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Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944)RegulationsRules Regulating the Conduct of the Proceedings on the Magistrates' Courts of South AfricaAnnexure 1 : FormsForm 40A : Warrant of Arrest in terms of section 65A(6) of the Magistrates' Court Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944) |
In the Magistrate's Court for the District/Region of ...............................................held at ....................................... Case No. ........................................ of 20.........
In the matter between
............................................................................................... Judgment Creditor
............................................................................................... Judgment Debtor
Warrant of Arrest
To the Sheriff, ..........................................................................................................................................
You are hereby commanded to arrest ................................................... (the above-named judgment debtor/the director or officer of the above-named judgment debtor) who—
(a) | failed to appear before the court at ......................................... (place) on ....................... 20 ........ (date) in compliance with a notice in terms of section 65A (1) of the Act *; |
(b) | failed to, after proceedings were postponed in his or her presence in the court at ........................ on ........................ to .................... 20 ........ at .................... (time), appear on the latter date and time*; |
(c) | failed to remain present at proceedings in the court at ...................... on .............. 20 ......... /postponed proceedings held in the court at ......................... on .................. 20 ........*; |
and to bring him or her as soon as is reasonably possible before the court within the district in which he or she was arrested. If it is not possible to bring him or her before the said court, he or she may be detained at any police station pending his or her appearance before that court. [Section 65A (8)(a) of the Act]
Dated at ............................... on this ........................................ day of .................................. 20 ...........
Judgment Creditor/Attorney for
Judgment Creditor
Address: .................................................
Telephone Number: ...............................
Fax Number: ............................................
Registrar/Clerk of the Court
Telephone Number: ................................
Fax Number: ............................................
* Delete that which is not applicable.