Right of Appearance in Courts Act, 1995
R 385
in relation to a discharge of oil from—
(a) | a ship, tanker or offshore installation in that part of the prohibited area which constitutes the territorial waters and the sea adjoining the said territorial waters to the landward side thereof, means any kind of mineral oil and includes spirit produced from oil and a mixture of such oil and water or any other substance; |
(b) | a ship, tanker or offshore installation in that part of the prohibited area which adjoins the said territorial waters to the seaward side thereof, means any kind of mineral oil and includes spirit produced from oil and a mixture of such oil and water or any other substance which contains one hundred parts or more of oil in a million parts of the mixture, |
but in relation to loss or damage caused as contemplated in section 9(1)(a) where the discharge in question took place from a tanker, and for the purposes of section 13(1), means oil as defined in paragraph 5 of Article 1 of the Convention;