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Liquor Products Act, 1989
Notice No. 1051 of 1989
1. Definitions
2. Wine Certification Authority
3. Administering officer
4. Restriction on sale of certain alcoholic products
5. Requirements regarding wine
6. Requirements regarding alcohoic fruit beverages
6A. Requirements regarding beer
6B. Requirements regarding traditional African beer
6C. Requirements regarding other fermented beverages
7. Requirements regarding spirits
8. Requirements regarding grape-based liquors
9. Requirements regarding spirit-based liquors
10. [Repealed] Authorizations regarding certain aloholic products
11. Use of certain particulars in connection with the sale of liquor products
12. Prohibition of false or misleading descriptions for liquor products
13. [Repealed] Filing of labels
14. Establishment of schemes
15. Provisions of schemes
16. Restriction on the importation of certain alcoholic products
17. Restriction on the exportation of liquor products
18. Powers of entry, investigation and sampling
19. Seizures
20. Analysis of samples
21. Secrecy
22. Appeals
23. Offences and penalties
24. Presumptions and evidence
25. Forfeitures
26. Vicarious liability
27. Regulations
28. Discretionary powers
29. Delegation of powers
30. Defects in form
31. Limitation of liability
32. Repeal and amendment of laws
33. Short title and commencement
Laws Repealed or Amended
Liquor Products Act: Regulations
Notice No. R. 1433 of 1990
1. Definitions [27(1)]
Part 1 : Production and Compositional Requirements
2. Designated vine cultivars for wine [5(1)(a); 27(1)(a)]
3. General requirements for wine [5(1)(c); 27(1)(a)]
4. Designated classes for wine [5(1)(c); 27(1)(a)]
5. Requirements for designated classes of wine [5(1)(c); 27(1)(a)]
6. Designated classes for alcoholic fruit beverages
7. Production processes for alcoholic fruit beverages
8. Requirements for alcoholic fruit beverages
9. Designated raw materials and classes for spirits
10. Requirements for grape spirit
10A. Requirements for 100% agave
11. Requirements for husk spirit
11A. Requirements for premium husk spirit
12. Requirements for pot still brandy
13. Requirements for brandy
14. Requirements for vintage brandy
15. Requirements for whisky
16. Requirements for malt whisky [7(1)(b); 27(1)(a)]
17. Requirements for blended whisky [7(1)(b); 27(1)(a)]
18. Requirements for cane spirit [7(1)(b); 27(1)(a)]
19. Requirements for rum [7(1)(b); 27(1)(a)]
20. Requirements for mampoer
20A. Requirements for absinthe
21. Requirements for compound gin [7(1)(b); 27(1)(a)]
21A. Requirements for infused gin [7(1)(b); 27(1)(a)]
21B. Requirements for distilled gin [7(1)(b); 27(1)(a)]
22. Requirements for vodka [7(1)(b); 27(1)(a)]
23. Requirements for unspecified spirits
24. Requirements for mixed spirits
25. Designated vine cultivars for grape-based liquors
26. Designated classes for grape-based liquors
27. Requirements for grape-based liquors
28. Designated classes for spirit-based liquors
29. Requirements for spirit-based liquors
30. Addition of substances to liquor products
31. Removal of substances from liquor products
32. Restricted substances in liquor products
Part 2 : Labels and Labelling Requirements
33. Compulsory particulars on labels [11(1); 27(1)(a)]
34. Manner in which particulars must be indicated
35. Indication of class designation [1; 11(1), (5); 27(1), (1)(a)]
36. Indication of alcohol content [11(1); 27(1)(a)]
37. Indication of country of origin [11(1); 27(1)(a)]
38. Indication of name and address or code number of responsible seller
38A. Indication of filling date [11(1); 27(1)(a)]
38B. Indication of lot identification [11(1); 27(1)(a)]
39. Prohibited practices and exemptions in connection with certain indications
39A. Exemption from prohibition [11(5)(b); 27(1)(a)]
40. Registration of code numbers [27(1), (1)(g)]
41. Additional presentation requirements [27(1)]
Part 3 : Importation Requirements
42. Exemptions [16(1)(b)(iii); 27(1)(a)]
43. Application for import certificates [16(2); 27(1)(a)]
44. Exemption from payment of fees [16(2); 27(1)(a)]
45. Samples of products intended for import [16(2); 27(1)(a)]
46. Certificates of Analysis [16(2); 27(1)(a)]
47. Issuing of import certificates [16(3)(b)(i); 27(1), (1)(a)]
48. Certificates of removal for imported liquor products
49. Disposal of liquor products imported in bulk
Part 4 : Exportation of Liquor Products
50. Exemptions [17(1)(b)(ii); 27(1)(a)]
51. Applications/or export certificates [17(2); 27(1)(a)]
52. Samples of products intended for export
53. Issuing of export certificates [17(3); 27(1); (1)(a)]
54. Export directions [17(4); 27(1)(a)]
Part 5 : Miscellaneous Provisions
55. Authorizations regarding certain alcoholic products
56. Control over the receipt, keeping and use of certain substances
56A. Keeping of records [27(1)(j)]
57. Analysis of samples [20(2); 27(1)(a)]
58. Appeals [22; 27(1)(a)]
59. Offences and penalties [27(3)]
60. Permissible tolerances [27(1)(l)]
60A. Prohibition of lead coatings
61. Payment of fees
62. Addresses for submission of documents
Table 1 : Grape cultivars which may be used for the production of wine
Table 2 : Classes for wine and specific requirements for classes
Table 3 : Classes for alcoholic fruit beverages and fruit and alcohol content requirements for classes
Table 4 : Classes and requirements for grape-based liquors
Table 5 : Classes of and requirements for spirit-based liquors
Table 6 : Substances which may be added to liquor products
Table 7 : Substances which may be removed from liquor products
Table 8 : Restricted substances in liquor products
Table 9 : Letter sizes of indications on labels
Table 10 : Permissable alternatives for class designations
Table 11 : [Repealed]
Table 12 : Exempted countries [Reg. 50]
Table 13 : Permissible tolerances [Reg. 60]
Regulations relating to fees
Notice No. R. 624 of 2001
1. Definitions
2. Application and maintenance of code number
3. Application for import certificate
4. Certificate of analysis
5. Certificate of removal for imported liquor products
6. Disposal of liquor products imported in bulk
7. Application for export certificate
8. Application and maintenance of authorisation regarding certain alcoholic products
9. Appeals
10. General liquor analysis fees
Table of fees payable
Limitation on the use of certain particulars in connection with the sale of liquor products
Notice No. R. 1432 of 1990
1. Definition
2. Reservation with regard to certain words and expressions for wine
3. Prohibition of the use of the designation "brandy liqueur"
4. Reservation with regard to the abbreviation "W.O." and certain expressions
5. Reservation with regard to indications relating to integrated production
6. Reservation with regard to the indication of medals or awards
7. Reservation with regard to the use of certain words
8. Reservation with regard to the use of "tequila" or "mezcal"
Wine of Origin Scheme
Notice No. R. 1434 of 1990
1. Definitions
2. Name of Scheme
3. Objects of Scheme
4. Liquor product to which Scheme applies
5. Authority for the indication of certain particulars
6. Defining of areas of production
6A. Registration of units for production of single vineyard wine
6B. Registration of units for the production of estate wine
7. Conditions for certification
8. Requirements for estate wines
8A. Requirements for single vineyard wines
9. Requirements for wines of orgin
9A. [Repealed]
10. Requirements for cultivar wines
11. Requirements for vintage wines
12. Requirements for special late harvest wines
13. Requirements for noble late harvest wines
14. Requirements for blanc de noir wines
14A. Requirements for wines from naturally dried grapes
14B. Requirements for Cape white
14C. Requirements for Cape ruby
14D. Requirements for Cape tawny
14E. Requirements for Cape dated tawny
14F. Requirements for Cape late bottled vintage
14G. Requirements for Cape vintage
14H. Requirements for fino
14I. Requirements for amontillado
14J. Requirements for oloroso
14K. Requirements for pale dry
14L. Requirements for pale cream
14M. Requirements for medium cream
14N. Requirements for full cream
14O. Requirements for skin macerated white
14P. Requirements for extended barrel aged white/gris
14Q. Requirements for natural pale/non-fortified pale
14R. Requirements for methode ancestrale
14S. Requirements for alternative whit/rose/red
14T. Requirements for sun wine
14U. Requirements for alcohol free wine
14V. Requirements for de-alcoholised wine
14W. Requirements for low alcohol wine
15. Authority to press grapes
16. Pressing of grapes
17. Addition and removal of substances and application of treatments
18. Determination of volume
19. Transfers between premises
20. Combination and blending of must, sweet reserve and wine
21. Requirements relating to containers
22. Bottling of wine
23. Requirements relating to labels
24. Indications on labels
25. Provisional approval of wine
26. Seals and marks
27. Final approval of wine
28. Samples and sampling
29. Directives relating to the recording of particulars
30. Termination of participation in Scheme
31. Payment of fees
Table 1 : Vine cultivars to which Scheme applies
Table 2 : Grape cultivars may be used for the production of blanc de noir wine
Table 3 : Letter sizes of particular labels
Table 4 : Unacceptable quality characteristics of wine
Table 5 : Indication of cultivars in a blended wine
Authorisation to sell sacramental beverage
Notice No. R. 341 of 1991
1. Definitions
2. Authorisation to sell a sacramental beverage
3. Maximum volume of sacramental beverage that may be produced or manufactured
4. Requirements for sacramental beverages
5. Substances which may be added
6. Production or manufacturing processes
7. Notices and records
8. Labelling requirements
9. Authorization in terms of the Liquor Act, 1989
10. Other liquor on authorised premises
Authorisation to sell specific alcoholic beverage
Notice No. R. 391 of 1991
1. Definitions
2. Authorisation to sell specific alcoholic beverage
3. Maximum volume that may be produced or manufactured
4. Requirements for specific alcoholic beverage
5. Substances which may be added
6. Production or manufacturing process
7. Receptacles and capacity of receptacles
8. Labelling requirements
9. Prohibited names or references
10. Authorisation in terms of the Liquor Act, 1989
11. Other liquor on authorised premises
Application of certain provisions with regard to the sale of Estate Brandy
Notice No. R. 2136 of 1993
Estate Brandy Scheme
Notice No. R. 2137 of 1993
1. Definitions
2. Name of Scheme
3. Objects of Scheme
4. Application of Scheme
5. Authority for the use of certain particulars
6. Conditions for certification
7. Authority to press grapes
8. Pressing of grapes
9. Addition and removal of substances and application of treatments
10. Determination of volume
11. Removal and blending of must and wine
12. Distillation of wine
13. Requirements for estate brandy
14. Transfer of brandy
15. Requirements relating to containers
16. Bottling requirements
17. Requirements relating to labels
18. Seals on containers
19. Presentation for certification
20. Recording of particulars
21. Termination of participation in Scheme
22. Payment of fees
Authorisation to sell mead
Notice No. R. 321 of 1998
1. Definitions
2. Authorisation to sell mead
3. Maximum volume that may be produced
4. General requirements for mead
5. Designated classes for mead
6. Requirements for designated classes of mead
7. Addition of substances to mead
8. Removal of substances from mead
9. Restricted substances in mead
10. Compulsory particulars on labels
11. Manner in which particulars are to be indicated
Table 1 : Production quota per authorised person
Table 2 : Classes for mead and specific requirements for classes
Table 3 : Substances which may be added to mead
Table 4 : Substances which may be removed from mead
Table 5 : Restricted substances in mead
Table 6 : Letter sizes of compulsory particulars on labels
Scheme for the integrated production of wine
Notice No. R. 1413 of 1998
1. Definitions
2. Name of Scheme
3. Objects of Scheme
4. Applications for registration
5. Registration of farms and cellars
6. Conditions of registration
7. Maintenance of registrations
8. Termination and suspension of registrations
9. Payment of fees
Annexure 1 : Guidelines with regard to the application of integrated production on farms where grapes intended for the production of IP wine are grown
Annexure 2 : Guideline with regard to the application of integrated production in cellars which are utilised for the production of IP wine
Board Notices
Defining of Production Area: Cango Valley
Board Notice 148 of 2021
Defining of Production Area: Kweekvallei
Board Notice 186 of 2021
Defining of Production Area: Prince Albert
Board Notice 187 of 2021
Defining of Production Area: Leipoldtville-Sandveld
Board Notice 209 of 2022
Defining of Production Area: Lions River
Board Notice 210 of 2022
Defining of Production Area: Riebeeksrivier
Board Notice 211 of 2022
Defining of Production Area: Goudmyn
Board Notice 212 of 2022
Defining of Production Area: Goree
Board Notice 213 of 2022
Defining of Production Area: Goedemoed
Board Notice 214 of 2022
Defining of Production Area: Ashton
Board Notice 215 of 2022
Defining of Production Area: Agter-Paarl
Board Notice 216 of 2022
Defining of Production Area: Zandrivier
Board Notice 217 of 2022
Defining of Production Area: Keeromsberg
Board Notice 485 of 2023
Defining of a Geographical Unit: North West
Board Notice No. 486 of 2023
Defining of Production Area: Rooikrans
Board Notice 487 of 2023
Defining of Production Area: Keeromsberg
Board Notice 506 of 2023
Defining of a Geographical Unit: North West
Board Notice 507 of 2023
Defining of Production Area: Rooikrans
Board Notice 508 of 2023
Defining of Production Area: Goedemoed
Notice 214 of 2022
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