R 385
Marine Living Resources Act, 1998 (Act No. 18 of 1998)RegulationsRegulations in terms of the Marine Living Resources Act, 1998Chapter 4 : Use of GearPart 3 : Purse Seine Fishing16. Closed areas |
No person shall use any purse-seine net—
(a) | within a distance of one nautical mile seaward of the high-water mark, in the area bounded by a line (000 degrees true bearing) drawn from the lighthouse at Stompneus Point and a line (270 degrees true bearing) drawn from the mouth of the Bokram River, |
(b) | in Walker Bay within an area bounded by two imaginary lines drawn from Voorsteklip at Die Plaat to a beacon marked M1 at Mudge Point, near Hawston, and from the lighthouse on the southern breakwater in the fishing harbour at Gans Bay to the beacon marked M1 at Mudge Point; |
(c) | within Walker Bay landward of a line drawn from the lighthouse on the southern breakwater in the fishing harbour at Gans Bay to a beacon marked M1 at Mudge Point, during the period 1 to 31 January and 1 to 31 December in any year; or |
(d) | in a tidal river or tidal lagoon, except on the authority of a permit. |