R 385
Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act No. 40 of 2000)NoticesEstablishment of the Meat Inspection Scheme19. Meat Inspection Forum |
A meat inspection forum consisting of government and other stakeholders in the meat inspection service is to be set up to advice the NEO and PEOs on the implementation of meat inspection service in the country.
(a) Composition of the Meat Inspection Forum
(i) | National Executive Officer (Chairperson) |
(ii) | AU Provincial Executive Officers |
(ii) | One representative of the meat inspection assignees |
(iv) | One representative of the red meat industry |
(v) | One representative of the poultry meat industry |
(vi) | One representative of the game meat industry |
(vii) | One representative of the ostrich meat industry |
(viii) | One representative of the crocodile meat industry |
(ix) | One representative of the rabbit meat industry |
The Ml Forum may co-opt any person relevant to the objectives of the scheme to attend and participate in meetings.
(b) Meetings of the Meat Inspection Forum
The NEO (or representative) is the chairperson of the forum and presides over all meetings of the forum. In the absence of the NEO and his/her representative, the members present at a meeting must elect a chairperson for the meeting.
The Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries must provide administrative and secretarial services to the forum.
The forum is to meet at least twice per year. Any member of the forum may request an urgent/extraordinary meeting of the forum if supported by at least 50% of the members of the forum. The chairperson, however, has the power to call an urgent/extraordinary meeting of the forum if the need arises.
In addition to being a forum where feedback is given on the performance of meat inspection in the country, the forum will also advise the NEO/PEOs on:
(i) | Any matter of relevance related to meat inspection service at abattoirs. |
(ii) | Grievances and complaints related to meat inspection services lodged by any party |
(iii) | Conditions of service for meat inspection personnel |
(iv) | Appropriate cost recovery for different sizes, category and species of abattoirs |
Recommendations of the meat inspection forum are not binding on the NEO and PEOs, however, the government must use 1he forum to learn about the developments and best practices in the meat industry.