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Medical Schemes Act, 1998 (Act No. 131 of 1998)RegulationsRegulations in terms of the Medical Schemes ActChapter 6 : Administrators of medical schemes17A. Suspension or withdrawal of accreditation |
1) | The Council may, subject to subregulation (2), at any time suspend or withdraw any accreditation granted in terms of regulation 17 if the Council is satisfied on the basis of available information, that the relevant administrator – |
a) | no longer meets the criteria contemplated in regulation 17(2)(f); |
b) | did not, when applying for accreditation, make a full disclosure of all relevant information to the Council, or furnished false or misleading information; |
c) | has, since the granting of such accreditation provided direct or indirect compensation to a broker resulting in a contravention of regulation 28(6)(b) ; |
d) | has, since the granting of such accreditation, contravened or failed to comply with any provision of this Act; |
e) | has, since the granting of such accreditation, conducted his or her business in a manner that is seriously prejudicial to clients or the public interest; |
f) | is financially unsound; or |
g) | is disqualified from providing administration services in terms of any law. |
2) |
a) | Before suspending or withdrawing any accreditation, the Council must inform the administrator concerned of – |
i) | the intention to suspend or withdraw the accreditation and the grounds therefor; |
ii) | in the case of suspension, the intended period therefor; and |
iii) | any terms attached to the suspension or withdrawal, including such measures as the Council may determine for the protection of the interests of the clients of the administrator, and must give the administrator a reasonable opportunity to make a submission in response thereto. |
b) | The Council must consider any such response, and may thereafter decide to withdraw or suspend or not to withdraw or suspend the accreditation, and must notify the administrator of the decision. |
c) | Where the accreditation is suspended or withdrawn, the Council must make known the terms of the suspension or withdrawal or subsequent lifting thereof, by means of any appropriate public media announcement. |
3) | During the period that the accreditation of an administrator has been suspended, such person may not apply for renewal of the accreditation or reapply for accreditation. |
4) | On withdrawal of the accreditation of a person as an administrator, the Council may determine a reasonable period within which such person may not reapply for accreditation as an administrator, taking into account the nature of the circumstances giving rise to such withdrawal. |