Acts Online
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Legal Practice Act, 2014 (Act No. 28 of 2014)

Chapter 6 : Legal Practitioners' Fidelity Fund

Part 2 : Operation of Fund

71. Committees of Board


(1) The Board
(a) must appoint an executive committee consisting of the chairperson, deputy chairperson and two other members of the Board, one of whom must be an advocate referred to in section 34(2)(b);
(b) may appoint committees relating to matters falling within the scope of its powers and functions, the members of which may be members of the Board or other persons;
(c) may in writing, delegate to the executive committee or other committee any powers and functions as it may determine; and
(d) may direct the executive committee or other committee, either generally or in a specific case, to advise the Board.


(a) The Board must elect and appoint a chairperson of a committee.
(b) The chairperson of the Board is ex offıcio chairperson of the executive committee referred to in subsection (1)(a) and the deputy chairperson of the Board is ex offıcio deputy chairperson of the executive committee referred to in subsection (1)(a).


(3) A committee exercises its powers and performs its functions in accordance with any policy directions of the Board.


(4) The Board may at any time dissolve any committee.


(5) The provisions of section 70 apply, with the necessary changes, to a meeting of a committee.


(6) The Board is not divested of any power or function delegated to a committee, and may amend or rescind a decision of a committee.