R 385
Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act No. 40 of 2000)NoticesEstablishment of the Meat Inspection Scheme5. Duration of the Scheme |
The scheme is intended to serve as a tool for the assignment and/or authorization of meat inspection service providers for the provision of a meat inspection service in the country.
The scheme will be in force in perpetuity until the Minister decides otherwise. The Minister may suspend or terminate the scheme on the following grounds:
(a) | If for whatever reason, the continuation of the scheme will negatively impact on the objectives of providing meat safety in the country. |
(b) | If the objectives of the scheme have been achieved and there is no further need for the scheme. |
(c) | If the objectives of the scheme have not been met and therefore a different approach to meeting the desired intentions of the scheme is being implemented. |
(d) | If an alternative method of implementing a meat inspection service is implemented. |
(e) | If government develops a government meat inspection service which provides for meat inspection in all abattoirs and establishments covered under the Meat Safety Act, 2000. |
(f) | If the Minister deems it necessary, after consultation with the MECs responsible for Agriculture and the meat industry. |