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Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act No. 40 of 2000)1. Definitions |
1) | In this Act, unless the context indicates otherwise- |
means a slaughter facility in respect of which a registration certificate has been issued in terms of section 8(1) and in respect of which a grading has been determined in terms of section 8(2);
means any animal referred to in Schedule 1;
means any by-product obtained from the carcass of an animal other than the meat thereof;
means any person, undertaking, body, institution or association designated under section 4;
means a person contemplated in section 3(1)(a)(ii);
means the Department of Agriculture in the national government;
means the standards contemplated in section 11;
means an abattoir contemplated in section 14(1)(a);
means a permit contemplated in section 13(1)(a);
means those parts of a slaughtered animal which are ordinarily intended for human and animal consumption and which have not undergone any processing other than deboning, cutting up, mincing, cooling or freezing, and includes meat which-
a) | has been treated with a substance that does not substantially alter the original characteristics thereof; and |
b) | assumes its original characteristics after a substance referred to in paragraph (a) has physically been removed therefrom; |
means the member of the Executive Council of the province in question responsible for abattoirs;
means the national Minister responsible for agriculture;
means the officer designated as such in terms of section 2(1);
means an officer as defined in section 1(1) of the Public Service Act, 1994 (Proclamation No. 103 of 1994);
in relation to a slaughter facility, includes the person in control of the slaughter facility;
includes any building, structure, enclosure, land, road, harbour, jetty, quay or mooring;
means prescribed by regulation;
means the officer of the province in question designated as such in terms of section 5(2)(a);
means any regulation made under section 22;
includes an agreement to sell, and any offer, advertisement, exposure, transfer of ownership, conveyance or delivery for sale, exchange or disposal in any manner, whether for any consideration or otherwise, and "sell" has a corresponding meaning;
means any scheme established under section 12;
means the killing of an animal and the performance of the usual accompanying acts in connection therewith in order to obtain meat and animal products therefrom;
means any facility, whether stationary or mobile, at or on which animals are slaughtered or intended to be slaughtered, and includes areas in or adjacent to such facilities where-
a) | carcasses are chilled; |
b) | meat or animal products are handled; |
includes any regulation, essential national standard and scheme;
means unsafe for human and animal consumption by reason of a disease, an abnormal condition, putrefaction, decomposition, contamination or residues, or by reason of exposure to or contact with a disease or putrefied, decomposed or contaminated material;
means a veterinarian as defined in section 1 of the Veterinary and Para-Veterinary Professions Act, 1982 (Act No. 19 of 1982).
2) | The Minister may by notice in the Gazette- |
a) | add any type or category of animal to Schedule 1; |
b) | determine that specific sections of this Act do not apply to certain types or categories of animals mentioned in Schedule 1. |