R 385
Meat Safety Act, 2000 (Act No. 40 of 2000)NoticesEstablishment of the Meat Inspection Scheme7. Assignment of Meat Inspection Service Providers7.2 Attributes of an assignee |
(a) | General |
Essential National Standards as contained in the Meat Safety Act require that meat inspection services be performed independently from the abattoir. In light of the view that no definition for independence is offered within the relevant legislation, the following criteria are therefore to be used for the purpose of meat inspection service.
(b) | Integrity |
Meat inspection assignees, their personnel or any person deemed to be employed within its structures may not:
(i) | be in the direct employment of an abattoir in any capacity except for meat inspection services; |
(ii) | in relation to an abattoir, be a supplier, client or have any contractual relationship other than a contract for rendering of meat inspection services, and where the NEO and/or PEO deems practicable, may perform meat classification and/or, be a professional advisor but only in a capacity as a Registered Inspector; |
(iii) | have in its shareholding, board of directors, management, administration, technical operations, anyone who is an abattoir owner, is representing an abattoir or is a client or supplier to an abattoir; |
(iv) | receive direct remuneration or any incentive from an abattoir and/or its representatives in terms of services rendered;, unless written permission has been granted by the NEO. |
(v) | Have been convicted of a criminal offence related to theft, fraud, dishonesty or similar offence. |
In terms of the above, assignees may be required to submit declarations in this regard and may also be required to have similar declarations signed by its employees, irrespective of their position or work within the organization, on or prior to them being employed.
(c) | Independence |
Assignees must give clear guidelines on how they will ensure that they or their employees will not be subjected to any situation that may negatively affect meat safety or compromise the objectivity of their employees in the performance of meat inspection services at facilities. These guidelines must include but are not limited to the following:
(i) | steps to be taken to mitigate the potential risk where employees may be subjected to any form of influence or bribes to alter decision making; |
(ii) | steps to be taken to support employees in exercising the authority accorded to them in terms of the Act and the regulations; |
(iii) | methods for reporting, investigating and addressing complaints of untoward actions received from or about its employees; |
(iv) | methods of reporting the above cases to the relevant Provincial Authorities; |
(d) | Confidentiality |
Assignees, in accordance with section 17 of the Act, must ensure confidentiality of information acquired in the course of the inspection service. They must undertake not to divulge any information without written consent of the owner except where such information is required by the NEO or PEO in the administration of the Act.
Assignees must refer all requests for information that they may hold as a result of the performance of an inspection service in terms of the Act and the Regulations, to the NEO or the PEO to be dealt with in accordance with the Promotion of Access to Information Act, 2000 (Act No. 2 of 2000).