : Measurement Standards
6. General requirements
7. Measurement standards of mass
8. Measurement standards of volume
9. Measurement Standards of Length
Part IV : Market Surveillance Inspectors
10. Qualifications of market surveillance inspectors
11. Exercising the powers of a market surveillance inspectors
Part V : Sale of Goods
12. Goods destined for export
13. Seller of importer to take precaution regarding quantity of goods purchased for resale
14. Delivery note, invoice or other writing to accompany goods delivered
15. General requirements for issuing delivery note, invoice or other writing
16. Goods to be measured after despatched
17. Liquid products in vehicle tanks and bulk containers
18. Duties of person conveying goods
19. Dealers to retain delivery notes
Part VI : Requirements for marking of prepackages and prescribed quantities
20. Markings on prepackaged products and prescribed quantities
21. Goods or articles ordered by purchaser in person
22. Non-consumer packages
23. Standard temperature for sale of prepackaged liquid products
24. Marking of equivalent statement of quanitity on prepackaged products
25. Qualification of statement of quanitity on prepackaged products
26. Prepackaged products sold other than by measurement unit
Part VII : Special requirements for sale of goods sold other than in prepackaged form
27. Price descriptions
28. Standard temperature for liquid products measured at time of sale
29. Purchase of milk by mass
30. Measurement units in which quantity of certain goods must be expressed
Part VIII : Accuracy of measurement when determining quantity of goods
31. Suitable instruments to be used and made available
32. Tolerances permitted on determination of the quantity of goods
33. Accuracy of vessels or containers used for sale of liquids
34. Authorisation to deviate from requirements
Part IX : Compliance schemes
35. Quantity mark scheme
36. Measurement mark scheme
37. Application for registration certificate
38. Offences in respect of compliance schemes marks
Part X : Measuring instruments, products or services not conforming to legal metrology technical regulations
39. Directive
40. Confiscation
41. Destruction
42. Return to country of origin
Part XI : Measuring instruments and containers used for prescribed purposes
43. Measurement units, prefixes, symbols and their usage
44. Permissible nominal values (denominations) of weights and of material measures
45. Measuring instruments not to be subject to initial or subsequent verification and prohibition from use of certain measuring instruments
46. Use of units for indication for results of measurements
47. Form of values of graduations
48. Reading by simple juxtaposition
49. Advance of indication by digital indicators
50. Extent of rounding error permitted
51. Indication by several indicators
52. Notice in connection with periodic verification of measuring instruments as envisaged in section 24(2) of Act
53. Measuring instruments acquired unverified to be verified before use for prescribed purpose
54. Measuring instruments deemed to be unverified after having been re-installed
55. Acceptability of declared quantity
56. Method of determining tare or gross mass of containers, railway trucks or road vehicles
57. Weighing instruments used for determining axle mass loads of vehicles
58. Measuring instruments not intended for use for prescribed purpose
59. Duties of person submitting or using measuring instruments
60. Verification on premises of designated repair or verification body
61. Marking of number of approval certificate
62. Removable parts
63. Interchangeable or reversible parts
64. Marking of capacity or denomination
65. Affixing of verification mark
66. Defacing of verification mark and authority for further use
67. New and used measuring instruments
68. Weighing instruments: Position of balance and means of balancing at zero load
69. Placing of indicators of weighing instruments
70. Construction and strength of weighing instruments and measuring instruments
71. Positioning of weighing instruments
72. Knife-edges and bearings
73. Steelyards and travelling or sliding poises on weighing instruments
74. Testing of movable and suspended weighing instruments
75. Testing of fixed weighing instruments
76. Testing of weighing instruments for error
77. Composition of test loads
78. Testing of weighing instruments for repeatability
79. Testing of weighing instruments for constancy when load is kept on measuring instrument
80. Testing of weighing instruments for constancy at zero balance
81. Testing of vibrating weighing instruments for sensitivity
82. Testing of weighing instruments for strength of levers
83. Testing of weighing instruments on movement of knife-edges and bearings
84. Conventional weighing instruments
85. Beam scales, balances, post office letter beam scales and mechanical non-self indicating counter scales
86. Responsibilities of users of measuring instruments
87. Weights for coarse measurement
88. Weights for fine measurement
89. Conformity to appropriate technical regulations
90. Non-automatic self-indicating, semi-self-indicating and non-self-indicating weighing instruments with denominated verification scale intervals
91. Automatic rail-weighbridges
92. Automatic weighing instruments
93. Cream test beam scales and torsion balances index
94. Road vehicle scale for determination of the mass of road vehicles in motion or axle by axle
95. Conventional length measuring instruments
96. Length measuring instruments including self-indicating measures of length
97. Area-measuring instruments
98. Conventional measures of volume
99. Dipping measure
100. Graduated glass measures for pharmaceutical dispensing and comparable measurement
101. Measuring flasks
102. Pipettes
103. Burettes
104. Vehicle tanks
105. Vehicle tanks provided with gauges
106. Liquid-measuring devices
107. Measuring devices and systems for measurement of cryogenic liquids and specified liquid gases
108. Liquid meters and liquid meter systems
109. Milk meter systems
110. Liquefied petroleum gas meter systems
111. Liquid meter systems for predetermined quantities
112. Lubricating oil dispensers
113. Liquid fuel dispensers
114. Water meters
115. Gas meters for domestic use
116. Vessels or containers used for sale of liquids
Part XII : Verification and repair bodies
117. Requirements for designation of verification bodies
118. Responsibility of verification body
119. Withdrawal of designation of verification body
120. Verification Certificate
121. Reporting of verification results
122. Rejection Certificate
123. Registration and qualifications of verification officers
124. Requirements for designation of repair bodies
125. Responsibilities of designated repair body
126. Withdrawal of designation of repair body
127. Registration and qualifications of persons responsible for repair (also referred to as "repairer")
128. Certificate of repair
129. Reporting of repair results
130. Restrictions with respect to repair and verification of measuring instruments
131. Commencement of Part XII
Part XIII : Distinctive Marks
132. Approval mark
133. Rejection mark
134. Verification mark
135. Protective mark
136. Repair Mark
Part XIV : Measuring instruments, vessels or containers exempted from type approval and verification
137. Measuring instruments
138. Conditions, restrictions and requirements
139. Declaration of an instrument as unfit for further use
140. Measuring instruments not exempted under regulation 137
141. General exemptions
Part XV : Application for evaluation and approval of measuring instruments
142. Application of measuring instruments in terms of section 22 of Act
143. Marking on specimen
144. Period of validity of type approval certificate
Part XVI : Regulation pertaining to periodic verification
145. Requirements
Part XVII : General
146. Repeal
147. Short title and commencement
Notice in terms of Section 2(2) of the Legal Metrology Regulations of 2018
Notice No. R. 1028 of 2020
Notice No. 288 of 2021
Part XVI : Regulation pertaining to periodic verification
145. Requirements
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