R 385
Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act No. 6 of 2004)Chapter 4 : General Valuation of Rateable PropertyPart 2 : Municipal valuers35. Assistant municipal valuers |
(1) | The municipal manager may designate officials of the municipality or persons in private practice as assistant municipal valuers to assist the valuer of the municipality with the performance of any of the functions set out in section 34. |
(2) | If the municipal valuer is not an official of the municipality, the municipal valuer may, with the concurrence of the municipal manager, designate persons in private practice as assistant municipal valuers to assist the municipal valuer with the performance of any of the functions set out in section 34. |
(3) | When designating persons in private practice as assistant municipal valuers in terms of subsection (2), a municipal valuer may recover from the municipality the cost of securing the services of those persons but only in terms of the contract concluded between the municipal valuer and the municipality in terms of section 33(2)(b). |
(4) | A municipality must issue to the person designated as an assistant municipal valuer an identity card in the prescribed format containing a photograph of that person. |
(5) | A municipality may withdraw the designation of a person referred to in subsection (1) as an assistant municipal valuer, and a municipal valuer may, and must if requested by the municipality, withdraw the designation of a person referred to in subsection (2) as an assistant municipal valuer. The designation of a person may be withdrawn only on the grounds of — |
(a) | misconduct, incapacity or incompetence; |
(b) | non-compliance with a provision of this Act; |
(c) | under-performance; or |
(d) | breach of any of the terms or conditions of the designation, in the case of a person designated as an assistant municipal valuer in terms of subsection (2). |