R 385
Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944)RegulationsRules Regulating the Conduct of the Proceedings on the Magistrates' Courts of South AfricaAnnexure 1 : FormsForm 39 : Garnishee Order - Section 72 of the Magistrates' Court Act 1944 (Act 32 of 1944) |
In the Magistrate's Court for the District/Region of ...........................................held at ......................................Case No. ........................................ of 20........
In the matter between
............................................................................................... Creditor
............................................................................................... Judgment Debtor
................................................................................................ Particulars for the identification of the judgment debtor inclusive of his/her identity or work number or date of birth and address
................................................................................................ Garnishee.
................................................................................................ Address of garnishee.
Whereas it has been made to appear to the above-mentioned Court that a debt is at present or in future owing or accruing to the judgment debtor by or from the garnishee;
It is ordered—
(1) that the said debt be attached;
(2) | that the garnishee pay to the judgment creditor or judgment creditor’s attorney so much of the debt as may be sufficient to satisfy a judgment or order obtained against the judgment debtor by the judgment creditor in the .............................. Court at ........................ on the ......................... day of ....................20...... for the amount of R........ (on which judgment or order the amount of R.......... remains due and unpaid) and the costs of the proceedings of attachment amounting to R......... as well as R.......... sheriff's fees. |
If the garnishee fails to pay the judgment creditor or his or her attorney as aforesaid, he shall appear before this Court on the ......................... day of ..................... 20.... at ........... (time) ...................... to show cause why he or she should not pay the same.
Dated at .................................... this ............................ day of ..............................., 20......
By Order of the Court,
Judgment Creditor/Attorney for Judgment
........................................................................................... (Address)