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Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act No. 40 of 2000)
Notice No. 106 of 2000
1. Definitions
2. National executive officer
3. Delegation and assignment of powers and duties by national executive officer
4. Designation of assignees
5. Assignment of certain functions to provincial executives
6. Suspension of assignment
7. Prohibition of slaughter of animals at places other than abattoirs, and exemptions
8. Approval of slaughter facility
9. Withdrawal or lapsing of registration certificate
10. Instructions with regard to operation of abattoir
11. Essential national standards
12. Meat safety schemes
13. Restriction on importation of meat
14. Restriction on exportation of meat
15. Routine inspections
16. Entry and search of premises
17. Confidentiality
18. Appeals
19. Offences and penalties
20. Forfeiture
21. Presumptions and evidence
22. Regulations
23. Delegation
24. Defects in form
25. Repeal of laws, and savings
26. Short title
1. Animals to which this Act Applies
2. Laws Repealed or Amended
Red Meat Regulations, 2004
Notice No. 1072 of 2004
Part I : General
1. Definitions
2. Application for registration certificate
3. The manner of serving instruction
Part II : Requirements for the Registration of Red Meat Abattoirs [Section 11(1)(A)]
A : Throughput and other requirements for grades
4. Requirements for rural red meat abattoirs
5. Requirements for low throughput red meat abattoirs
6. Requirements for high throughput red meat abattoirs
7. Requirements for high throughput cutting plants producing for the export market
B : Structural requirements
1. Requirements for all abattoirs as well as export approved cutting plants and cold storage units
8. General
9. Premises
10. Cross flow
11. Requirements for interior of building and rooms
12. Requirements for equipment
13. Requirements for toilets and change rooms
14. Sterilizers
15. Hand wash-basins
16. Apron-on wash-cabinets
17. Water supply
18. Containers for inedible, condemned and refuse material
2. Additional requirements for low and high throughput red meat abattoirs
19. Offloading ramps
20. Lairages and holding pens
21. Feeding animals
22. Lairage capacity
23. Lairage passages
24. Crushes or races
25. Stunning, hoisting and bleeding
26. Dressing and evisceration facilities
27. Meat inspection facilities
28. Chillers
29. Dispatch areas
C. Hygiene management practises and related matters
1. Offal handling
30. Red Offal
31. Washing of rough offal
32. Cleaning of rough offal
2. Cutting procedures at cutting plants producing for the export market
33. General
34. Cutting
35. Wrapping
36. Temperature control
37. Sanitation
38. Further processing
3. Chilling and freezing at abattoirs
39. Requirements
40. Temperature capability
41. Loading practises for chillers and freezers
42. Ice
43. Sanitation and vermin control
44. Records
4. Loading of carcasses and meat for transport
45. Loading and transport in general
5. Sanitation
46. Water and equipment
47. Sanitation programmes
48. Chillers and Freezers
Part III : Hygiene Management and Evaluation Systems [Section 11(1)(e)]
49. Hygiene Management System (HMS)
50. Document management system
51. Schematic plan of abattoir
52. Flow diagram of slaughter process
53. Potential hazards
54. Prevention of hazards
55. Hygiene Management Programmes (HMP)
Part IV : Hygiene Requirements for Persons Entering Abattoirs [Section 11(1)(f)]
56. Visitors entering an abattoir
57. Medical records of employees
58. Health checks
59. Protective clothing
60. Injuries
61. Showering and washing of hands
62. Prohibitions
63. Training
Part V : Humane Treatment of Animals and Slaughter Process [Section 11(1)(h)]
64. Requirements for vehicles
65. Vehicle Hygiene
66. Offloading
67. Rest Periods
68. Lairaging
69. Herding
70. Emergency slaughter
71. Isolation
72. Stunning
73. Methods of stunning
74. Bleeding
75. Bleeding times
76. Flaying and evisceration
77. Final washing
78. Quartering
Part VI : Meat Inspections [Section 11(1)(j)]
A. Ante mortem inspection
79. Ante mortem inspections
80. Further inspections and findings
81. Handling of dead animals
82. Quarantine
83. Guidelines
B. Primary meat inspections
84. Provisions for meat inspection personnel
85. General
(1) Cattle
86. Inspection of cattle carcasses
87. Inspection of cattle heads
88. Inspection of feet
89. Inspection of cattle red offal
90. Inspection of cattle rough offal
(2) Sheep and goats
91. Inspection of sheep or goat carcasses
92. Inspection of sheep and goat heads
93. Inspection of feet
94. Inspection of sheep and goat red offal
95. Inspection of sheep and goat rough offal
(3) Pigs
96. Inspection of pig carcasses
97. Inspection of pig head
98. Inspection of pig red offal
99. Inspection of pig rough offal
(4) Horses
100. Inspection of horse carcass
101. Examination of horse head
102. Inspection of feet
103. lnspection of horse red offal
104. Inspection of horse rough offal
(5) Parasitic intermediate stages - additional incisions and treatment
105. Parasitic intermediate stages and treatment
C. Secondary Meat Inspections
106. General
107. Emergency slaughtered animals
108. Records
109. Guidelines
D. General Requirements for Persons doing Meat Inspections
110. Required qualifications for other persons doing meat inspection at red meat abattoirs
111. Registration as registered inspector with provincial executive officer
Part VII : Marks and Marking [Section 11(1)(m)]
112. Specifications for stamps, marks and ink used
113. Roller-marking
114. Wrapping, packing and labelling at export approved cutting plants
115. Security of stamps
116. Use of marking equipment
117. General
Part Vlll : Treatment of Condemned Material [Section 11(1)(r)]
118. Handling of condemned material
119. Disposal of condemned material
120. Requirements for sterilizing plants
121. Unclean area
122. Product
123. Vehicles for condemned material
124. Specimens
Part IX : Export Regulations [Section 14(1)(d)] [Section 22(1)(h)]
125. Exportation of meat
Part X : Import Regulations [Section 22(1)(h)]
126. Importation of meat
Part XI : Slaughter of Animals for own Consumption and for Religious and Cultural Purposes [Section 22(1)(c)] [Section 7(a),(b)]
127. Slaughter of animals, not in an abattoir, for own consumption
128. Slaughter of animals, not in an abattoir, for religious purposes of the Muslim
129. Slaughter of animals, not in an abattoir, for indigenous religious or cultural
130. Ritual slaughter of animals in abattoirs
Part XII : Final Provisions [Section 18(2)]
131. Appeals
132. Short title
Table 1
Table 1 : Tariffs, Rates and Scales for Services Provided by the National Department of Agriculture
Poultry Regulations, 2006
Notice No. R153 of 2006
Part I : General
1. Definitions
2. Application for registration certificate
3. The manner of serving instruction
Part II : Requirements for the Registration of Poultry Abattoirs
A. Throughput and other requirements for grades
4. Requirements for rural poultry abattoirs
5. Requirements for low throughput poultry abattoirs
6. Requirements for high throughput poultry abattoirs
7. Requirements for high throughput cutting plants producing for the export market
B. Structural requirements for abattoirs, cold storage units and export approved cutting plants
8. General
9. Premises
10. Cross flow
11. Requirements for interior of building and rooms
12. Requirements for equipment
13. Requirements for toilets and change room
14. Sterilizers
15. Hand Wash-basins
16. Apron-on wash-cabinets
17. Water supply
18. Containers for inedible, condemned and refuse material
19. Holding and offloading
20. Stunning and bleeding
21. Scalding and defeathering
22. Meat inspection
23. Evisceration
24. Recovery
25. Final wash
26. Primary Carcass chilling
27. Portioning and packing
28. Chilling and freezing
C. Hygiene management practices and related matters
(1) Offal handling
29. Red offal
30. Rough offal
(2) Cutting procedures at cutting plants producing for the export market
31. General
32. Cutting
33. Wrapping
34. Temperature control
35. Sanitation
36. Further processing
(3) Chilling and freezing at abattoirs
37. Requirements
38. Temperature capability
39. Loading practises for chillers and freezers
40. Ice
41. Sanitation and vermin control
42. Records
(4) Loading of carcasses and meat for transport
43. Loading and transport in general
(5) Sanitation
44. Water and equipment
45. Sanitation programmes
46. Chillers and Freezers
Part III : Hygiene Management and Evaluation Systems
47. Hygiene Management Systems (HMS)
48. Document management system
49. Schematic plan of abattoir
50. Flow diagram of slaughter process
51. Potential hazards
52. Prevention of hazards
53. Hygiene Management Programmes (HMP)
Part IV : Hygiene Requirements for Persons entering Abattoirs
54. Persons entering an abattoir
55. Medical records of employees
56. Health checks
57. Protective clothing
58. Injuries
59. Showering and washing of hands
60. Prohibitions
61. Training
Part V : Humane Treatment of Poultry and Slaughter Process
62. Catching and loading
63. Requirements for vehicles and containers
64. Offloading
65. Hanging
66. Stunning
67. Bleeding
68. Scalding and defeathering
69. Removal of heads and feet and pre-evisceration wash
70. Evisceration
71. Chilling
Part VI : Meat Inspections
A. Ante-mortem inspection
72. Health declaration
73. Ante-Mortem Inspection
74. Handling of dead birds
75. Guidelines
B. Meat Inspection
76. General
77. First inspection point
78. Second inspection point
C. Recovery
79. Recovery of detained carcasses
80. Products returned to the abattoir (Returns)
81. Criteria for meat inspection and judgements
82. Guidelines
D. General Requirements for Persons Doing Meat Inspections
83. Required qualifications for other persons doing meat inspection at poultry
84. Registration as registered inspector with provincial executive officer
Part VII : Marks and Marking
85. Specifications for marks
86. Wrapping, packing and labelling
87. Security
88. General
Part Vlll : Treatment of Condemned Material
89. Handling of condemned material
90. Disposal of condemned material
91. Requirements for sterilizing plants
92. Unclean area
93. Product
94. Vehicles for condemned material
95. Specimens
Part IX : Export Regulations
96. Exportation of meat
Part X : Import Regulations
97. Importation of meat
Part XI : Slaughter of Poultry for Own Consumption and for Religious and Cultural Purposes
98. Slaughter of poultry, not in an abattoir, for own consumption
99. Slaughter of poultry, not in an abattoir, for religious purposes of the Muslin faith
100. Slaughter of poultry, not in an abattoir, for indigenous religious or cultural purposes
101. Ritual slaughter of poultry in abattoirs
Part XII : Final Provisions
102. Appeals
103. Penalties
104. Short title and date of commencement
Ostrich Regulations, 2007
Notice No. R.54 of 2007
Part I : General
1. Definitions
2. Application for registration certificate
3. The manner of serving instruction
Part II : Requirements for the Registration of Ostrich Abattoirs
A. Throughput and other requirements for grades
4. Requirements for rural ostrich abattoirs
5. Requirements for low throughput ostrich abattoirs
6. Requirements for high throughput ostrich abattoirs
7. Requirements for high throughput cuffing plants producing for the export market
B. Structural requirements for abattoirs, export approved cutting plants and cold storage units
(1) Structural requirements for all abattoirs
8. General
9. Premises
10. Cross flow
11. Requirements for interior of building and rooms
12. Requirements for equipment
13. Requirements for toilets and change rooms
14. Sterilizers
15. Hand wash-basins
16. Apron-on wash-cabinets
17. Water supply
18. Containers for inedible, condemned and refuse material
(2) Additional requirements for low and high throughput ostrich abattoirs
19. Offloading ramps
20. Lairages and holding pens
21. Feeding birds
22. Lairage capacity
23. Lairage passages
24. Crushes or races
25. Stunning, hoisting and bleeding
26. Defeathering
27. Dressing and evisceration facilities
28. Meat inspection facilities
29. Removal of legs
30. Chillers
31. Dispatch areas
C. Hygiene management practises and related matters
(1) Offal handling
32. Red Offal
33. Washing of rough offal
34. Cleaning of rough offal
(2) Cutting procedures at cutting plants producing for the export market
35. General
36. Cutting
37. Wrapping
38. Temperature control
39. Sanitation
40. Further processing
(3) Chilling and freezing at abattoirs
41. Requirements
42. Temperature capability
43. Loading practises for chillers and freezers
44. Ice
45. Sanitation and vermin control
46. Records
(4) Loading of carcasses and meat for transport
47. Loading and transport in general
(5) Sanitation
48. Water and equipment
49. Sanitation programmes
50. Chillers and Freezers
Part III : Hygiene Management and Evaluation Systems
51. Hygiene Management System (HMS)
52. Document management system
53. Schematic plan of abattoir
54. Flow diagram of slaughter process
55. Potential hazards
56. Prevention of hazards
57. Hygiene Management Programmes (HMP)
Part IV : Hygiene Requirements for Persons Entering Abattoirs
58. Visitors entering an abattoir
59. Medical records of employees
60. Health checks
61. Protective clothing
62. Injuries
63. Showering and washing of hands
64. Prohibitions
65. Training
Part V : Humane Treatment of Ostriches and Slaughter Process
66. Requirements for vehicles
67. Vehicle Hygiene
68. Offloading
69. Rest Periods
70. Lairaging
71. Herding
72. Emergency slaughter
73. Isolation
74. Stunning
75. Methods of stunning
76. Bleeding
77. Bleeding times
78. Defeathering
79. Flaying and evisceration
80. Final washing
81. Removal of legs and neck
Part VI : Meat Inspections
A. Ante mortem inspection
82. Ante mortem inspections
83. Further inspections and findings
84. Handling of dead ostriches
85. Quarantine
86. Guidelines
B. Primary meat inspections
87. Provisions for meat inspection personnel
88. General
89. lnspection of ostrich carcasses
90. Inspection of heads
91. Inspection of feet and wing tips
C. Secondary Meat Inspections
92. General
93. Emergency slaughtered ostriches
94. Records
95. Guidelines
D. General Requirements for Persons doing Meat Inspections
96. Required qualifications for other persons doing meat inspection at ostrich abattoirs
97. Registration as registered inspector with provincial executive officer
Part VII : Marks and Marking
98. Specifications for stamps, marks and ink used
99. Wrapping, packing and labelling
100. Security of stamps
101. Use of marking equipment
102. General
Part Vlll : Treatment of Condemned Material
103. Handling of condemned material
104.Disposal of condemned material
105. Requirements for sterilising plants
106. Unclean area
107. Product
108. Vehicles for condemned material
109. Specimens
Part IX : Export Regulations
110. Exportation of meat
Part X : Import Regulations
111. Importation of meat
Part XI : Slaughter of Ostriches for own Consumption and for Religious and Cultural Purposes
112. Slaughter of ostriches, not in an abattoir, for own consumption
113. Slaughter of ostriches, not in an abattoir, for religious purposes of the Muslim faith
114. Slaughter of ostriches, not in an abattoir, for indigenous religious or cultural purposes
115. Ritual slaughter of ostriches in abattoirs
Part XII : Final Provisions
116. Appeals
117. Penalties
118. Short title
Establishment of the Meat Inspection Scheme
Notice No. 634 of 2017
1. Definitions
2. Name of the Scheme
3. Objectives of the Scheme
4. Scope of Application
5. Duration of the Scheme
6. Legislative Mandate
7. Assignment of Meat Inspection Service Providers
7.1 Criteria for assignment as a meat inspection service provider
7.2 Attributes of an assignee
7.3 Organisation and Management
7.4 Personnel
7.5 Facilities and equipment
7.6 Inspection methods and procedures
7.7 Handling inspection samples and items
7.8 Records
7.9 Complaints and appeals
7.10 Lines of communication
7.11 Reporting
7.12 Assignment process
8. Exemption from Provisions of the Scheme
9. Termination and Suspension of the Assignment by the Minister
10. Responsibilities of Meat Inspection Assignees
11. Responsibilities of the Owner of an Abattoir
12. Responsibilities of the Provincial Executive Officer
13. Responsibilities of the National Executive Officer
14. Relationship between the Meat Inspection Assignee and the PEO
15. Scope of Meat Inspection
16. Roles of Different Meat Inspection Personnel at Abbattoirs
16.1 General
16.2 Red Meat and Farmed Ostriches Abattoirs
16.3 Poultry and Rabbit Abattoirs
16.4 Game Meat and Wild Ostriches Abattoirs
16.5 Crocodile Abattoirs
17. Training of Meat Inspection Personnel
18. Funding Model
19. Meat Inspection Forum
means the national Minister responsible for agriculture.
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