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Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act, 1986 (Act No. 2 of 1986)ScheduleInternational Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973Protocol of 1978Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973Annexes : RegulationsAnnex I : Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by OilChapter III : Requirements for Minimizing Oil Pollution from Oil Tankers due to Side and Bottom DamagesRegulation 25 : Subdivision and Stability |
(1) | Every new oil tanker shall comply with the subdivision and damage stability criteria as specified in paragraph (3) of this Regulation, after the assumed side or bottom damage as specified in paragraph (2) of this Regulation, for any operating draught reflecting actual partial or full load conditions consistent with trim and strength of the ship as well as specific gravities of the cargo. Such damage shall be applied to all conceivable locations along the length of the ship as follows: |
(a) | in tankers of more than 225 metres in length, anywhere in the ship's length; |
(b) | in tankers of more than 150 metres, but not exceeding 225 metres in length, anywhere in the ship's length except involving either after or forward bulkhead bounding the machinery space located aft. The machinery space shall be treated as a single floodable compartment; |
(c) | in tankers not exceeding 150 metres in length, anywhere in the ship's length between adjacent transverse bulkheads with the exception of the machinery space. For tankers of 100 metres or less in length where all requirements of paragraph (3) of this Regulation cannot be fulfilled without materially impairing the operational qualities of the ship, Administrations may allow relaxations from these requirements. |
Ballast conditions where the tanker is not carrying oil in cargo tanks excluding any oil residues, shall not be considered.
(2) | The following provisions regarding the extent and the character of the assumed damage shall apply: |
(a) |
Side damage |
(i) |
Longitudinal extent: |
1/3 (L 2/3) or 14.5 metres, whichever is less |
(ii) |
Transverse extent: (inboard from the ship's side at right angles to the centreline at the level corresponding to the assigned summer freeboard) |
B/5 or 11.5 metres, whichever is less |
(iii) |
Vertical extent |
From the moulded line of the bottom shell plating at centreline, upwards without limit |
(b) |
Bottom damage |
For 0.3L from the forward perpendicular of the ship |
Any other part of the ship |
(i) |
Longitudinal extent: |
1/3 (L 2/3 or 14.5 metres, whichever is less |
1/3 (L 2/3) or 5 metres, whichever is less |
(ii) |
Transverse extent |
B/6 or 10 metres, whichever is less |
B/6 or 5 metres, whichever is less |
(iii) |
Vertical extent: |
B/15 or 6 metres, whichever is less, measured from the moulded line of the bottom shell plating at centre |
B/15 or 6 metres, whichever is less, measured from the moulded line of the bottom shell plating at centreline |
(c) | if any damage of a lesser extent than the maximum extent of damage specified in subparagraphs (a) and (b) of this paragraph would result in a more severe condition, such damage shall be considered. |
(d) | Where the damage involving transverse bulkheads is envisaged as specified in subparagraphs (1)(a) and (b) of this Regulation, transverse watertight bulkheads shall be spaced at least at a distance equal to the longitudinal extent of assumed damage specified in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph in order to be considered elective. Where transverse bulkheads are spaced at a lesser distance, one or more of these bulkheads within such extent of damage shall be assumed as non-existent for the purpose of determining flooded compartments. |
(e) | Where the damage between adjacent transverse watertight bulkheads is envisaged as specified in subparagraph (1)(c) of this Regulation, no main transverse bulkhead or a transverse bulkhead bounding side tanks or double bottom tanks shall be assumed damaged, unless: |
(i) | the spacing of the adjacent bulkheads is less than the longitudinal extent of assumed damage specified in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph; or |
(ii) | there is a step or a recess in a transverse bulkhead of more than 3.05 metres in length, located within the extent of penetration of assumed damage. The step formed by the after peak bulkhead and after peak tank top shall not be regarded as a step for the purpose of this Regulation. |
(f) | If pipes, ducts or tunnels are situated within the assumed extent of damage, arrangements shall be made so that progressive flooding cannot thereby extend to compartments other than those assumed to be floodable for each case of damage. |
(3) Oil tankers shall be regarded as complying with the damage stability criteria if the following requirements are met:
(a) | The final waterline, taking into account sinkage, heel and trim, shall be below the lower edge of any opening through which progressive flooding may take place. Such openings shall include air pipes and those which are closed by means of weathertight doors or hatch covers and may exclude those openings closed by means of watertight manhole covers and flush scuttles, small watertight cargo tank hatch covers which maintain the high integrity of the deck, remotely operated watertight sliding doors, and side scuttles of the non-opening type. |
(b) | In the final stage of flooding, the angle of heel due to unsymmetrical flooding shall not exceed 25 degrees, provided that this angle may be increased up to 30 degrees if no deck edge immersion occurs. |
(c) | The stability in the final stage of flooding shall be investigated and may be regarded as sufficient if the righting lever curve has at least a range of 20 degrees beyond the position of equilibrium in association with a maximum residual righting lever of at least 0.1 metre within the 20 degrees range; the area under the curve within this range shall not be less than 0,0175 metre radians. Unprotected openings shall not be immersed within this range unless the space concerned is assumed to be flooded. Within this range, the immersion of any of the openings listed in subparagraph (a) of this paragraph and other openings capable of being closed weathertight may be permitted. |
(d) | The Administration shall be satisfied that the stability is sufficient during intermediate stages of flooding. |
(e) | Equalization arrangements requiring mechanical aids such as valves or cross-levelling pipes, if fitted, shall not be considered for the purpose of reducing an angle of heel or attaining the minimum range of residual stability to meet the requirements of subparagraphs (a), (b) and (c) of this paragraph and sufficient residual stability shall be maintained during all stages where equalization is used. Spaces which are linked by ducts of a large cross-sectional area may be considered to be common. |
(4) | The requirements of paragraph (1) of this Regulation shall be confirmed by calculations which take into consideration the design characteristics of the ship, the arrangements, configuration and contents of the damaged compartments; and the distribution, specific gravities and the free surface effect of liquids. The calculations shall be based on the following: |
(a) | Account shall be taken of any empty or partially filled tank, the specific gravity of cargoes carried, as well as any outflow of liquids from damaged compartments. |
(b) | The permeabilities assumed for spaces flooded as a result of damaged shall be as follows: |
Spaces |
Permeability |
Appropriated to stores |
0.60 |
Occupied by accommodation |
0.95 |
Occupied by machinery |
0.85 |
Voids |
0.95 |
Intended for consumable liquids |
0 or 0.951 |
Intended for other liquids |
0 to 0.952 |
(c) | The buoyancy in any superstructure directly above the side damage shall be disregarded. The unflooded parts of superstructures beyond the extent of damage, however, may be taken into consideration provided that they are separated from the damaged space by watertight bulkheads and the requirements of subparagraph (3)(a) of this Regulation in respect of these intact spaces are complied with. Hinged watertight doors may be acceptable in watertight bulkheads in the superstructure. |
(d) | The free surface effect shall be calculated at an angle of heel of 5 degrees for each individual compartment. The Administration may require or allow the free surface corrections to be calculated at an angle of heel greater than 5 degrees for partially filled tanks. |
(e) | In calculating the effect of free surfaces of consumable liquids it shall be assumed that, for each type of liquid at least one transverse pair or a single centreline tank has a free surface and the tank or combination of tanks to be taken into account shall be those where the effect of free surfaces is the greatest. |
(5) | The Master of every new oil tanker and the person in charge of a new non-self-propelled oil tanker to which this Annex applies shall be supplied in an approved form with: |
(a) | information relative to loading and distribution of cargo necessary to ensure compliance with the provisions of this Regulation; and |
(b) | data on the ability of the ship to comply with damage stability criteria as determined by this Regulation, including the effect of relaxations that may have been allowed under subparagraph (1)(c) of this Regulation. |
1 | The permeability of partially filled compartments shall be consistent with the amount of liquid carried in the compartment. Whenever damage penetrates a tank containing liquids, it shall be assumed that the contents are completely lost from that compartment and replaced by salt water up to the level of the final plane of equilibrium. |
2 | The permeability of partially filled compartments shall be consistent with the amount of liquid carried in the compartment. Whenever damage penetrates a tank containing liquids, it shall be assumed that the contents are completely lost from that compartment and replaced by salt water up to the level of the final plane of equilibrium. |