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Liquor Products Act, 1989 (Act No. 60 of 1989)NoticesEstate Brandy Scheme14. Transfer of brandy |
(1) | Estate brandy shall only for purposes of final stabilisation, filtration and bottling be transferred to other premises from the cellar at which that estate brandy was produced. |
(a) | A participant shall notify the Authority at least one working day beforehand of the date on which estate brandy will be thus transferred. |
(b) | Such notice shall also specify— |
(i) | the reference number of the relevant distillate record; and |
(ii) | the address of the premises to which the estate brandy concerned is to be transferred. |
(3) | Such participant shall record the applicable particulars in connection with a transfer on the distillate record concerned. |
(4) | The person in charge of a cellar to which estate brandy is thus transferred shall— |
(a) | forthwith notify the Authority of the receipt of the estate brandy concerned; and |
(b) | record the applicable particulars in respect of all acts performed with regard to the estate brandy concerned, on a distillate record obtainable from the Authority for this purpose. |
(5) | Estate brandy that has been transferred in terms of the provisions of this section shall not be transferred to any other premises unless— |
(a) | it has been certified; or |
(b) | it is returned to the estate where it was produced. |
(6) | When estate brandy is returned as contemplated in subsection (5)(b) the participant concerned shall— |
(a) | forthwith notify the Authority of the receipt of that brandy; and |
(b) | forthwith record the applicable particulars in connection with the receipt of that estate brandy and of any further act therewith or in connection therewith, on the applicable distillate record. |