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Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944)Part II : Civil MattersChapter IX : Execution74G. List of creditors and debts and additions thereto |
(10 | The administrator shall as soon as may be draw up and lodge with the clerk of the court a complete list on which shall appear the case number under which the application for an administration order has been filed, and which shall contain the names of the creditors and the amounts owing to them severally as at the date on which the administration order was granted. |
(2) | Any creditor who wishes to provide proof of a debt owing before the making of an administration order and not listed in such order, shall lodge his claim in writing with the administrator, who shall thereupon give the debtor notice thereof in the form prescribed in the rules. |
(3) | If, within the period allowed in the notice referred to in subsection (2), the debtor admits the claim or does not dispute it, the claim shall be deemed to be proved, subject to the right of any other creditor who has not received notice of the claim to object to the debt, and the administrator shall by notice lodged with the clerk of the court add the name of the creditor and the amount of the debt owing to him to the list referred to in subsection (1) and shall inform the creditor in the form prescribed in the rules that this has been done. |
(4) | , within the period allowed in the notice referred to in subsection (2), the debtor gives notice in writing to the administrator that he disputes the claim, the administrator shall notify the creditor thereof and the creditor may request the clerk of the court to appoint a day and time for the hearing of the objection by the court and shall notify the debtor in writing of such day and time. |
(5) | At the hearing of the objection referred to in subsection (4) the court may— |
(a) | refuse the claim as a whole; |
(b) | allow the claim as a whole or in part; |
(c) | require that the claim he supported by evidence; or |
(d) | postpone the hearing on such conditions as it may deem fit. |
(6) | If the court allows a claim as a whole or in part under subsection (5), the debt shall, to the extent to which it has been allowed, be added to the list referred to in subsection (1). |
(7) | If any person who sold and delivered goods to the debtor under a credit agreement as defined in section 1 of the National Credit Act, 2005 (Act No. 34 of 2005), before the administration order was granted, is entitled or becomes entitled, by reason of the debtor's failure to fulfil any obligation under such agreement, to demand immediate payment of the sum of the purchase price then still owing, and if such person advises the administrator in writing that he elects so to do, such agreement shall be deemed to create a hypothec on the goods in favour of the seller whereby the amount still owing to him in terms of the agreement is secured, and any term or condition of the agreement with regard to the seller's right to dissolve or terminate such agreement or his right to the return of the goods to which the agreement relates shall not, in consequence of the debtor's non-compliance with any term or condition thereof, notwithstanding anything to the contrary in any law contained, be enforceable. |
(8) | The court may by order of court authorise the seller referred to in subsection (7) to take possession of the goods referred to in that subsection and to sell them by public auction by an auctioneer nominated by the court after giving the administrator and all the creditors written notice of the time and place of the sale and, if the court has so ordered, after publishing the notice or notices in the manner prescribed by the court, in one or more newspapers designated by the court or, if the seller, buyer and administrator so agree, to sell them by private treaty. |
(9) | Where the seller has sold the goods in terms of a court order referred to in subsection (8) he shall, if the sale was by public auction, forthwith lodge the auction list with the administrator and pay to the administrator the amount of the proceeds of the sale in excess of the amount of his debt and the costs connected with the sale or, if the net proceeds of the sale are insufficient to pay his debt in full, he may lodge a claim with the administrator in respect of the balance of the purchase price owing to him for inclusion in the list of creditors who are entitled to share in the pro rata distribution of funds received by the administrator. |
(10) |
(a) | The list of creditors referred to in subsection (1) shall be open to inspection by the creditors or their attorneys in the office of the clerk of the court and the office of the administrator at any time during office hours. |
(b) | Any creditor may, in the manner and within the period prescribed in the rules, object to any debt included in the list of creditors. |