R 385
Liquor Products Act, 1989 (Act No. 60 of 1989)NoticesAuthorisation to sell meadTablesTable 5 : Restricted substances in mead |
Name of substance |
Maximum extent to which substance may be contained (mg/l) |
1 |
2 |
Arsenic |
0,2 |
Boron |
80,0 calculated as boracic acid |
Bromine |
1,0 |
Cadmium |
0,01 |
Copper |
1,0 |
Fluorine |
1,0 |
Iron |
10,0 |
Lead |
0,25 |
Mercury |
0,05 |
Methanol |
300,0 |
Selenium |
1,0 |
Sodium |
100,0 |
Tin |
100,0 |
Zinc |
5,0 |