R 385
Lotteries Act, 1997 (Act No. 57 of 1997)RegulationsRegulations Relating to Allocation of Money in National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund, 2010Form 2010/1 : Application for a Grant in terms of the Lotteries Act (Act No. 57 of 1995)Section E : Mandatory Documents |
Section E
Mandatory Documents
The following documents should be attached to this form as applicable
❑ | Organizational founding documents (this requirement is applicable to organizations that have not previously been funded by the NLDTF or if the objectives of the organization have since changed) |
- | Constitution/Articles and Memorandum of Association/Trust deed |
- | Institutions established by an Act of Parliament must only cite the enabling Act |
- | Proof of registration for non-profit organizations, section 21 companies, Public Benefit Trusts and schools registered with the d Department of Education (except private schools) |
- | (Municipalities and Tertiary Institutions are excluded from this requirement but they must cite the enabling Act). |
❑ | Detailed project business plan |
❑ | Detailed Project Budget (specific line items with unit cost, quantities, total cost per item) |
❑ | Project motivation |
❑ | Most recent annual financial statements of the organizations:- |
- | for a year for organizations that have previously received funding from NLDTF |
- | for two consecutive years signed and dated by a registered and independent Accounting Officer or an Auditor in the case of organizations that have not been previously funded by the NLDTF |
❑ | Signed Auditors report or Accounting Officer |
❑ | Applications for declared heritage site development/renovations must be accompanied by approval from relevant provincial or national authority. |
I ...................................................confirm, on behalf of: ................................................................(Name of organization) that I am authorized to sign this declaration, and that to the best of my knowledge all answers to the questions on this form are accurate. If this application is successful, this organization will use the grant only for the purposes confirm that the organization has the power to accept the grant subject to conditions and repay the grant if the grant conditions are not met.
Name: ...........................................................................................................................
South African Identity Number:......................................................................................
Position in organization:.................................................................................................
Date: ........................................................................................... Signature: ...................................................................................