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Table of Contents
Marine Pollution (Control and Civil Liability) Act, 1981 (Act No. 6 of 1981)
1. Definitions
2. Discharge of oil prohibited
3. Reporting of discharge and damage causing discharge or likelihood of discharge
4. Powers of Authority to take steps to prevent pollution of the sea where harmful substance is being or is likely to be discharged
5. Prevention or removal of pollution of the sea by harmful substances
6. Moving of ship or tanker from certain area
7. Inspection of ship or tanker and of records, and taking of samples of harmful substances
8. Right of entry upon land
9. Liability for loss, damage or costs caused by discharge of oil
10. Limitation of liability
11. Exemption in respect of warships or tankers used in the service of a state
12. Applications to court
13. [Repealed] Compulsory insurance against liability for loss, damage or costs
14. [Repealed] Issue of certificate by Authority
15. [Repealed] Proceedings against insurers
16. Depositing of amount or furnishing of guarantee by owner of ship, tanker or offshore installation in respect of certain costs
17. Refund of excess costs paid by owner
18. Ratification by Minister of certain expenses
19. Detention of ships pending payment of costs for which owner is liable
20. Jurisdiction of courts
21. Authority's permission required for transfer of certain harmful substances or for certain other acts in respect of ships or tankers
22. Powers of Authority in case of default by master or owner
23. Salvor not to be prejudiced
24. Pollution safety certificate required for operation of offshore installation
25. Exemptions by Minister
26. Income and expenditure
27. Sundry powers
28. Regulations
29. Delegation of powers
30. Offences and penalties
30A. Application of Act to Prince Edward Islands
31. Repeal of laws, and savings
32. Short title and commencement
Regulations relating to the Prevention and Combating of Pollution of the Sea by Oil
Notice No. R. 1276 of 1984
Chapter I
1. Definitions
Chapter II : Issue of Certificate of Insurance or Other Financial Security
2. Application for a certificate
3. Issue of certificate
4. Variations, suspensions or cancellations
Chapter III : Detention of Ships and Tankers
5. Notice of detention
6. Service of notice of detention
7. Return of service
8. Steps or arrangements by minister
9. Release from detention or seizure
Chapter IV : Immobilisation of Ships and Tankers
10. Application for permission to immobilise
11. Progress reports
12. Services of tugboats
Chapter V : Transfer of Oil from a Ship or Tanker to Another Ship of Tanker
13. Application of chapter
14. Application for the transfer of oil
15. Certificates and certain deposits or guarantees
16. Certificate of fitness
17. Representing officers
18. Appointment of persons to conduct transfer operation
19. Services of tugboats
20. Precautions prior to and during transfer operation
21. Duties of persons conducting transfer operation
Chapter VI : Pollution Safety Certificates
22. Application for pollution safety certificate
23. Construction and operation of offshore installation
24. Inspection of offshore installations
25. Issue of pollution safety certificate
26. Steps to combat or prevent pollution
Chapter VII : Oil Dispersants
27. Use of oil dispersants
Annexure A : Certificate of Insurance or Other Financial Security in respect of Civil Liability for Oil Pollution Damage
Annexure B : Notice of Detention of *Ship/Tanker
Annexure C : Return of Service
Annexure D : Notice of Release from Detention or Seizure
Annexure E : Pollution Safety Certificate
Chapter VII : Oil Dispersants
27. Use of oil dispersants
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