R 385
Local Government: Municipal Property Rates Act, 2004 (Act No. 6 of 2004)Preamble |
WHEREAS the Constitution entitles municipalities to impose rates on property in their areas, subject to regulation in terms of national legislation;
AND WHEREAS the Constitution enjoins local government to be developmental in nature, in addressing the service delivery priorities of our country and promoting the economic and financial viability of our municipalities;
AND WHEREAS there is a need to provide local government with access to a sufficient and buoyant source of revenue necessary to fulfill its developmental responsibilities;
AND WHEREAS income derived from property rates is a critical source of revenue for municipalities to achieve their constitutional objectives, especially in areas that have been neglected in the past due to racially discriminatory laws;
AND WHEREAS it is essential that municipalities exercise their power to impose rates within a statutory framework that not only enhances certainty, uniformity and simplicity across the nation, but also takes into account historical imbalances and the rates burden on the poor;
AND WHEREAS the Constitution confers on Parliament the power to regulate the exercise by municipalities of their fiscal powers;
BE IT THEREFORE ENACTED by the Parliament of the Republic of South Africa, as follows:—