R 385
Liquor Products Act, 1989 (Act No. 60 of 1989)RegulationsLiquor Products Act: RegulationsPart 1 : Production and Compositional Requirements10A. Requirements for 100% agave |
100 % agave shall—
(a) | be distilled from fermented mash of agave hearts, also known as piñas, containing sugar obtained exclusively from such agave hearts; |
(b) | have an alcohol content of at least— |
(i) | 40 per cent in the case of aged 100 % agave and extra-aged 100 % agave as defined in item 13E of Table 10; |
(ii) | 38 per cent in the case of ultra-aged 100 % agave as defined in item 13E of Table 10; and |
(iii) | 43 per cent in all other cases. |
[Regulation 10A inserted by section 4 of Regulations: Amendment under Notice No. R. 2247, GG46681, dated 8 July 2022]