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Marine Pollution (Control and Civil Liability) Act, 1981 (Act No. 6 of 1981)RegulationsRegulations relating to the Prevention and Combating of Pollution of the Sea by OilAnnexuresAnnexure B : Notice of Detention of *Ship/Tanker |
(Regulation 5 of the Regulations relating to the Prevention and Combating of Pollution of the Sea by Oil)
To: The Master, ............................................................................................... (Name of *ship/tanker)
Name of *ship/tanker |
Port of registry |
Official No. |
Where *ship/tanker is at present |
Name and address of owner |
Name and address of agent |
You are hereby notified that the above-named *ship/tanker is being detained under the provisions of the Marine Pollution (Control and Civil Liability) Act, 1981 (Act No. 6 of 1981) and that the reasons for its detention are as indicated below:
*Section 13(5) of the said Act:
*That the tanker does not carry on board a valid certificate as required by section 13(1) of the said Act.
*Section 19(1)(a)(i) of the said Act:
*That the owner failed to pay the costs payable to him in terms of section 9(1)(b) of the said Act.
*That the owner failed to make a deposit or to furnish a guarantee which in terms of section 16 of the said Act he was required to make or to furnish.
Signed at ............................ this ............. day of ....................... one thousand nine hundred ...................
Principal Officer
*Delete and initial if not applicable.
Return of service appears on reverse side.