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Marine Pollution (Control and Civil Liability) Act, 1981 (Act No. 6 of 1981)RegulationsRegulations relating to the Prevention and Combating of Pollution of the Sea by OilChapter V : Transfer of Oil from a Ship or Tanker to Another Ship of Tanker20. Precautions prior to and during transfer operation |
(1) | A communication system with English as the language medium shall be established between essential personnel on board the laden ship and the receiver ship. |
(2) | A signal, to be made on the whistle or siren of the laden ship or the receiver ship, shall be agreed upon, to stop any operation in hand, to secure cargo systems and for the crew to go to emergency stations. |
(3) | Prior to the commencement of the transfer operation the fire fighting equipment on board both the laden ship and the receiver ship shall be rigged, tested and made ready for instant use at any place on board or on the sea alongside such ship and pressure on the water mains shall be maintained during the transfer operation. |
(4) | Where an inert-gas system is fitted to the laden ship or the receiver ship, full operating procedures shall be followed as for normal cargo operation but, in the event of a failure of such inertgas system either prior to or during the transfer operation or prior to or during ballast operations, no such operation shall commence or continue until the inert-gas system has been restored or an alternative source of inert-gas has been provided. |
(5) | The master of a laden ship or receiver ship shall— |
(a) | not less than 24 hours prior the commencement of the transfer operation, switch off the hull-impressed current cathodic protection system fitted to such ship; |
(b) | plug and render oil-tight scuppers; |
(c) | provide and keep on board such quantity and type of oil dispersing agent, such quantity and type of dispersant application equipment and such quantity and type of oil absorbing material as may be approved by the Director-General; |
(d) | cause frequent visual checks to be made of the sea and of the ships or tankers, the hoses and the pipelines concerned so as to determine whether any oil is being discharged or is likely to be discharged; |
(e) | fit drip trays to all places on board where oil can be discharged; |
(f) | if any oil is being discharged or is likely to be discharged, report such fact forthwith to the representing officer. |