R 385
Marine Pollution (Control and Civil Liability) Act, 1981 (Act No. 6 of 1981)16. Depositing of amount or furnishing of guarantee by owner of ship, tanker or offshore installation in respect of certain costs |
If an amount has in terms of the provisions of section 9(1)(b) become payable by the owner of a ship, a tanker to which the provisions of section 13(1) do not apply or an offshore installation in respect of costs referred to in section 9(1)(b), or if the Authority believes, on reasonable grounds, that an amount may become so payable, such owner shall either deposit with the Authority an amount, or furnish the Authority with a written guarantee, acceptable to it, for the payment of an amount deemed by the Authority to be sufficient to satisfy the amount which has or may become so payable by the said owner.
[Section 16 substituted by section 2(2) (item 60 Sch) of Act No. 5 of 1998]