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Lotteries Act, 1997 (Act No. 57 of 1997)
Notice No. 1514 of 1997
1. Definitions
Part I : The National Lottery
Chapter 1 : National Lotteries Board
2. Establishment of National Lotteries Board
2A. Functions of Commission
2B. Appointment of Commissioner
2C. Removal of Commissioner
2D. Appointment of staff of Commission
2E. Disqualifications
2F. Conflict and declaration of interest
2G. Confidentiality and restraint of trade
3. Composition of board
3A. Disqualification of members of board
3B. Conflict of interests
3C. Confidentiality and restraint of trade
4. Meetings of board
5. Committees
6. Remuneration and allowances of members of board
7. [Repealed] Staff of board
8. Funds of board
9. Finances
10. Functions of board
10A. Delegation by board
11. Consultation by board
12. Audit and annual report
Chapter 2 : Licensing of National Lottery
13. Licence to conduct National Lottery
13A. Appointment of organ of state to conduct National Lottery
13B. Temporary licence
14. Requirements and conditions of licence
15. Variation of conditions of licence
16. Enforcement of conditions of licence
17. Grounds for revocation of licence
18. Notice of proposed revocation
19. Suspension of licence
20. Revocation of licence
Chapter 3 : Distribution of net proceeds of National Lottery
21. Establishment of National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund
22. Administration of the fund
23. Revenue of fund
24. Banking account
25. Investment of money not immediately required
26. Allocation of money in fund
26A. Distributing agency
26B. Function, composition, appointments and conditions of service of distributing agency
26C. Disqualifications for distributing agency membership
26D. Conflict and declaration of interest
26E. Restraint of trade
26F. Control and management of affairs of distributing agency
26G. Applications for grants
26H. Review
27. [Repealed] Allocation to reconstruction and development programme
28. Allocation to charities
29. Allocation to sport and recreation
30. Allocation to arts, culture and national heritage
31. Allocation for miscellaneous purposes
32. Payment of allocations
33. Power of Minister to prohibit, withdraw or reduce certain grants
34. Payments from fund in respect of expenses
35. Public administration
Part II : Other Lotteries
Chapter 1 : Lotteries incidental to exempt entertainment, private lotteries, society lotteries and promotional competitions
36. Lotteries incidental to exempt entertainment
37. Private lotteries
Chapter 2 : Society lotteries
38. Society lottery
39. Management of society lotteries
40. Frequency of society lotteries
Chapter 3 : Functions of board in respect of society lotteries
41. Registration of societies
42. Revocation of registration
43. Fees and levies
44. Requirements after registration of society
45. Control of registered societies
46. Audit of society lottery
47. Certification of lottery managers
48. Conditions of certificate
49. Variation of conditions of certificate
50. Period of validity of certificate
51. Revocation of certificate
52. Control of lottery managers and audit
53. Rules of society lotteries
54. Promotional competitions
Chapter 4 : Sports pools
55. Licence to conduct sports pools
Part III : General provisions
57. General offences
56. Unlawful lotteries and competitions
58. Offences relating to National Lottery and sports pools
59. Prohibition of activities in Republic in relation to lottery or sports pool conducted o
60. Regulations in respect of National Lottery and sports pools
61. Regulations in respect of lotteries incidental to exempt entertainments, private and so
62. Penalties
63. Savings
64. Transitional provisions
65. Lottery debts enforceable
66. Registration of illegal lotteries
67. Access to information
68. Repeal and amendment of laws
69. Short title and commencement
Laws repealed or amended
Allocation of Money in National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund, 2000
[Repealed] Notice No. R. 6908 of 2000
1. [Repealed] Definitions
2. [Repealed] Percentages in respect of allocation of funds (s26(1))
3. [Repealed] Requirements for the allocation of funds for charities (sec 28)
4. [Repealed] Requirements for the allocation of funds for sport and recreation (sec 29 (1))
5. [Repealed] Requirements for the allocation funds for arts, culture and national heritage (s
6. [Repealed] Requirements for the allocation of funds for miscellaneous purposes (sec 31(2))
7. [Repealed] Application forms for grant
8. [Repealed] Commencement
[Repealed] Form A : Application for Grant in Terms of the Lotteries Act, 1997
Distributing Agencies
Regulations Relating To Distributing Agencies
Lotteries Incidental to Exempt Entertainment
Lotteries Incidental to Exempt Entertainment
1. Definitions
2. Advertisement of lotteries incidental to exempt entertainment
3. Amount for purchasing prizes
4. Information on ticket
5. Price of tickets
6. Value of tickets
7. Exemptions
8. Commencement
Private Lotteries
Private Lotteries
1. Definitions
2. Price of tickets
3. Value of tickets and prizes
4. Frequency of private lotteries
5. Information on ticket
6. Exemptions
7. Commencement
Society Lotteries
Society Lotteries
1. Definitions
2. Rules of society lotteries
3. Further information concerning registration of societies
4. Nature and requirements of scheme concerning society lotteries
5. Provision of security by lottery manager...
6. Persons and categories of persons...
7. Frequency of society lotteries
8. Value of tickets and prizes
9. Circumstances in which tickets for society lotteries may be sold...
10. Information on reverse side of ticket
11. Marketing of society lottery
12. Prescribed areas
13. Permitted expenses in respect of society lotteries
14. Exemptions
15. Commencement
Promotional Competitions
Regulations Regarding Promotional Competitions, 2002
1. Definitions
2. Minimum age of participants
3.Nature of prizes
4.Advertising material
5. Prohibited participation in promotional competition
6.Inspection of promotional competition
7. Offences and penalties
8. Exclusions
9. Commencement
Registration of Illegal Lotteries, 1998
Notice No. 1513 of 1998
1. Definitions
2. Identification
3. Proof of qualification
4. Financial and business report
5. Payments made by applicant
6. Remuneration paid by applicant
7. Additional information
8. Signatures of directors or members
9. Copies of application
10. False or misleading statements
Control of the National Lottery, 1998
Notice No. 1514 of 1998
1. Definitions
2. Minimum age of participants
3. Disqualification to participate in ...
4. Prescribed fees
5. Offences
6. Commencement
Direction for the Distribution Agencies in Determing ...
Notice No. R. 644 of 2010
Part I : Direction for Distribution Agencies in ...
Part II : Application process and Adjudication Procedures ...
Part III : Categories of Applications that may not be ...
Form 2010/2 : Application Form ...
Allocation of Money in National Lottery Distribution Trust Fund, 2010
Notice No. R. 645 of 2010
1. Definitions
2. Percentages in respect of allocation of funds (see 26(1))
3. Requirements for the allocation of funds for charities (see 28)
4. Requirements for the allocation of funds for sport and recreation (see 29(1))
5. Requirements for the allocation of funds for arts, culture and national heritage (see 30(1))
6. Requirements for the allocation of funds for miscellaneous purposes (Sec 31)
7. Application Forms for grant
8 - 16. Categories of Grants
Form 2010/1 : Application for a Grant in terms of the Lotteries Act (Act No. 57 of 1995)
Section A : Details of your Organization
Section B : The Funds you are Applying for, and how you will use them if granted
Section C : Information on your Organization's Financial Details
Section D : Referees
Section E : Mandatory Documents
Functions of National Lotteries Board
Percentages of money for distribution
Fees prescribed
Lotteries Act, 1997 (Act No. 57 of 1997)
Regulations Regarding Promotional Competitions, 2002
9. Commencement
These regulations come into force on 07 June 2002.
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