R 385
Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act No. 57 of 1951)Chapter X : General356bis. Conventions in Schedules to have force of law |
(1) | The provisions of the Safety Convention shall, subject to the provisions of this Act, have the force of law in the Republic. |
[Section 356bis(1) substituted by section 28(a) of Act No. 57 of 1998]
(1A) | The Maritime Labour Convention and the Work in Fishing Convention shall, subject to the provisions of this Act and from the date on which the Merchant Shipping Amendment Act, 2015, takes effect, have the force of law in the Republic. |
[Section 356bis(1A) inserted by section 28(a) of Act No. 12 of 2015]
(2) | The Minister shall, as soon as practicable after the entry into force for the Republic of any amendment to the Safety Convention, Maritime Labour Convention or Work in Fishing Convention by notice in the Gazette amend the Second, Seventh or Eighth Schedule, as the case may be, to reflect such amendment. |
[Section 356bis(2) substituted by section 28(b) of Act No. 12 of 2015]
(3) | In interpreting the Safety Convention— |
(a) | references to the Administration shall, in relation to ships of South African nationality, be construed as a reference to the Authority or any officer or organization acting on his authority; and |
(b) | the English text shall prevail in the event of conflict between the English and Afrikaans texts. |
[Section 356bis substituted by section 28(b)of Act No. 57 of 1998]