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Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 (Act No. 32 of 1944)RegulationsRules Regulating the Conduct of the Proceedings on the Magistrates' Courts of South AfricaAnnexure 1 : FormsForm 52 : Distribution Account in terms of Section 74J(5) of the Magistrates' Courts Act, 1944 |
Distribution Account No. ............................................................
To: The Registrar/Clerk of the Court
Case No. ............................................... of 20.......
Administration Order against ............................................................................................................
Distribution account for the period ................................................ to ..............................................
(1) Amount payable to creditors in terms of the Administration Order/outstanding amount carried forward from previous statement -
(2) Total amount due to additional creditors listed after granting of Administration Order/since lodging of previous statement. -
(3) Interest -
(1) Administration costs paid for the said period in terms of section 74L -
(2) Claims paid during the said period that enjoy preference in terms of section 74J(3) -
(3) Urgent or extraordinary medical, dental or hospital expenses paid during the said period -
(4) Other payments during the said period (supply details) --
Totals carried forward from previous page
C. Total amount received by the Administrator during the said period —
Total of C minus total of B
Disposal for pro rata distribution
Pro rata distribution:
Total amount paid during the said period
Total of A minus total of B
Outstanding amount carried forward to next statement ................................
Dated at .......................................... this ................................... day of ..................................., 20......
* The names of creditors to whom pro rata amounts were paid by the Administrator during the said period to be inserted here. (The relevant amounts to be completed in column B.)