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Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944)RegulationsRules Regulating the Conduct of the Proceedings on the Magistrates' Courts of South Africa64. Procedure for securing the attendance of witnesses in criminal cases |
(1) | The process for securing the attendance of any person before the court to give evidence in any criminal case or to produce any books, papers or documents, shall be by subpoena prepared by the party desiring the attendance of that person and issued by the registrar or clerk of the court. |
(2) | The original subpoena and so many copies thereof as there are witnesses to be subpoenaed, shall be delivered to the sheriff or other person authorised to serve subpoenas in the area where the witness is residing or to the person referred to in section 15(2) or (3) of the Act, as the case may be. |
(3) | A copy of the subpoena shall be served upon the witness personally or at his or her residence or place of business or employment by delivering it to some person thereat who is apparently not less than 16 years of age and apparently residing or employed thereat. |
(4) | If the person to be served with a subpoena keeps his residence or place of business closed and thus prevents the service of the subpoena, it shall be sufficient service to affix a copy thereof to the outer or principal door of such residence or place of business. |
(5) | The person serving a witness subpoena shall, if required by the person upon whom it is served, exhibit to him or her the original. |
(6) | The person serving a witness subpoena shall make a return of service by endorsing on the original or on a document attached thereto the manner in which the subpoena was served, and the original shall be returned to the registrar or clerk of the court out of whose office it was issued. |