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Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act, 1986 (Act No. 2 of 1986)ScheduleInternational Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973Protocol of 1978Relating to the International Convention for the Prevention of Pollution from Ships, 1973Annexes : RegulationsAnnex I : Regulations for the Prevention of Pollution by OilChapter I : GeneralRegulation 8 : Duration of Certificate |
(1) | An International Oil Pollution Prevention Certificate shall be issued for a period specified by the Administration, which shall not exceed five years from the date of issue, provided that in the case of an oil tanker operating with dedicated clean ballast tanks for a limited period specified in Regulation 13(9) of this Annex, the period of validity of the Certificate shall not exceed such specified period. |
(2) | A Certificate shall cease to be valid if significant alterations have taken place in the construction, equipment, systems, fittings, arrangements or material required without the sanction of the Administration, except the direct replacement of such equipment or fittings, or if intermediate surveys as specified by the Administration under Regulation 4(1)(c) of this Annex are not carried out. |
(3) | A Certificate issued to a ship shall also cease to be valid upon transfer of the ship to the flag of another State. A new Certificate shall only be issued when the Government issuing the new Certificate is fully satisfied that the ship is in full compliance with the requirements of Regulation 4(4)(a) and (b) of this Annex. In the case of a transfer between Parties, if requested within three months after the transfer has taken place, the Government of the Party whose flag the ship was formerly entitled to fly shall transmit as soon as possible to the Administration a copy of the Certificate carried by the ship before the transfer and, if available, a copy of the relevant survey report. |