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Liquor Act, 2003 (Act No. 59 of 2003)


National Liquor Regulations, 2004

Part 2 : Delivery of Documents, Form of National Register and Fees

10. Form of National Register


The national register to be maintained in terms of section 23 must contain, at a minimum, the following details in respect of every registration issued nationally or provincially:

(a) name of the regulatory authority that issued the registration;
(b) date on which the registration was granted, and a synoptic history of the dates and nature of any change in the registration;
(c) name of the registered person, including any alternative trade name used in respect of the registered activities;
(d) the activities permitted by the registration;
(e) the registered person's principal place of business, the provinces and municipalities in which the address of any premises at or from which the registered activities may take place;
(f) any conditions attached to the registration;
(g) the dates and summary details of any—
(i) complaints against the registered person;
(ii) notices of non-compliance issued to the registered person;
(iii) compliance certificates issued to the registered person;
(iv) suspension of registration; and
(v) prosecutions and convictions against the registered person in terms of the Act, or any law mentioned in section 19;
(h) the dates and details of any transfers of the registration;
(i) the dates and details of any—
(i) notice given by the registered person in terms of the Act; and
(ii) report filed by the registered person in terms of the Act;
(j) the dates and details of cancellation of the registration.