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Marine Pollution (Prevention of Pollution from Ships) Act, 1986 (Act No. 2 of 1986)RegulationsReception Facilities for Garbage from Ships Regulations, 19923. Requirement to provide adequate reception facilities |
(1) | The powers exercisable by a harbour authority or terminal operator in respect of any harbour or terminal in the Republic shall include the power to provide or to contract for the provision of reception facilities for garbage from ships using the harbour or terminal. |
(2) | Subject to any direction given by the Director-General: Transport under regulation 4, a harbour authority in respect of its harbour, except any part thereof which is a terminal managed separately by a terminal operator, and a terminal operator (in respect of its terminal) shall ensure that the harbour or terminal has or is provided with adequate facilities for the reception of garbage from ships. |
(3) | A harbour authority or terminal operator shall provide the Director-General: Transport with such information as he may direct in respect of any reception facilities for garbage from ships provided by the harbour authority or by arrangement with the harbour authority at its harbour or its terminal, as the case may be. |