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Lotteries Act, 1997 (Act No. 57 of 1997)Part I : The National LotteryChapter 1 : National Lotteries Board2A. Functions of Commission |
(1) | The Commission shall, applying the principles of openness and transparency, exercise the functions assigned to it in terms of this Act by the Minister, board or any other law. |
(2) | The Commission must ensure that— |
(a) | the National Lottery and sports pools are conducted with all due propriety and strictly in accordance with the Constitution, this Act, all other applicable law and the licence for the National Lottery, together with any agreement pertaining to that licence; and |
(b) | the interests of every participant in the National Lottery are adequately protected. |
(3) | The Commission may, upon request by the Minister, board or on its own initiative in consultation with the board, conduct research on worthy good causes that may be funded without lodging an application prescribed in terms of this Act. |
(4) | The Commission may, upon request by the Minister, board or on its own initiative in consultation with the board, invite applications for grants from worthy good causes in the prescribed manner. |
(5) | The Commission shall— |
(a) | promote public knowledge and awareness by, amongst others— |
(i) | developing and implementing educational and informational measures to educate the public about the lotteries and provisions of this Act; and |
(ii) | educating the public by explaining the process, requirements and qualifications relating to the application for grants in terms of this Act; |
(b) manage the staff, and its financial, administrative and clerical functions; and
(c) exercise any other function as delegated or directed by the Minister or the board.
[Section 2A inserted by section 4 of Act No. 32 of 2013]