R 385
Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act, 1986 (Act No. 2 of 1986)ScheduleInternational Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973Protocol of 1978Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973Annexes : RegulationsAnnex I : Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by OilChapter IV : Prevention of Pollution Arising from an Oil Pollution IncidentRegulation 26 : Shipboard Oil Pollution Emergency Plans |
(1) | Every oil tanker of 150 tons gross tonnage and above and every ship other than an oil tanker of 400 tons gross tonnage and above shall carry on board a shipboard oil pollution emergency plan approved by the Administration. In the case of ships built before 4 April 1993 this requirement shall apply 24 months after that date. |
(2) | Such a plan shall be in accordance with guidelines1 developed by the Organization and written in the working language of the master and officers. The plan shall consist at least of: |
(a) | The procedure to be followed by the master or other persons having charge of the ship to report an oil pollution incident, as required in Article 8 and Protocol I of the present Convention, based on the guidelines developed by the Organization2; |
(b) | the list of authorities or persons to be contacted in the event of an oil pollution incident; |
(c) | a detailed description of the action to be taken immediately by persons on board to reduce or control the discharge of oil following the incident; and |
(d) | the procedures and point of contact on the ship for co-ordinating shipboard action with national and local authorities in combating the pollution. |
1 | Reference is made to "Guidelines for the development of shipboard oil pollution emergency plans" to be developed by the Organization. |
2 | Reference is made to General Principles for Ship Reporting Systems and Ship Reporting Requirements, including Guidelines for Reporting Incidents Involving Dangerous Goods, Harmful Substances and/or Marine Pollutants adopted by the Organization by resolution A.648(16). |