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Mental Health Care Act, 2002 (Act No. 17 of 2002)RegulationsGeneral RegulationsChapter 4 : Transfer and Discharge20. Transfer of involuntary mental health care user from inpatient basis to outpatient basis and vice versa |
(1) | Where required in terms of sections 8(3) or 34(4), 34(5) or 34(6) of the Act, a mental health care user may be transferred from inpatient to outpatient care and vice versa, using Form MHCA 12 of the Annexure. |
[Regulation 20(1) substituted by Notice No. R. 874, GG 38182, dated 6 November 2014]
(2) | Arrangements for a transfer referred to in subregulation (1) must be made between the head of the psychiatric hospital concerned and the head of a health establishment where the involuntary outpatient mental health care user is being reviewed. |
(3) | Where such a transfer has taken place, notice of such transfer must be given within two weeks thereafter by the head of the health establishment concerned to the Review Board concerned for their consideration in terms of section 34(7) of the Act. |