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Liquor Products Act, 1989 (Act No. 60 of 1989)NoticesWine of Origin Scheme28. Samples and sampling |
(1) | A sample referred to in section 25 or 27 of this Scheme shall only be taken if an official or representative of the Authority is satisfied that all the required particulars with regard to the wine concerned have been recorded on the production sheet, stock sheet, blending and bottling sheet and wine record kept in respect of that wine. |
(2) Such sample shall—
(a) | subject to the provisions of subsection (3) consist of three separate units of at least 750 ml each of the wine being sampled; |
(b) | be taken at random from the quantity of wine specified in the application by virtue whereof that sample is taken; |
(c) | be taken by the applicant concerned or his agent in the presence of an official or representative of the Authority; and |
(d) | be sealed and identified by such official or representative in the presence of the applicant concerned or his agent in the manner determined by the Authority. |
(a) | If wine is bottled in container with a capacity of less than 750 ml, a sufficient number of those containers shall be taken to obtain a sample with a total volume of at least 2,25 Iitres. |
(b) | If wine is bottled in container with a capacity of 1,5 litres or more, only two of those containers shall be taken as sample. |
(a) | If wine being sampled has not yet been bottled in the containers in which it is to be sold, the applicant concerned shall provide suitable container for the three units referred to in subsection (2)(a). |
(b) | If such wine is kept in more than one bulk container and it is aimed to mix the total volume of such wine before it is bottled or exported in bulk, a sufficient volume thereof can be taken from each such bulk container, in proportion with the volume of wine in each such bulk container, and thereafter be thoroughly admixed before being placed in the containers referred to in paragraph (a). |
[Clause 28(4)(b) substituted by regulation 2 of Notice No. R. 2067 of 1994]
(a) | A sample referred to in section 27(2) of this Scheme, of wine that is not intended for export in bulk shall be taken only after that wine has been bottled and the applicable labels and seals or marks were affixed to or placed on the containers of that wine. |
(b) | A sample of such wine shall be contained in the fully labelled containers thereof. |
(6) | The results obtained during the analysis and sensorial judgment of a sample taken in terms of this section shall apply to the total quantity of wine from which that sample has been taken. |