Gold Membership
Local Government: Municipal Electoral Act, 2000 (Act No. 27 of 2000)RegulationsMunicipal Electoral Regulations, 2000Schedule APart VI-A : Special Votes28C. Special Voting |
(1) | On the day stated in the election timetable, at least two voting officers must visit voters who had successfully applied to cast their special votes at their places of residence, to afford them the opportunity to cast their votes there. |
(2) | On the day stated in the election timetable, voters who had successfully applied to cast their special votes at the voting station may visit the station between 08h00 and 17h00 to cast their special votes. |
(3) | On production of the voter's identity document and if the voting or presiding officer is satisfied that the voter is the person described in the identity document and that the voter's application for a special vote had been approved— |
(a) | the voter's identity document and hand are marked in the manner prescribed in section 50 of the Act and regulation 18B respectively; |
(b) | the voter is handed a ballot paper or papers marked on the back for the elections in that voting district; |
(c) | the voter is allowed to mark the ballot paper or papers in secret and to place and seal them in an unmarked envelope which is in turn placed and sealed in another envelope marked on the outside with the voter's name and identity number; and |
(d) | the envelope is placed and securely kept in a sealed ballot box for special votes after the voter's name on the voters' roll has been marked with the letters SV. |
(4) | The presiding officer must keep a record of all approved applications for special votes and special votes cast. |
[Regulation 28C inserted by regulation 8 of Government Notice R152 of 2011]