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Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act No. 57 of 1951)
1. Repeal and amendment of laws
2. Definitions and interpretation of certain references
3. Application of Act
Chapter I : Administration
4. Powers of Authority
5. Authority to be responsible for administration of Act
6. National Marine Advisory Council, National Advisory Council for the welfare of merchant seafarers, port welfare committees and ad hoc advisory committees
7. Survey of ship to ascertain whether she complies with the Act
8. Duty of proper officer to ensure compliance with the Act
9. Powers of officers and courts
Chapter II : Recording, Registering and Licensing of Ships
10. Notification of building of vessels
11. [Repealed]
12. [Repealed]
13. [Repealed]
14. [Repealed]
15. [Repealed]
16. [Repealed]
17. Tonnage once ascertained to be the tonnage of ship
18. Tonnage of ships of other countries
19. [Repealed]
20. [Repealed]
21. [Repealed]
22. [Repealed]
23. [Repealed]
24. [Repealed]
25. [Repealed]
26. [Repealed]
27. [Repealed]
28. [Repealed]
29. [Repealed]
30. [Repealed]
31. [Repealed]
32. [Repealed]
33. [Repealed]
34. [Repealed]
35. [Repealed]
36. [Repealed]
37. [Repealed]
38. [Repealed]
39. [Repealed]
40. [Repealed]
41. [Repealed]
42. [Repealed]
43. [Repealed]
44. [Repealed]
45. [Repealed]
46. [Repealed]
47. [Repealed]
48. [Repealed]
49. [Repealed]
50. [Repealed]
51. [Repealed]
52. [Repealed]
53. [Repealed]
54. [Repealed]
55. [Repealed]
56. [Repealed]
57. [Repealed]
58. [Repealed]
59. [Repealed]
60. [Repealed]
61. [Repealed]
62. [Repealed]
63. [Repealed]
64. [Repealed]
65. [Repealed]
66. [Repealed]
67. [Repealed]
68. Certain vessels to be licensed
69. Renewal of licences
70. Issue and duration of licences
71. Cancellation of licences
72. Unlicensed vessels not to be used
72A. Prohibition of use of vessels of less than three metres in length
Chapter III : Certificates of Competency, Service and Qualification
73. What certificated officers and other persons to be employed on certain ships
74. When ship's officers and other persons deemed to be duly certificated
75. [Repealed]
76. [Repealed]
77. Examinations for certificates of competency and qualification
78. Granting of certificates of competency and qualification after examination
79. [Repealed]
80. [Repealed]
81. Form and record of certificates of competency, service and qualification
82. Loss of certificates of competency, service and qualification
83. Certificates granted by competent foreign authorities
84. Certificates granted in Republic prior to commencement of Act
85. Authority may vary requirement as to certificates
86. Production to proper officer of certificates
87. Holder of certificate incapacitated by ill-health
88. Cancellation and suspension of certificates
89. Appeals against cancellation or suspension of certificate
Chapter IV : Engagement, Discharge, Repatriation, Payment, Discipline and General Treatment of Seafarers and Cadets
90. Cadets
91. Excessive number of cadets not to be employed
92. Medical examination of cadets and apprentice-officers
93. [Repealed]
94. [Repealed]
95. [Repealed]
96. [Repealed]
97. [Repealed]
98. [Repealed]
99. [Repealed]
100. [Repealed]
101. Medical examination of crew prior to engagement
102. Agreements with crew
103. Special provisions as to agreements with crew of foreign-going ships
104. Changes in crew to be reported
105. Certificates as to agreements with crew of foreign-going ships
106. Special provisions as to agreements with crew of coasting ships, and fishing, sealing or shore-based whaling boats
107. Certificate as to agreements with crew of coasting ships, and fishing, sealing or shore-based whaling boats
108. Alterations in agreements with crew
109. Copy of agreement to be displayed
110. Employment of children on ships prohibited
111. Employment of young persons
111A. Entitlement to leave
112. [Repealed]
113. Discharge of seafarers
114. Repatriation of seafarers whose service terminates elsewhere than at proper return port
115. Entries and certificates of desertion outside the Republic
116. Discharge of seafarer on change of ownership
117. Discharge and leaving of seafarers behind
118. Leaving seafarers behind
119. Wages and other property of seafarer left behind
120. Payment of wages on discharge of a seafarer of a South African ship
121. Master to deliver account of wages
122. Time of payment of wages for foreign-going ships
123. Time of payment for coasting ships, and fishing, sealing and shore-based whaling boats
124. Settlement of wages
125. Decision by proper officer on question as to wages
126. Payment of seafarers in currency other than that mentioned in agreement
127. Disrating of seafarer
128. Master to give facilities to seafarers for remitting wages
129. Advance of more than one month's wages prohibited
130. Allotment notes
131. Right of suing on allotment notes
132. Time of payment of an allotment note
133. Rights to wages and provisions and when such are to commence
134. Agreement to forfeit lien for wages is void
135. Restrictions on assignment of wages and salvage
136. Proceedings for wages
137. Wages not recoverable abroad except in certain cases
138. Wages not to depend on freight
139. Wages not claimable by seafarer who fails to exert himself to save ship
140. Wages on termination of services by illness or injury of seafarer or wreck or loss of ship
141. Wages not to accrue during refusal to work or imprisonment or illness caused by own default or drunkenness
142. Compensation to a seafarer improperly discharged
143. Remedies of master for recovery of wages, disbursements, etc
144. Unreasonable delay in paying master's wages
145. Power of court to rescind contract between owner or master and seafarer
146. Master to take care and make record of property of seafarer who dies
147. Delivery to proper officer of property of seafarer who dies
148. Account to be rendered of property of seafarer who dies
149. Property of deceased seafarer left abroad but not on board ship
150. Sale of property of deceased seafarer
151. Property of deceased seafarer may be recovered as wages
152. Disposal of pproperty of deceased seafarer
153. Recovery of wages of seafarer lost with his ship
154. Relief and maintenance of distressed seafarer
155. Receiving distressed seafarer on ships
156. Provisions of seafarer
157. Measuring instruments on board
158. Refrigerating chamber
158A. Provision of complaints procedure on board ship
159. [Repealed]
160. Bedding and other articles for seafarers
161. Crew accommodation
162. Complaints as to provisions or water or accommodation
163. Powers of inspection of provisions, water and accommodation
164. Inspection of provisions, water and accommodation at sea
165. Compensation if short or bad provisions furnished
166. Provision of board and lodging elsewhere than on board ship
167. Medicines to be provided and kept on board certain ships
168. Inspection of medicines and medical appliances
169. Expenses of medical attendance in cases of injury or illness
170. Recovery of expenses from owner
171. Facilities for making complaints
172. Seafarers’ property not to be detained
173. Soliciting seafarers
174. Misconduct by seafarers endangering ship or life and general offences against discipline
175. Desertion
176. Absence without leave
177. Notice to proper officer of absence of seafarer at time of sailing
178. Unseaworthiness of ship a good defence to charge of desertion, etc
179. Deserter's certificates of discharge may be withheld
180. Deserter's from foreign ships
181. Entry of offences in official log
182. Official log-books to be kept
183. Entries in official log-books
184. Unlawful entries or alterations in official log-books
185. Delivery of official log-books to proper officer
186. Transmission of official log-books to proper officer
187. Documents to be handed over to successor on change of master
188. List of crew
189. Returns of births and deaths
Chapter V : Safety of Ships and Life at Sea
Part I : Construction of ships, provision of life-saving appliances and installation of radio
190. Initial and subsequent surveys of vessels in respect of safety provisions
191. Surveyor's report on inspection under safety regulations
192. Issue of safety convention certificates in respect of passenger ships
193. Issue of safety convention certificates in respect of ships other than passenger ships
194. Issue of local safety certificates
195. Form of safety certificate
196. Modification of safety convention certificates as respects life-saving appliances
197. Duration of safety certificates
198. Cancellation of safety convention certificates and local safety certificates
199. Surrender of expired or cancelled safety convention certificate or local safety certificate
200. South African ships not to be taken to sea without safety certificates
201. Carrying persons in excess
202. Issue of safety convention certificate by one Government at request of another
203. Application of this Part to ships not registered or licensed in the Republic while in the Republic
Part II : Load lines
204. Exemption from this Part and issue of load line exemption certificates
205. Initial and subsequent surveys of ships in respect of load line provisions
206. Surveyor's inspection report on load line ship
207. Issue of load line certificates other than load line exemption certificates
208. Entry of load line particulars in official log-book
209. Duration of load line certificates
210. Cancellation of load line certificates
211. Surrender of expired or cancelled load line certificate
212. South African ships not to be taken to sea without load line certificates
213. Maintenance of load line and deck lines
214. Submersion of load line on South African ships
215. Issue of international load line certificate by one government at request of another
216. Inspection and control of load line convention ships not registered in the Republic
217. Issue of load line certificates in respect of ships not registered in the Republic
218. Recognition of certificates as to load lines issued in other countries
219. Load line ships not registered in the Republic not to be taken to sea without load line certificates
220. Submersion of load line on ships not registered in the Republic
Part III : Safety of navigation
221. Ship's complement
222. Employment of radio officers and operators
223. Surveyor may direct that defects be made good
224. Display of safety convention certificate, local safety certificate or load line certificate
225. Printed notices and diagrams as to location of lifeboats, etc
226. Information about stability of ship
227. Production of certificates to officers of customs
228. Compasses to be adjusted
229. Signalling lamps
230. [Repealed]
231. Registration of private code or signals
232. Signals of distress
233. Boat and fire drills and inspection of life-saving appliances
234. [Repealed]
235. Dangerous goods not to be carried
236. Carriage of grain
237. Carriage of timber deck cargo
238. Marking of heavy packages or objects
239. Report of alteration or damage affecting seaworthiness, efficiency or compliance with regulations
240. Unseaworthy ships not permitted to leave port
241. Obligation to secure seaworthiness of ship
242. Sending unseaworthy ship to sea in special circumstances
243. Unseaworthy ships to be detained
244. Ships may be inspected
245. Complaint as to seaworthiness to be in writing
246. Complainant as to unseaworthiness may be required to give security
247. Complainant to pay costs if not successful
248. Expenses to be paid by owner if complaint founded
249. Reports of dangers to navigation
250. Careful navigation near ice
251. Safety certificates and memoranda issued before commencement of this Act
252. Period of grace for compliance with certain provisions
253. Provisions of this chapter not to be applied to ships not registered in the Republic driven into Republic ports by stress of weather
254. Admissibility in evidence of safety and load line certificates and surveyors' reports
Part IV : Collisions, accidents at sea, and limitation of liability
255. Division of loss in case of collision
256. Damages for personal injury
257. Right of contribution
258. [Repealed]
259. Report to proper officer of accidents to and on board ships
260. Notice to Authority of loss of ship
261. When owner not liable for whole damage
262. Tonnage how calculated
263. Application of this Part to persons other than the owners
Chapter VI : Special Shipping Enquiries and Courts of Enquiry and Courts of Survey
264. Preliminary enquiry into shipping casualties
265. Report to Authority by person who has held preliminary enquiry
266. Convening of court of marine enquiry in the Republic
267. Constitution of court of marine enquiry
268. How decisions of court of marine enquiry are reached and announced
269. Powers of court of marine enquiry in respect of master or member of crew
270. Convening of maritime courts outside the Republic
271. Constitution of maritime courts
272. How decisions of maritime courts are reached and announced
273. Powers of maritime courts
274. Appeal from surveyor to court of survey
275. Convening of court of survey
276. Constitution of court of survey
277. How decisions of courts of survey are reached and announced
278. Powers of court of survey
279. Interested persons not to serve on courts of marine enquiry, maritime courts or courts of survey
280. Procedure at court of marine enquiry or maritime court or court of survey
281. Court of survey may cause ship to be surveyed
282. Reference in difficult cases to scientific persons
283. Opportunity of making a defence
284. Court may require delivery of certificate during course of investigation
285. Witnesses to be allowed expenses
286. Transmission to Authority of record and decision of court of marine enquiry, maritime court, or court of survey
287. Effect of cancellation or suspension of certificate or prohibition of employment
288. Delivery of Republic certificate which has been cancelled or suspended
289. Certificate not to be endorsed
290. Powers of Minister in respect of cancelled or suspended certificates
291. Rehearing
292. Appeals against decisions of courts of maritime enquiry and maritime courts
Chapter VII : Wrecks and Salvage
293. [Repealed]
294. [Repealed]
295. [Repealed]
296. [Repealed]
297. [Repealed]
298. [Repealed]
299. [Repealed]
300. [Repealed]
301. [Repealed]
302. [Repealed]
303. [Repealed]
304. [Repealed]
305. [Repealed]
306. [Repealed]
Chapter VIII : Carriage of Goods by Sea
307. [Repealed]
308. [Repealed]
309. [Repealed]
310. [Repealed]
311. [Repealed]
Chapter IX : Offences, Penal Provisions and Legal Procedure
312. Offences not expressly mentioned
313. Penalties for offences
314. Bribery
315. Forgery and other fraudulent acts
316. Obstructing administration of Act
317. Stowaways
318. Ships not to be boarded without authority
319. Offences in connection with passenger ships
320. Obstruction of navigation of ship
321. Conveyance of deserter on board ship
322. Imprisoned seafarers may be sent back on board
323. Deduction from wages and payment to proper officers etc of fines
324. Authority may impose penalty upon admission of guilt
325. Release from forfeiture or mitigation of penalties
326. Appropriation of wages to satisfy award of compensation in offences against discipline
327. Jurisdiction in respect of offences committed outside the Republic
328. Jurisdiction of magistrates' courts to impose punishment
329. [Repealed]
330. [Repealed]
331. [Repealed]
332. [Repealed]
333. Inquiry into cause of death on board ship
334. Forfeiture of ships, shares in ships and goods
335. Method of detaining a vessel or a share in a ship or goods
336. Procedure in forfeiture of a ship, a share in a ship or goods
337. Seizure of a ship, a share in a ship or goods detained or liable to forfeiture
338. No clearance to be granted to detained ship
339. Detention of foreign ship that has occasioned damage
340. Notice to be given to consular representative of proceedings taken in respect of foreign ships
341. Conveyance of accused persons and witnesses to the Republic
342. Service of documents
343. [Repealed]
343bis. Indemnification of State and Authority and certain persons in the employ of State and Authority
343ter. Exemption from liability
344. Prescription
345. Payment of allowances to persons appointed to make preliminary enquiries into shipping casualties, to members of courts of marine enquiry, maritime courts or courts of survey and assessors
346. Presumption of knowledge
347. Presumption in case of collision
348. Mode of making declaration
349. Power to dispense with declarations and other evidence
350. Admissibility of documents in evidence
351. Evidence as to agreement with crew
352. Acts done by courts and functionaries of the Republic in relation to treaty ships other than South African ships
353. Acts done by courts and functionaries of other treaty countries in relation to South African ships
Chapter X : General
354. [Repealed]
355. Application of certain labour laws to seafarers
355A. Appointment of safety officers, safety appointees and safety committees and election of safety representatives
356. Regulations
356bis. Conventions in Schedules to have force of law
356ter.* [Repealed]
356quat.** [Repealed]
357. Exemption from stamp duty
358. Short title and commencement
First Schedule
Second Schedule
Article I : General obligations under the Convention
Article II : Application
Article III : Laws, regulations
Article IV : Cases of force majeure
Article V : Carriage of persons in emergency
Article VI : Prior treaties and conventions
Article VII : Special rules drawn up by agreement
Article VIII : Amendments
Article IX : Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval and accession
Article X : Entry into force
Article XI : Denunciation
Article XII : Deposit and registration
Article XIII : Languages
Protocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
Article I : General Obligations
Article II : Application
Article III : Communication of information
Article IV : Signature, ratification, acceptance, approval and accession
Article V : Entry into force
Article VI : Denunciation
Article VII : Depositary
Article VIII : Languages
Chapter I — General Provisions
Part A — Application, Definitions, etc.
Regulation 1 : Application
Regulation 2 : Definitions
Regulation 3 : Exceptions
Regulation 4 : Exemptions
Regulation 5 : Equivalents
Part B — Surveys and Certificates
Regulation 6 : Inspection and survey
Regulation 7 : Surveys of passenger ships
Regulation 8 : Surveys of lifesaving appliances and other equipment of cargo ships
Regulation 9 : Surveys of radio and radar installations of cargo ships
Regulation 10 : Surveys of hull, machinery and equipment of cargo ships
Regulation 11 : Maintenance of conditions after survey
Regulation 12 : Issue of certificates
Regulation 13 : Issue of certificate by another Government
Regulation 14 : Duration and validity of certificates
Regulation 15 : Form of certificates
Regulation 16 : Posting up of certificates
Regulation 17 : Acceptance of certificates
Regulation 18 : Qualification of certificates
Regulation 19 : Control
Regulation 20 : Privileges
Part C — Casualties
Regulation 21 : Casualties
Chapter II–1 : Construction — Subdivision and Stability, Machinery and Electrical Installations
Part A — General
Regulation 1 : Application
Regulation 2 : Definitions
Part B — Subdivision and Stability
Regulation 3 : Floodable length
Regulation 4 : Permeability
Regulation 5 : Permissible length of compartments
Regulation 6 : Special rules concerning subdivision
Regulation 7 : Stability of ships in damaged condition
Regulation 8 : Ballasting
Regulation 9 : Peak and machinery space bulkheads, shaft tunnels, etc.
Regulation 10 : Double bottoms
Regulation 11 : Assigning, marking and recording of subdivision load lines
Regulation 12 : Construction and initial testing of watertight bulkheads, etc.
Regulation 13 : Openings in watertight bulkheads
Regulation 14 : Openings in the shell plating below the margin line
Regulation 15 : Construction and initial tests of watertight doors, sidescuttles, etc.
Regulation 16 : Construction and initial tests of watertight decks, trunks, etc.
Regulation 17 : Watertight integrity above the margin line
Regulation 18 : Bilge pumping arrangements in passenger ships
Regulation 19 : Stability information for passenger ships and cargo ships
Regulation 20 : Damage control plans
Regulation 21 : Marking, periodical operation and inspection of watertight doors, etc.
Regulation 22 : Entries in log
Part C — Machinery and Electrical Installations
Regulation 23 : General
Regulation 24 : Main source of electrical power in passenger ships
Regulation 25 : Emergency source of electrical power in passenger ships
Regulation 26 : Emergency source of electrical power in cargo ships
Regulation 27 : Precautions against shock, fire and other hazards of electrical origin
Regulation 28 : Means of going astern
Regulation 29 : Steering gear
Regulation 30 : Electric and electrohydraulic steering gear
Regulation 31 : Location of emergency installations in passenger ships
Regulation 32 : Communication between bridge and engine room
Chapter II-2 : Construction—Fire Protection, Fire Detection and Fire Extinction
Part A — General
Regulation 1 : Application
Regulation 2 : Basic principles
Regulation 3 : Definitions
Regulation 4 : Fire control plans
Regulation 5 : Fire pumps, fire mains, hydrants and hoses
Regulation 6 : Miscellaneous items
Regulation 7 : Fire extinguishers
Regulation 8 : Fixed gas fire-extinguishing systems
Regulation 9 : Fixed froth fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces
Regulation 10 : Fixed high expansion froth fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces
Regulation 11 : Fixed pressure water-spraying fire-extinguishing systems in machinery spaces
Regulation 12 : Automatic sprinkler and fire alarm and fire detection systems
Regulation 13 : Automatic fire alarm and fire detection systems
Regulation 14 : Fireman’s outfit
Regulation 15 : Ready availability of fire-extinguishing appliances
Regulation 16 : Acceptance of substitutes
Part B — Fire Safety Measures for Passenger Ships Carrying More than 36 Passengers
Regulation 17 : Structure
Regulation 18 : Main vertical zones and horizontal zones
Regulation 19 : Bulkheads within a main vertical zone
Regulation 20 : Fire integrity of bulkheads and decks
Regulation 21 : Means of escape
Regulation 22 : Protection of stairways and lifts in accommodation and service spaces
Regulation 23 : Openings in “A” Class divisions
Regulation 24 : Openings in “B” Class divisions
Regulation 25 : Ventilation systems
Regulation 26 : Windows and sidescuttles
Regulation 27 : Restriction of combustible materials
Regulation 28 : Miscellaneous items
Regulation 29 : Automatic sprinkler and fire alarm and fire detection systems or automatic fire alarm and fire detection systems
Regulation 30 : Protection of special category spaces
Regulation 31 : Protection of cargo spaces other than special category spaces intended for the carriage of motor vehicles with fuel in their tanks for their own propulsion
Regulation 32 : Maintenance of fire patrols, etc., and provision for fire-extinguishing equipment
Regulation 33 : Arrangements for oil fuel, lubricating oil and other inflammable oils
Regulation 34 : Special arrangements in machinery spaces
Part C — Fire Safety Measures for Passenger Ships Carrying not more than 36 Passengers
Regulation 35 : Structure
Regulation 36 : Main vertical zones
Regulation 37 : Openings in “A” Class divisions
Regulation 38 : Fire integrity of “A” Class divisions
Regulation 39 : Separation of accommodation spaces from machinery, cargo and service spaces
Regulation 40 : Protection of accommodation and service spaces
Regulation 41 : Deck coverings
Regulation 42 : Protection of stairways and lifts in accommodation and service spaces
Regulation 43 : Protection of control stations and store-rooms
Regulation 44 : Windows and sidescuttles
Regulation 45 : Ventilation systems
Regulation 46 : Details of construction
Regulation 47 : Fire detection systems and fire-extinguishing equipment
Regulation 48 : Means of escape
Regulation 49 : Oil fuel used for internal combustion engines
Regulation 50 : Special arrangements in machinery spaces
Part D — Fire Safety Measures for Cargo Ships
Regulation 51 : General requirements for cargo ships of 4 000 tons gross tonnage and upwards other than tankers covered by Part E of this Chapter
Regulation 52 : Fire-extinguishing systems and equipment
Regulation 53 : Means of escape
Regulation 54 : Special arrangements in machinery spaces
Part E — Fire Safety Measures for Tankers
Regulation 55 : Application
Regulation 56 : Location and separation of spaces
Regulation 57 : Construction
Regulation 58 : Ventilation
Regulation 59 : Means of escape
Regulation 60 : Cargo tank protection
Regulation 61 : Fixed deck froth system
Regulation 62 : Inert gas system
Regulation 63 : Cargo pump room
Regulation 64 : Hose nozzles
Part F — Special Fire Safety Measures for Existing Passenger Ships
Regulation 65 : Application
Regulation 66 : Structure
Regulation 67 : Main vertical zones
Regulation 68 : Openings in main vertical zone bulkheads
Regulation 69 : Separation of accommodation spaces from machinery, cargo and service spaces
Regulation 70 : Application relative to Methods I, II and III
Regulation 71 : Protection of vertical stairways
Regulation 72 : Protection of lifts (passenger and service), vertical trunks for light and air, etc.
Regulation 73 : Protection of control stations
Regulation 74 : Protection of storerooms, etc.
Regulation 75 : Windows and sidescuttles
Regulation 76 : Ventilation systems
Regulation 77 : Miscellaneous items
Regulation 78 : Cinematograph film
Regulation 79 : Plans
Regulation 80 : Pumps, fire main systems, hydrants and hoses
Regulation 81 : Fire detection and extinction requirements-General
Regulation 82 : Ready availability of fire-fighting appliances
Regulation 83 : Means of escape
Regulation 84 : Emergency source of electrical power
Regulation 85 : Practice musters and drills
Chapter III : Live-Saving Appliances, etc.
Regulation 1 : Application
Part A — General
Regulation 2 : Definitions
Regulation 3 : Exemptions
Regulation 4 : Ready availability of lifeboats, liferafts and buoyant apparatus
Regulation 5 : Construction of lifeboats
Regulation 6 : Cubic capacity of lifeboats
Regulation 7 : Carrying capacity of lifeboats
Regulation 8 : Number of motor lifeboats to be carried
Regulation 9 : Specification of motor lifeboats
Regulation 10 : Specification of mechanically propelled lifeboats other than motor lifeboats
Regulation 11 : Equipment of lifeboats
Regulation 12 : Security of lifeboat equipment
Regulation 13 : Portable radio apparatus for survival craft
Regulation 14 : Radio apparatus and searchlights in motor lifeboats
Regulation 15 : Requirements for inflatable liferafts
Regulation 16 : Requirements for rigid liferafts
Regulation 17 : Equipment of inflatable and rigid liferafts
Regulation 18 : Training in the use of liferafts
Regulation 19 : Embarkation into lifeboats and liferafts
Regulation 20 : Marking of lifeboats, liferafts and buoyant apparatus
Regulation 21 : Specification of a lifebuoy
Regulation 22 : Life-jackets
Regulation 23 : Line-throwing appliances
Regulation 24 : Ships’ distress signals
Regulation 25 : Muster list and emergency procedure
Regulation 26 : Practice musters and drills
Part B — Passenger Ships Only
Regulation 27 : Lifeboats, liferafts and buoyant apparatus
Regulation 28 : Table relating to davits and lifeboat capacity for ships on short international voyages
Regulation 29 : Stowage and handling of lifeboats, liferafts and buoyant apparatus
Regulation 30 : Lighting for decks, lifeboats, liferafts, etc.
Regulation 31 : Manning of lifeboats and liferafts
Regulation 32 : Certificated lifeboatmen
Regulation 33 : Buoyant apparatus
Regulation 34 : Number of lifebuoys to be provided
Part C — Cargo Ships Only
Regulation 35 : Number and capacity of lifeboats and liferafts
Regulation 36 : Davits and launching arrangements
Regulation 37 : Number of lifebuoys to be provided
Regulation 38 : Emergency lighting
Chapter IV : Radiotelegraphy and Radiotelephony
Part A — Application and Definitions
Regulation 1 : Application
Regulation 2 : Terms and definitions
Regulation 3 : Radiotelegraph station
Regulation 4 : Radiotelephone station
Regulation 5 : Exemptions from Regulations 3 and 4
Part B — Watches
Regulation 6 : Watches — Radiotelegraph
Regulation 7 : Watches — Radiotelephone
Regulation 8 : Watches — VHF radiotelephone
Part C — Technical Requirements
Regulation 9 : Radiotelegraph stations
Regulation 10 : Radiotelegraph installations
Regulation 11 : Radiotelegraph auto alarms
Regulation 12 : Direction-finders
Regulation 13 : Radiotelegraph installation for fitting in motor lifeboats
Regulation 14 : Portable radio apparatus for survival craft
Regulation 15 : Radiotelephone stations
Regulation 16 : Radiotelephone installations
Regulation 17 : VHF radiotelephone stations
Regulation 18 : Radiotelephone auto alarms
Part D — Radio Logs
Regulation 19 : Radio Logs
Chapter V : Safety Navigation
Regulation 1 : Application
Regulation 2 : Danger messages
Regulation 3 : Information required in danger messages
Regulation 4 : Meteorological services
Regulation 5 : Ice patrol service
Regulation 6 : Ice patrol, management and cost
Regulation 7 : Speed near ice
Regulation 8 : Routing
Regulation 9 : Misuse of distress signals
Regulation 10 : Distress messages — Obligations and procedures
Regulation 11 : Signalling lamps
Regulation 12 : Shipborne navigational equipment
Regulation 13 : Manning
Regulation 14 : Aids to navigation
Regulation 15 : Search and rescue
Regulation 16 : Life-saving signals
Regulation 17 : Pilot ladders and mechanical pilot hoists
Regulation 18 : VHF radiotelephone stations
Regulation 19 : Use of the automatic pilot
Regulation 19-1 : Operation of steering gear
Regulation 19-2 : Steering gear—testing and drills
Regulation 19-3 : Long-range identification and tracking of ships
Regulation 20 : Nautical publications
Regulation 21 : International code of signals
Chapter VI : Carriage of Grain
Part A — General Provisions
Regulation 1 : Application
Regulation 2 : Definitions
Regulation 3 : Trimming of grain
Regulation 4 : Intact stability requirements
Regulation 5 : Longitudinal divisions and saucers
Regulation 6 : Securing
Regulation 7 : Feeders and trunks
Regulation 8 : Combination arrangements
Regulation 9 : Application of Parts B and C
Regulation 10 : Authorization
Regulation 11 : Grain loading information
Regulation 12 : Equivalents
Regulation 13 : Exemptions for certain voyages
Part B — Calculation of Assumed Heeling Moments
Section I — Description of the Assumed Voids and Method of Calculating Intact Stability
Section II — Assumed Volumetric Heeling Moment of a Filled Compartment
Section III — Assumed Volumetric Heeling Moment of Feeders and Trunks
Section IV — Assumed Volumetric Heeling Moment of Partly Filled Compartments
Section V — Alternative Loading Arrangements for Existing Ships
Part C — Grain Fittings and Securing
Section I — Strength of Grain Fittings
Section II — Securing of Partly Filled Compartments
Chapter VII : Carriage Of Dangerous Goods
Regulation 1 : Application
Regulation 2 : Classification
Regulation 3 : Packing
Regulation 4 : Marking and labelling
Regulation 5 : Documents
Regulation 6 : Stowage requirements
Regulation 7 : Explosives in passenger ships
Chapter VIII : Nuclear Ships
Regulation 1 : Application
Regulation 2 : Application of other Chapters
Regulation 3 : Exemptions
Regulation 4 : Approval of reactor installation
Regulation 5 : Suitability of reactor installation for service on board ship
Regulation 6 : Radiation safety
Regulation 7 : Safety assessment
Regulation 8 : Operating manual
Regulation 9 : Surveys
Regulation 10 : Certificates
Regulation 11 : Special control
Regulation 12 : Casualties
Appendix : Form of Safety Certificate for Passenger Ships
Appendix : Form of Safety Construction Certificate for Cargo Ships
Supplement to the Cargo Ship Safety Construction for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
Appendix : Form of Safety Equipment Certificate for Cargo Ships
Supplement to the Cargo Ship Safety Construction for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974
Appendix : Form of Safety Construction Certificate for Cargo Ships
Appendix : Form of Safety Radiotelephony Certificate for Cargo Ships
Appendix : Form of Exemption Certificate
Appendix : Form of Safety Certificate for Nuclear Passenger Ships
Appendix : Form of Safety Certificate for Nuclear Cargo Ships
Third Schedule
Fourth Schedule
Fifth Schedule
Sixth Schedule
Seventh Schedule
Maritime Labour Convention, 2006
General Obligations
Article I
Definitions and Scope of Application
Article II
Fundamental Rights and Principles
Article III
Seafarers’ Employment and Social Rights
Article IV
Implementation and Enforcement Responsibilities
Article V
Regulations and Parts A and B of the Code
Article VI
Consultation with Shipowners’and Seafarers’ Organizations
Article VII
Entry into Force
Article VIII
Article IX
Effect of Entry into Force
Article X
Depositary Functions
Article XI
Article XII
Special Tripartite Committee
Article XIII
Amendment of this Convention
Article XIV
Amendments to the Code
Article XV
Authoritative Languages
Article XVI
Eighth Schedule
Work In Fishing Convention, 2007
Definitions and Scope
Part I
Article 1
Article 2
Article 3
Article 4
Article 5
General Principles
Part II
Article 6
Competent Authority and Coordination
Article 7
Responsibilities of Fishing Vessel Owners, Skippers and Fishers
Article 8
Minimum Requirements for Work on Board Fishing Vessels
Part III
Minimum Age
Article 9
Medical Examination
Article 10
Article 11
Article 12
Conditions of Service
Part IV
Manning and Hours of Rest
Article 13
Article 14
Crew List
Article 15
Fisher’s Work Agreement
Article 16
Article 17
Article 18
Article 19
Article 20
Article 21
Recruitment and Placement
Article 22
Payment of Fishers
Article 23
Article 24
Accommodation and Food
Part V
Article 25
Article 26
Article 27
Article 28
Medical Care, Health Protection and Social Security
Part VI
Medical Care
Article 29
Article 30
Occupational Safety and Health and Accident Prevention
Article 31
Article 32
Article 33
Social Security
Article 34
Article 35
Article 36
Article 37
Protection in the Case of Work-Related Sickness, Injury or Death
Article 38
Article 39
Compliance and Enforcement
Part VII
Article 40
Article 41
Article 42
Article 43
Article 44
Amendment of Annexes I, II and III
Article 45
Final Provisions
Part IX
Article 46
Article 47
Article 48
Article 49
Article 50
Article 51
Article 52
Article 53
Article 54
Annex I
Equivalence in Measurement
Annex II
Fisher’s Work Agreement
Annex III
Fishing Vessel Accommodation
General Provisions
Planning and Control
Design and Construction
Openings into and between Accommodation Spaces
Noise and Vibration
Heating and Air Conditioning
Sleeping Rooms
Floor Area
Persons per Sleeping Room
Mess Rooms
Tubs or Showers, Toilets and Washbasins
Laundry Facilities
Facilities for Sick and Injured Fishers
Other Facilities
Bedding, Mess Utensils and Miscellaneous Provisions
Recreational Facilities
Communication Facilities
Alley and Food Storage Facilities
Food and Potable Water
Clean and Habitable Conditions
Inspections by the Skipper or under the Authority of the Skipper
Commencement of Merchant Shipping Amendment Act, 2015 (Act No. 12 of 2015)
Proclamation No. 35 of 2016
Distressed Seamen's Regulations,1961
Notice No. R. 895 of 1961
1. Title of these Regulations
2. Interpretation
3. Form of Application for Relief or Repatriation
4. Limitation of Time in which to Apply
5. Clothing and Medical Expenses
6. Manner on Dealing with Distressed Seamen
7. Mode of Providing for Return
8. Obligation of Masters of South African Ships to Convey Distressed Seamen
9. Conveyance by Ships other than South African Ships
10. Return Port to be Specified
11. Endorsement on Agreement with the Crew and Issue of Conveyance Order
12. Action of Proper Officer at Places en Route
13. Rates of Passage and Other Allowances
14. Rescued Seamen
15. Foreign Seamen
16. Seamen Mentally Deranged
17. Seaman at Infected Ports
18. Certain Cases of Illness and Injury
19. Shipwrecked Seamen
20. Stowaways
Annexure A : Application to be Treated as a Distressed Seaman
Annexure B : Order for the Conveyance of a Distressed Seaman
Courts of Survey Regulations, 1961
Notice No. R. 1065 of 1961
Introductory Note
1. Title of these Regulations
2. Interpretation
3. List from which members of court to be selected
4. Noting of appeal
5. Appointment of Members of the Court
6. Notification of appointment as member
7. Allowances payable to members
8. Time and place for hearing of appeal
9. Appointment and duties of clerk of a Court of Survey
10. Parties to the proceedings
11. Summoning of witnesses
12. Representation of parties
13. Evidence
14. Addresses by the parties
15. Adjournments
16. Orders for costs
17. Enforcement of orders for costs
18. Records of proceedings
19. Transmission of records to Secretary
20. Hearing of appeal referred to experts
Annex A : Notice of appeal to a Court of Survey
Annex B : Allowances towards subsistence and and transport payable to members of Courts of Survey (Regulation 7)
Annex C : Court of Survey : Subpoena (Regulation 11)
Annex D : Report of Court of Survey (Regulation 19)
Courts of Marine Enquiry Regulations, 1961
Notice No. R. 1067 of 1961
1. Title of these Regulations
2. Interpretation
2A. Powers and duties of Director-General
3. List from which members of court to be selected
4. Appointment of members of court
5. Notification of appointment as member
6. Allowances payable to members
7. Time when and place where investigation held
8. Appointment and duties of clerk of a Court of Marine Enquiry
9. Parties to the proceedings
10. Summoning of witnesses
11. Commencement of proceedings
12. Representation of parties
13. Formulation of questions for decision by Court
14. Evidence
15. Addresses by the parties
16. Adjournments
17. Orders for costs
18. Orders for damages caused by frivolous or vexatious allegations
19. Enforcement of orders for costs or damages
20. Records of proceedings
21. Transmission of records to Authority
22. Appeal to Superior Court
23. Rehearing by order of the Minister
Annex A : Allowances towards subsistence and transport payable to members of Courts of Marine Enquiry
Annex B : Form of subpoena
Annex C : Report of Court of Marine Enquiry
Examination and Licensing of Compass Adjusters Regulations, 1991
Notice No. R. 127 of 1991
Chapter I : General
1. Title of these Regulations
2. Definitions
3. Application
4. Places of Examination
5. Form and Date of Application for Examination
6. Physical Disabilities
7. Colour and Form Vision Test
8. Qualifications required for Examination
Chapter II : Success or Failure in Examination
9. Examination for a Licence as a Compass Adjuster (Restricted)
10. Examination for a Licence as a Compass Adjuster (Unrestricted)
11. Partial Pass in the Examination
12. Time that must Elapse between Failure and Re-Examination
Chapter III : Conduct of Examinations
13. Candidates to be Punctual
14. No Strangers Admitted
15. Loose Papers and Books
16. Use of Books and Tables at the Examinations
17. Use of Instruments
18. Unauthorised Books and Papers Strictly Forbidden
19. Leaving the Room
20. Silence
21. All Work to be Shown
22. Penalty for Misconduct
23. Degree of Precision Required
24. Oral Examination
Chapter IV : Examination Fees
25. When to Pay Fees
26. Where to Pay Fees
27. Table of Fees
Chapter V : Issue of Licences
28. Results of Examination
29. Form of Licence
30. Issue of Licence as Compass Adjuster
31. Approved Compass Adjusters
Chapter VI : Syllabuses
32. General
33. Syllabus for the Examination for a Licence as a Compass Adjuster (Restricted)
34. Syllabus for the Examination for a Licence as a Compass Adjuster (Unrestricted
Annexure I : Licence as a Compass Adjuster (Restricted)
Annexure II : Licence as a Compass Adjuster (Unrestricted)
Ship's Medicines and Medical Appliances Regulations, 1991
Notice No. R. 91 of 1991
1. Title of these regulations
2. Interpretation
3. Application of these regulations
4. Classification of ships
5. Medical practitioner
6. Injury/Illness register
7. Medicines and medical appliances to be carried by different classes of ships
8. Ships carrying chemicals
9. Publications to be carried on board
10. General requirements
11. Medical supplies to be kept updated
12. Equivalents
13. Exemptions
14. Withdrawal of regulations
15. Commencement
Annex 1 : Medicines and Medical Appliances for Class 1 Ships
Annex 2 : Medicines and Medical Appliances for Class 2 Ships
Annex 3 : Medicines and Medical Appliances for Class 3 Ships
Annex 4 : First Aid Outfit for Ship's Lifeboats and and Class "C" Boats
Annex 5 : First Aid Outfit for Ship's Liferafts
Maritime Occupational Safety Regulations, 1994
Notice No. R. 1904 of 1994
Chapter I : General
1. Definitions
2. General application
3. Duties of employers
4. Safety equipment and facilities to be provided by employers
5. First-aid kit and first-aider
6. Reporting of accidents or serious injuries on board vessels
Chapter II : Safety provisions for staff on board ship, appliances and equipment
7. Definitions
8. Application
9. Duties of an employer
10. Appointment, termination of appointment, and functions of safety officers
11. Appointment, termination of appointment, and functions of safety committees
12. Election, termination of office, and functions of safety representatives
13. Requirements and duties of employers regarding safety officers, safety committees and safety representatives to enable them to perform their functions
14. Access equipment
15. Use of access equipment
16. Hatch coverings
17. Lifting plant
18. Safeguarding of machinery
19. Electrical equipment
20. Safety measures when working under hazardous conditions
21. Safe access of persons on board
22. Transit areas
23. Lighting
24. Safety signs
25. Guardrails
26. Fixed ladders
27. Enclosed or confined spaces
Chapter III : Stevedores, shore contractors and incidental persons on board vessels in the course and scope of their duty
28. Definitions
29. Application
30. Duties of owners, masters and employers
31. Appointment, termination of appointment, and functions of a safety officer
32. Record books
Chapter IV : Fishing vessels
33. Definitions
34. Application
35. Duties of employer
36. Appointment, termination of appointment, and functions of safety officers
37. Appointment, termination of appointment, and functions of appointees
38. Appointment, termination of appointment, and functions of safety committees
39. Record books
39A. Compliance audit
39B. Access equipment
Chapter V : Miscellaneous provisions
40. Offences, penalties and defences
41. Short title and commencement
Merchant Shipping (Dangerous Goods) Regulations, 1997
Notice No. R. 574 of 1997
Part 1 : General
1. Definitions
2. Application
3. Exemptions
4. Document of compliance, inspection and certification
5. Duty to report certain incidents involving packaged dangerous goods
6. General duties of shipowner, employer and master
7. General duties of employee aboard ship
8. Conduct endangering the ship or persons aboard ship
Part 2 : Carriage of Packaged Dangerous Goods
9. Documentation
10. Packing certificates
11. List, manifest or stowage plan
12. Packaging
13. Marking and labelling
14. Stowage
15. Carriage of explosives
16. Carriage of packaged dangerous goods in passenger ships
Part 3 : Carriage of Dangerous Goods in Bulk
17. Carriage in bulk
18. Documentation
19. List, manifest or stowage plan
Part 4 : Enforcement, Repeal of Regulations, and Short Title and Commencement
20. Power to detain
21. Penalties and defences
22. Offences due to fault of another person
23. Repeal of regulations
24. Short title and commencement
Merchant Shipping (Mandatory Ships' Routeing) Regulations, 1998
Notice No. R. 131 of 1998
1. Interpretation
2. Application
3. Duty to comply with adopted mandatory ships' routeing
4. Penalties
5. Short title
Merchant Shipping (IGC Code) Regulations, 1998
Notice No. R. 132 of 1998
1. Interpretation
2. Application
3. Compliance with IGC Code
4. Survey requirements
5. Issue of International Certificate of Fitness
6. Maintenance of condition after survey
7. Exemptions and equivalents
8. Loading and carriage in bulk of dangerous substances
9. Penalties
10. Power to detain
11. Short title and commencement
Merchant Shipping (Marine Pollution (IBC Code)) Regulations, 1998
Notice No. R. 133 of 1998
1. Interpretation
2. Application
3. Compliance with IBC Code
4. Survey requirements
5. Issue of International Certificate of Fitness
6. Maintenance of condition after survey
7. Exemptions and equivalents
8. Loading and carriage in bulk of listed chemicals
9. Penalties
10. Power to detain
11. Short title and commencement
Merchant Shipping (Seafarer Compensation) Regulations, 1998
Notice No. R. 1654 of 1998
1. Title of regulations
2. Interpretation
3. Compensation
4. Appeals
5. Loss of life
6. Repeal of regulations
Table of Maximum Compensation for Loss of Personal Effects, Instruments, Technical Books and Tools
Scale of Compensation
[Repealed] Merchant Shipping (Training and Certification) Regulations, 1999
Notice No. R. 1547 of 1999
Part 1 : General
1. Interpretation
2. Introduction and classes of certificates
3. Revalidation of certificates
4. Equivalence of certificates issued before commencement of regulations, etc
5. Registrar of Seafarers
6. Senior examiners
7. Quality assurance
8. Syllabus committee
Part 2 : Assessment
9. Proof of identity
10. Dates and places of examination
11. How to apply
12. How to apply in special cases
13. Declaration and proof of qualifying service
14. Bribery
15. Unsatisfactory conduct
16. Oral examinations
17. Written examinations
18. Assessment procedure
19. Assessors
20. Deafness and other physical and mental disabilities
21. Use of English in examination
22. Examination results
Part 3 : Certification requirements
Division 1 : Deck officer certificates
23. Skipper (port operations)
24. Skipper (unlimited or coastal)
25. Mate (coastal)
26. Master (port operations)
27. Master (coastal)
28. Deck officer
29. Endorsement as chief mate of ship of less than 3 000 GT on unlimited voyages
30. Endorsement as master of ship of less than 500 GT on unlimited voyages
30A. Endorsement as master of a ship of less than 3 000 GT on unlimited voyages
31. Chief mate
32. Master
33. Mining operations limitation
34. Master (special grade)
Division 2 : Engineer officer certificates
35. Second engineer officer (port operations)
36. Chief engineer officer (port operations)
37. Engineer officer
38. Second engineer officer
39. Chief engineering officer
40. Endorsements
41. Chief engineer officer (special grade)
Division 3 : Rating certificates
42. Ordinary seaman
43. Able seaman
44. Wiper
45. Oiler
46. Efficient general purpose rating (port operations)
47. Proficiency in liferafts
48. Proficiency in survival craft
49. Proficiency in fast rescue boats
50. Efficient cook
Division 4 : Personnel on tankers and ro-ro passenger ships
51. Special requirements for personnel on tankers
52. Special requirements for personnel on ro-ro passenger ships
52A. Special requirements for personnel on passenger ships other than ro-ro passenger ships
Division 5 : Qualifying service and removal of limitations, etc
53. Insufficient qualifying service
54. Qualifying service as rating
55. Validity of qualifying service
56. Non-trading service
57. Calculating qualifying service
58. Recognition of naval officer's certificate
59. Recognition of radio officer's certificate
60. Endorsements to certificate of competency as fisherman
61. Sea service performed on ships not regularly proceeding to sea, or employed in mining operations
62. Proof of service on foreign ships
63. Novel craft
64. Removal of coastal limitation to certificate of competency as skipper
65. Removal of port operations limitation
66. Removal of mining operations limitation
66A. Removal of tonnage limitation
Part 4 : Training institutions and training programmes
67. Accreditation of training institutions
68. Training programmes and training record books
69. In-service training
70. Duties of instructors and candidates
Part 5 : Repeal of regulations and savings, transitional arrangements, and title and commencement
71. Repeal of regulations, and savings
72. Transitional arrangements
73. Title and commencement
Annex : Documents to accompany application for examination
Engineer Officers
Deck Officers
Provisions applicable to tables
Merchant Shipping (Seamen's Documents) Regulations, 2000
Notice No. R. 432 of 2000
1. Interpretation
2. Persons entitled to record book
3. Application for record book
4. First issue of record book
5. Certificate of discharge
6. Report on conduct, character and ability of discharged seaman
7. Lost, mutilated, damaged or full record book
8. Duty of owner and master of South African ship
9. Offences and penalties
10. Exemptions
11. Repeal of regulations
12. Transitional arrangements
13. Title and commencement
Annex 1 : Seaman's Record Book and Certificates of Discharge
Annex 2 : Interim Certificate of Discharge
Annex 3 : Report by Master in terms of Section 113(4) of Act 57 of 1951
Merchant Shipping (Notification of Building of Vessels) Regulations, 2002
Notice No. R. 498 of 2002
1. Title and commencement
2. Interpretation
3. Particulars prescribed for purposes of section 10(1) of Act
4. Repeal of regulations
Annex (Regulation 3)
Merchant Shipping (EPIRB Registration) Regulations, 2002
Notice No. R. 505 of 2002
1. Title and commencement
2. Interpretation
3. Application
4. Competent authority
5. Requirement to register EPIRBs
6. Change in registered particulars
7. Offences and penalties
8. Defence
Annex : Contact Information for Maritime Rescue Co-Ordination Centre (MRCC) (Regulation 4(2))
Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Charts and Nautical Publications) Regulations, 2002
Notice No. R. 503 of 2002
1. Title and commencement
2. Definitions
3. Application
4. Carriage of charts and publications
5. Use of charts
6. Use of publications
7. Maintenance of charts and publications
8. Offences and penalties
9. Defence
10. Repeal of regulations
Annex (Regulation 6)
Nautical Publications
Merchant Shipping (Radio Installations) Regulations, 2002
Notice No. R. 506 of 2002
Part 1 : General
1. Title and commencement
2. Interpretation
3. Application
4. Equivalents and exemptions
5. Ships and persons in distress
6. Performance standards
Part 2 : GMDSS Requirements
7. Functional requirements
8. Installation, location and control of radio equipment
9. Installation of distress panel
10. Radio equipment to be provided for all sea areas
11. Additional radio equipment to be provided for area A1 ships
12. Additional radio equipment to be provided for area A2 ships
13. Additional radio equipment to be provided for area A3 ships
14. Additional radio equipment to be provided for area A4 ships
15. Radio watches
16. Sources of energy
17. Serviceability and maintenance requirements
18. Radio operators
19. Radio records
20. Position-updating
21. Exemptions from Part 2
Part 3 : Non-GMDSS Requirements
22. Provision of radio equipment
23. Interference with reception and other installations
24. Charging of batteries
25. Serviceability and maintenance requirements
26. VHF radiotelephone station
27. Provision of VHF radiotelephone antennas
28. Sources of energy (VHF radiotelephone installation)
29. Use of VHF radiotelephone installation
30. VHF Radio watches
31. Radiotelephone station
32. Provision of radiotelephone antennas
33. Range of radiotelephone transmitter
34. Sources of energy (Radiotelephone ship)
35. Radio watch (Radiotelephone ship)
36. Radiotelephone operators
37. Radio records (Radiotelephone ship)
Part 4 : Radio Life-Saving Equipment
38. Two-way VHF radiotelephone apparatus
39. Radar transponders
Part 5 : Enforcement
40. Inspection etc. of Convention ships not registered or licensed in Republic
41. Ships not to be detained in certain cases
42. Offences and penalties
43. Defence
Part 6 : Final Provisions
44. Repeal of regulations
Annex 1 : Satellite EPIRBS
Annex 2 : GMDSS equipment tests and reserve energy checks
Annex 3 : Radio records
Part 1 : GMDSS radio log
Part 2 : Radio log (Radiotelephone ship)
Annex 4 : Tools, testing equipment and spare parts
Annex 5 : Non-GMDSS equipment tets and reserve energy checks
Merchant Shipping (Licensing of Vessels) Regulations, 2002
Notice No. R. 112 of 2003
1. Title and commencement
2. Interpretation
3. Application for licence
4. Form of licence
5. Conditions of licence
6. Marking of vessels
7. Change of ownership of vessel
8. Change of name, designation or operation of vessel
9. Permanent transfer of vessel, etc
10. Offences and penalties
11. Defence
12. Transitional (Licences issued before commencement of regulations)
13. Transitional (Applications made before commencement of regulations)
Annex : Prescribed Forms
Form 1 : Application for Licence
Form 2 : Licence under Section 68 of Act 57 of 1951
Merchant Shipping (INF Code) Regulations, 2003
Notice No. R. 719 of 2003
1. Title and commencement
2. Object of regulations
3. Interpretation
4. Application
5. Compliance with INF Code
6. Duty to hold Certificate of Fitness
7. Survey and certification
8. Cancellation of Certificate of Fitness, etc
9. Duty to report certain incidents involving INF cargo
10. Exemptions
11. Offences and penalties
12. Defences
Merchant Shipping (Safety Management) Regulations, 2003
Notice No. R. 720 of 2003
1. Title and commencement
2. Object of regulations
3. Interpretation
4. Application
5. Duty to comply with ISM Code
6. Duty to hold certificates
7. Duty to carry certificates
8. Duty of master
9. Duty of designated person
10. Issue of Document of Compliance and Safety Management Certificate
11. Interim certificates
12. Issue and endorsement of Safety Management Certificate by another government
13. Issue of certificates on behalf of other governments
14. Annual audit of Document of Compliance
15. Intermediate audit of Safety Management Certificate
16. Renewal of certificates
17. Powers of audit, inspection, suspension of service and detention
18. Suspension or cancellation of Documents of Compliance and Safety Management Certificates
19. Exemptions
20. Offences and penalties
21. Defence
22. Saving
23. Repeal of regulations
Merchant Shipping (Maritime Security) Regulations, 2004
Notice No. R. 142 of 2004
Part 1 : Preliminary
Division 1 - Title and commencement
1. Title and commencement
Division 2 - Purpose of regulations
2. Purpose of regulations
Division 3 - Definitions
3. Definitions
Division 4 - Applications
4. Regulations not to apply to certain state ships etc
Division 5 - Unlawful interference with maritime transport
5. Meaning of unlawful interference with maritime transport
Division 6 - Security regulated ports and port operators
6. Meaning of port
7. Security regulated ports
8. Port operators
Division 7 - Security regulated ships
9. Meaning of security regulated ship
10. Meaning of South African regulated ship
11. Meaning of foreign regulated ship
Division 8 - General defences
12. Ship master's decisions
13. Complying with security directions
14. Complying with control directions
Division 9 - Communicating with ship operators
15. Communicating with ship operators
Part 2 : Maritime Security Levels and Security Directions
Division 1 - Maritime security levels 1, 2 and 3
16. Default security level (maritime security level 1)
17. Director-General may declare maritime security level 2 or 3
18. Requirement for consultation
19. When maritime security level in force
20. Maritime security level declaration for port covers all port operations
21. Security levels and complying with plans
22. Maritime security level 1, 2 or 3 applies with security directions
Division 2 - Notifying maritime security level 2 and 3 declarations and revocations
23. Notifying declarations covering security regulated ports
24. Notifying declarations covering security regulated ships
25. Notifying declarations covering areas within security regulated ports
26. Notifying declarations covering maritime industry participants
27. Notifying revocations
28. Communicating declarations and revocations
Division 3 - Security directions
29. Director-General may give security directions
30. Requirement for consultation
31. Confidentiality requirements
32. Persons to whom security directions may be given
33. Director-General may give security directions to security regulated ships
34. When security direction in force
35. Revoking security directions
36. Communicating security directions
37. Offence (failing to comply with security directions)
38. Offence (failing to comply with confidentiality requirements)
Part 3 : Maritime Security Plans
Division 1 - Maritime industry participants required to have maritime security plans
39. Who must have maritime security plans
40. Offence (operating without maritime security plan)
41. Offence (failing to comply with maritime security plan)
Division 2 - Complying with other plans
42. Complying with maritime security plans of other participants
43. South African regulated ships must not hinder or obstruct compliance with maritime security plans
Division 3 - Content and form of maritime security plans
44. Content of maritime security plans
45. Additional requirements for maritime security plans
46. Form of maritime security plan
Division 4 - Approving, revising and cancelling maritime security plans
47. Providing maritime security plans for approval
48. Approving maritime security plans
49. When maritime security plan in force
50. Director-General may direct variations of maritime security plans
51. Participants may revise maritime security plans
52. Director-General may direct participants to revise maritime security plans
53. Maritime security plans must be revised every 5 years
54. Cancelling inadequate maritime security plans
55. Cancelling for failure to comply with maritime security plans
56. Cancelling maritime security plans on request
Part 4 : Ship Security Plans and ISSC's etc
Division 1 - Ships required to have security plans
57. Which ships must have security plans
58. Offence (operating without ship security plan)
59. Offence (failing to comply with ship security plan)
Division 2 - Complying with other plans
60. Complying with ship security plans of other ships
61. Maritime industry participants must not hinder or obstruct compliance with ship security
Division 3 - Content and form of ship security plans
62. Content of ship security plans
63. Additional requirements for ship security plans
64. Form of ship security plan
Division 4 - Approving, revising and cancelling ship security plans
65. Providing ship security plans for approval
66. Approving ship security plans
67. When ship security plan in force
68. Authority may direct variations of ship security plans
69. Ship operator may revise ship security plan
70. Authority may direct ship operator to revise ship security plan
71. Ship security plans must be revised every 5 years
72. Cancelling inadequate ship security plans
73. Cancelling for failure to comply with ship security plan
74. Cancelling ship security plans on request
Division 5 - International ship security certificates
75. Which ships must have ISSCs
76. Offence (operating without ISSC)
77. Applying for ISSC
78. Conditions for giving ISSC
79. ISSC verification
80. When ISSC in force
81. Cancelling ISSCs
82. Interim ISSCs
83. Offence (false or misleading statements in relation to having ISSC)
Division 6 - Ship security records
84. Ship security records
Part 5 : Foreign Regulated Ships
Division 1 - Obligations on foreign regulated ships
85. Foreign regulated ships must have ISSCs
86. Foreign regulated ships must provide pre-arrival information
87. Foreign regulated ships must allow inspections etc
88. Foreign regulated ships must comply with security levels
89. Meaning of ISPS level 1, 2 and 3 measures
90. Foreign regulated ships must comply with security directions
91. Complying with maritime and ship security plans
92. Acknowledging level notifications and directions
Division 2 - Control directions
93. Authority may give control directions
94. Requirement for consultation
95. Communicating control directions
96. Offence (failing to comply with control direction)
Part 6 : Powers of Officials
97. Authorised officers
98. Authorised officers' powers (ISSC verifications)
99. Authorised officers' powers (ships)
100. When powers may be exercised (ships)
101. Authorised officers' powers (participants)
102. When powers may be exercised (participants)
Part 7 : Information Gathering
103. Director-General may require security compliance information
104. Self-Incrimination
105. Offence (false or misleading information)
Part 8 : Enforcement Orders
Division 1 - Enforcement orders for maritime industry participants
106. Director-General may make enforcement orders
107. Commencement and duration of enforcement orders
108. Reviewing enforcement orders
109. Notifying enforcement orders
110. Offence (failing to comply with enforcement order)
Division 2 - Ship enforcement orders for South African regulated ships
111. Ship enforcement orders (South African regulated ships)
112. Requirement for consultation
113. Communicating ship enforcement orders
114. Offence (failing to comply with ship enforcement order)
Part 9 : Miscellaneous
115. Ship security alert system
Part 10 : Administrative Arrangements and Fees
116. Alternative security arrangements
117. Exemptions
118. Powers and functions of Director-General
119. Director-General may establish coordinating structures
120. Fees (Director-General's functions)
Annex 1 - Security regulated ports and port operators
Annex 2 - Security plans
Part 1 - Preliminary
Part 2 - Maritime Security Plans
Division 1 - Preliminary
Division 2 - Port operators
Subdivision 1 - Matters to be dealt with in plan
Subdivision 2 - Form of plan
Division 3 - Port facility operators
Subdivision 1 - Matters to be dealt with in plan
Subdivision 2 - Form of plan
Division 4 - Port service providers
Subdivision 1 - Matters to be dealt with in plan
Subdivision 2 - Form of plan
Part 3 - Ship Security Plans and ISSCs
Division 1 - Matters to be dealt with in ship security plan
Division 2 - Form of plan
Annex 3 - Fees
Merchant Shipping (Carriage of Cargoes) Regulations, 2004
Notice No. R. 859 of 2004
Part 1 : Introductory
1. Title and commencement
2. Object of regulations
3. Interpretation
4. Application
Part 2 : General Requirements
5. Cargo information
6. Carriage of documentation
7. Stowage and securing
8. Oxygen analysis and gas detection equipment
9. Use of pesticides in ships
Part 3 : Special Requirements for Bulk Cargoes other than Grain
10. Application of Part 3
11. Acceptability for loading
12. Loading, unloading and stowage of bulk cargoes
Part 4 : Special Requirements for Bulk Grain Cargoes
13. International Grain Code
Part 5 : Supplemental
14. Equivalents, exemptions and approvals
15. Penalties and defences
16. Offences due to fault of another person
17. Repeal of regulations
[Repealed] Merchant Shipping (Eyesight and Medical Examination) Regulations, 2004
Notice No. 1197 of 2004
Part 1 : Introductory
1. Title and commencement
2. Objects of regulations
3. Interpretation
4. Application
5. Application of section 101 of Act to certain other ships
Part 2 : Medical Fitness
6. Requirement to be medically fit
7. Evidence of medical fitness
8. Application for medical certificate
9. Medical examination, etc
10. Determination of fitness
11. Issue of medical certificate
12. Further examination*
13. Period of validity of medical certificate
14. Cancellation of medical certificate
15. Production of medical certificate
16. Delivery of cancelled medical certificate
17. Aids to vision or hearing
18. Approval of medical practitioners
19. Transitional arrangements (approved medical practitioners)
Part 3 : Colour and Form Vision
20. Eyesight tests
21. Application for eyesight certificate
22. Conduct of eyesight tests
23. Issue and period of validity of eyesight certificate
24. Eyesight examiners
Part 4 : Supplementary
25. Offences, penalties and defences
26. [Repealed] Amendment of regulations
Annex 1 : Guidance on medical examination of seafarers (Regulation 3)
Section 1 : General Introduction
Repealed : Section 2 : Categories of Fitness
Repealed : Section 3 : Medical Standards
Table : Visual Standards
Repealed : Appendix : Form of Medical Certificate (Regulation 11)
Repealed : Annex 2 : Colour and form vision tests (Regulation 20)
Merchant Shipping (Navigation Bridge Visibility) Regulations, 2004
Notice No. 1199 of 2004
1. Title and commencement
2. Interpretation
3. Application
4. Navigation bridge visibility
5. Exemptions
6. Offence and penalty
Merchant Shipping (Continuous Synopsis Record) Regulations, 2004
Notice No. R. 1290 of 2004
1. Title and commencement
2. Purpose of regulations
3. Definitions
4. Application
5. Continuous Synopsis Record
6. Defect and detention
Merchant Shipping (Automatic Identification System) Regulations, 2004
Notice No. R. 1291 of 2004
1. Title and commencement
2. Purpose of regulations
3. Definitions
4. Application
5. Performance standards
6. Automatic identification system
7. Exemptions
8. Inspection of foreign ships
9. Authority must allow ship with defects to proceed in certain cases
10. Offence (failing to ensure automatic identification system is in operation)
Merchant Shipping (Ship Identification Number) Regulations, 2004
Notice No. R. 1292 of 2004
1. Title and commencement
2. Purpose of regulations
3. Definitions
4. Application
5. Ship identification number
6. Defects and detention
Merchant Shipping (Collision and Distress Signals) Regulations, 2005
Notice No. R. 566 of 2005
1. Title and commencement
2. Objects of regulations
3. Interpretation
4. Application
5. Signals of distress
6. Prevention of collisions
7. Exemptions
8. Offences, penalties and defences
9. Repeal and amendment of regulations
Annex : International Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea, 1972
Part A : General
Part B : Steering and Sailing Rules
Part C : Lights and Shapes
Part D : Sound and Light Signals
Part E : Exemptions
Part F : Verification of Compliance with the Provisions of the Convention
Annex I : Positioning and Technical Details of Lights and Shapes
1. Definition
2. Vertical positioning and spacing of lights
3. Horizontal positioning and spacing of lights
4. Details of location of direction-indicating lights for fishing vessels, dredgers and vessels engaged in underwater operations
5. Screens for sidelights
6. Shapes
7. Colour specification of lights
8. Intensity of lights
9. Horizontal sectors
10. Vertical sectors
11. Intensity of non-electric lights
12. Manoeuvring light
13. High-speed craft
14. Approval
Annex II : Additional Signals for Fishing Vessels Fishing in Close Proximity
1. General
2. Signals for trawlers
3. Signals for purse seiners
Annex III : Technical Details of Sound Signal Appliances
1. Whistles
2. Bell or gong
3. Approval
Annex IV : Distress Signals
Distress Signals
Merchant Shipping (National Small Vessel Safety) Regulations, 2007
Notice No. R. 705 of 2007
Part 1 : Preliminary
1. Title and commencement
2. Interpretation
3. Application
Part 2 : Vessel safety requirements
4. Submission and approval of plans, etc., in respect of commercial vessel for first issue of local safety certificate
5. Inspection of vessel for renewal of local general safety certificate
6. Design and construction of vessels
7. Safety appliances and eqipment
8. Safety of navigation
9. Colouring of vessels
10. Operational limits
11. Carrying persons in excess
12. Voyage information
13. Duty to report dangers to navigation
Part 3 : Crewing
14. Responsibilities of owner
15. Special endorsements for passenger vessels and dive vessels
16. Certificates of competence
17. Physical and mental fitness
18. Age limitations
19. Unauthorised intoxicating liquor or illicit drugs having narcotic effect
Part 4 : Special provisions for unregistered pleasure vessels
20. Application of Part
21. Recording and marking of vessels
22. Vessel not to be used without certificate of fitness
23. Initial and renewal inspection for certificate of fitness
24. Issue of certificate of fitness
25. Duration of certificate of fitness
26. Cancellation of certificate of fitness
27. Surrender of expired or cancelled certificate of fitness
28. Custody and production of certificate of fitness
29. Maintenance of condition after inspection
Part 5 : Supplemental
30. Authorised agencies
31. Powers of enforcement officers
32. Equivalents and exemptions
33. Exemption in respect of controlled events
34. Offences, penalties and defences
35. Offences due to fault of another person
Part 6 : Additional special provisions
36. Supplementary requirements for water-skiing
37. Supplementary requirements for personal watercraft, power-driven vessels not exceeding 15 horsepower, sailing vessels of less than seven metres in overall length, and rowing or paddling vessels
Part 7 : Administrative arrangements
38. Advisory committees
38A. Powers and functions of Director-General
Part 8 : Final provisions
39. Transitional arrangements
40. Repeal of regulations
Annexure 1 : Construction requirements
Annexure 2 : Safety appliances and equipment
[Repealed] Merchant Shipping (Safe Manning, Training and Certification) Regulations, 2013
Notice No. R. 511 of 2013
Part 1 : General
1. Definitions
2. Introduction and classes of certificates
3. Validity and revalidation of certificates
4. Equivalency of Certificates
5. Registrar and Deputy Registrar of Seafarers
6. Chief Examiner and Senior Examiners
7. Quality assurance
8. Qualifications committee
9. Syllabus Committee
9A. Institute of Professional South African Mariners
Part 2 : Assessment
10. Application for assessment
11. Declaration and proof of qualifying service
12. Bribery
13. Mislaid, lost or destroyed certificates
14. Unsatisfactory conduct
15. Assessing competence
16. Moderation of Written Examination Papers
17. Level 3 assessment
18. Proficiency in English
Part 3 : Certification Requirements
Division 1 : Deck officer certificates
19. Skipper (< 200GT port operations)
20. Master (< 200GT near-coastal)
21. Master (< 200GT)
22. Mate (< 500GT near-coastal)
23. Mate (< 500GT)
24. Master (<1600GT port operations)
25. Master (port operations)
26. Master (<500GT near coastal)
27. Master (<500GT)
28. Deck officer
29. Chief mate (<3000GT)
30. Master (<3000GT)
31. Chief mate
32. Master
33. Mining operations and non-trading vessel operation limitations
34. Master (special grade)
Division 2 : Fishing - Deck Officer Certificates
35. Deck officer fishing (<24m)
36. Deck officer fishing (≥24m)
37. Skipper fishing (<24m limited waters)
38. Skipper fishing (<24m unlimited waters)
39. Skipper fishing (≥24m limited waters)
40. Skipper fishing (≥24m limited waters)
Division 2A : Radiocommunications and ratio Operator Certificates
40. GMDSS radio operators
40B. Radio operators
Division 3 : Engineer Officer Certificates
41. Chief engineer (<750kW port operations)
42. Chief engineer (<1500kW port operations)
43. Chief engineer officer (port operations)
44. Marine motorman Grade 2
45. Marine motorman Grade 1
46. Marine motorman Higher Grade
47. Engineer officer
48. Second engineer (<3000kW)
49. Chief engineer (<3000kW)
50. Second engineer
51. Chief engineer
52. Electro technical officer
53. Sea service requirements for steam and combined (steam and motor) certificates of competency
54. Chief engineer officer (special grade)
Division 4 : Fishing Engineer Certificates
55. Second engineer (fishing)
56. Chief engineer (<3000kW fishing)
57. Chief engineer (fishing)
Division 5 : Rating Certificates and Certificates of Proficiency
58. Ordinary seafarer deck
59. Able seafarer deck (port operations)
60. Able seafarer deck (fishing)
61. Able seafarer deck
62. Ordinary seafarer engine
63. Able seafarer engine (port operations)
64. Able seafarer engine
65. Electro-technical rating
66. General purpose rating (port operations)
67. Pre-sea training
68. Personal survival techniques
69. Basic training
70. Proficiency in survival craft and rescue boats
71. Proficiency in fast rescue boats
72. Ship security officer
73. Efficient cook
Division 6 : Personnel on Tankers and Passenger Ships
74. Special requirements for personnel on oil and chemical tankers
75. Special requirements for personnel on gas tankers
76. Special requirements for personnel on passenger ships
Division 7 : Qualifying Service and Limitations
77. Misrepresenting qualifying service
78. Proof of qualifying service
79. Qualifying service as rating
80. Validity of qualifying service
81. Calculating qualifying service
82. Sea service performed on ships not regularly proceeding to sea, or employed in mining operations
83. Proof of service on foreign ships
84. Removal of mining operations limitation
Part 4 : Training
85. Maritime training providers
86. Training programmes and courses
87. Accelerated training programmes
88. Training record book
89. Duties of masters and persons conducting in-service training
Part 5 : Manning Requirements
90. Application
91. Responsibilities of owners and masters
92. Watchkeeping standards
93. Hours of work: general duty of owners, masters and others
94. Alcohol and drug abuse
95. Determination of minimum number of persons employed on South African ships
96. Employment of persons holding foreign certificates
97. Employment of persons holding foreign certificates on fishing vessels
98. Recognition of foreign certificates
Part 6 : General Manning Levels
99. Employment of certificated deck officers on ships other than fishing vessels
100. Employment of certificated deck officers on fishing vessels
101. Employment of certificated engineer officers on ships other than fishing vessels
102. Employment of certificated engineer officers on fishing vessels
103. Employment of certificated radio operators
104. Employment of certificated ratings on ships other than fishing vessels
105. Employment of certificated ratings on fishing vessels
Part 7 : Employment of Seafarers in accordance with Occupational Safety, Security and Medical Requirements
106. Employment of qualified personnel on tankers
107. Employment of qualified personnel with security training
108. Employment of qualified personnel on passenger ships
109. Employment of qualified electro-technical officers and ratings
110. Employment of qualified medical personnel
111. Employment of qualified fire-fighting personnel
112. Employment of qualified personnel on ships equipped with survival craft or rescue boats
113. Employment of qualified personnel on ships equipped with a fast rescue boat
Part 8 : Supplemental
114. Exemptions
115. Equivalence of certificates and endorsements
116. Safe manning document
117. Carriage of documents
118. Offences, penalties and defences
Part 9 : Repeal of Regulations and Savings, Transitional Arrangements, and Title and Commencement
119. Repeal of regulations
120. Transitional arrangements
121. Title and commencement
Annex 1 : Watchkeeping Principles and Arrangements for Ships other than Fishing Vessels
Part 1 : Voyage planning
Part 2 : Watchkeeping principles in general
Part 3 : Watchkeeping at sea
Division 1 - Principles applying to watchkeeping generally
Division 2 - Principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch
Division 3 - Principles to be observed in keeping an engineering watch
Division 4 - Principles to be observed in keeping a radio watch
Part 4 : Watchkeeping in port
Division 1 - Principles applying to all watchkeeping
Division 2 - Watch in port on ships carrying hazardous cargo
Annex 2 : Watchkeeping Principles and Arrangements for Fishing Vessels
Part 1 : Voyage planning
Part 2 : Watchkeeping at sea
Division 1 - Principles applying to watchkeeping generally
Division 2 - Principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch
Division 3 - Principles to be observed in keeping an engineering watch
Division 4 - Principles to be observed in keeping a radio watch
Maritime Labour Certificate and Declaration of Compliance Regulations, 2017
Notice No. R. 534 of 2017
Part 1 : Introduction
1. Object of Regulations
2. Definitions
3. Application
Part 2 : Duty to Hold and Have Onboard Documentation
4. Duty to hold certificates
5. Duty to carry documents
Part 3 : Issuing of Documentation
6. Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance and Issuing of Maritime Labour Certificate
7. Interim Maritime Labour Certificate
8. Intermediate Audit
9. Renewal of Certificate
10. Powers of audit, inspection, suspension of service and detention
11. Suspension or cancellation of documents of compliance and safety management certificates
12. Issuing of Certificate on behalf of other governments
Part 4 : Offences
13. Offences and penalties
Part 5 : Title and Commencement
14. Title and commencement
Annexure I : Maritime Labour Certificate
Appendix A5-1
Appendix A5-II
Annexure II : Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance
Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance - Part I
Declaration of Maritime Labour Compliance - Part II
Interim Maritime Labour Certificate
Merchant Shipping (Seafarer Recruitment and Placement) Regulations, 2017
Notice No. R. 986 of 2017
1. Definitions
Part 1 : Purpose and Application of Regulations
2. Purpose
3. Application
Part 2 : Seafarer Recruitment and Placement Services
4. Recruitment and placement
5. Accreditation of seafarer recruitment and placement services
6. Fees and other charges
7. Duties of seafarer placement and recruitment services
Part 3 : Conditions of Employment
8. Articles of agreement
9. Contracts of employment
10. Visas
Part 4 : Supplementary Provisions
11. Offences and penalties
12. Title and commencement
Merchant Shipping (Training, Certification and Safe Manning) Regulations, 2021
Notice No. 219 of 2021
Part 1 : General
1. Definitions
2. Introduction and classes of certificates
3. Validity and revalidation of certificates
4. Registrar and Deputy Registrar of Seafarers
5. Chief Examiner and Senior Examiners
6. Quality Standards Systems
7. Authority of Officers appointed under the Act or these Regulations
8. Review of the decisions of examiner
9. Syllabus Committee
Part 2 : Assessment
10. Application for assessment
11. Declaration and proof of qualifying service
12. Sea service performed on ships not regularly proceeding to sea, or employed in mining operations
13. Training equivalent to approved seagoing service
14. Removal of mining operations limitation
15. Bribery, forgery, fraudulent acts, and misrepresentation of information
16. Mislaid, lost or destroyed certificates
17. Misrepresenting qualifying service
18. Assessing competence
19. Moderation of written examination papers
20. Level 3 assessment
21. Proficiency in English
Part 3 : Certification Requirements
Division 1 : Deck officer certificates (Seagoing Merchant Ships)
22. Mining operations and non-trading vessel operational limitations
23. Master (Special Grade)
24. Master
25. Chief mate
26. Master (<3 000 GT)
27. Chief mate (<3 000 GT)
28. Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch
29. Master (<500 GT near coastal)
30. Officer in charge of a navigational watch (<500 GT near-coastal)
31. Master (<200 GT near-coastal)
Division 2 : Deck Officer Certificates (Port Operations)
32. Master (port operations)
33. Master (<1 600 GT port operations)
34. Skipper (<200 GT port operations)
Division 3 : Deck Officer Certificates (Fishing)
35. Skipper fishing (≥24m Unlimited Waters)
36. Skipper fishing (≥24m Limited Waters)
37. Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch Fishing (≥24m Unlimited Waters)
38. Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch Fishing (≥24m Limited Waters)
39. Skipper Fishing (<24 m Unlimited Waters)
40. Skipper Fishing (<24 m Limited Waters)
41. Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch Fishing (<24 m Unlimited Waters)
42. Officer in Charge of a Navigational Watch Fishing (<24 m Limited Waters)
Division 4 : Radio Operator Certificates
43. GMDSS radio operators
44. Radio operators
Division 5 : Engineer Officer (Merchant Ships)
45. Steam Endorsement for Engineer officers
46. Chief Engineer Officer (special grade)
47. Chief Engineer Officer
48. Second Engineer Officer
49. Chief Engineer Officer (<3 000 kW)
50. Second Engineer Officer (<3 000 kW)
51. Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch in a manned engine-room or designated duty engineers in a periodically unmanned engine-room
52. Electro-technical Officer
Division 6 : Engineer Officer Certificates (Local & Port Operations)
53. Chief Engineer Officer (Port Operations)
54. Chief Engineer Officer (<1 500 kW Port Operations)
55. Chief Engineer Officer (<750 kW Port Operations)
56. Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch (Port Operations)
57. Chief Engineer Officer (<750 kW)
58. Officer in Charge of an Engineering Watch (<750 kW)
Division 7 : Engineer Officer Certificates (Fishing)
59. Chief Engineer Officer (Fishing)
60. Second Engineer Officer (Fishing)
61. Chief Engineer Officer (<2000 kW Fishing)
62. Second Engineer Officer (<2000 kW Fishing)
Division 8 : Rating Certificates of Proficiency
63. Able Seafarer Deck
64. Able Seafarer Deck (Fishing)
65. Able Seafarer Deck (Port Operations)
66. Ordinary Seafarer Deck
67. Ordinary Seafarer Deck (Fishing)
68. Ordinary Seafarer Deck (Port Operations)
69. Ship's Cook
70. Able seafarer engine
71. Able seafarer engine (port operations)
72. Ordinary seafarer engine
73. Ordinary Seafarer engine (Port Operations)
74. Electro-technical rating
75. General purpose rating (port operations)
Division 9 : Special Training for Personnel on certain types of Ships
76. Special requirements for personnel on oil and chemical tankers
77. Special requirements for personnel on gas tankers
78. Special requirements for personnel on Ships Subject to the IGF Code
79. Special requirements for Deck Officers on ships operating in Polar Waters
80. Special requirements for personnel on passenger ships
Part 4 : Training
81. Maritime training providers
82. Accelerated training programmes
83. Duties of masters and persons conducting in-service training
84. The establishment of the Training Standards Code
Part 5 : Medical and Eyesight Examination for Seafarers
85. Application of Part 5
86. Validity of a Medical Certificate and the Colour and Vision Test Certificate
87. Approval of Medical Practitioners to perform Medical Examination of Seafarers
88. Medical Examination and Certification of Seafarers
89. Appeals against medical and eyesight fitness decisions
90. Medical Fitness Standards
91. Use of medicines and medical technology
Part 6 : Manning Requiirements
92. Application
93. Responsibilities of owners and masters
94. Watchkeeping standards
95. Hours of work: general duties of owners, masters and others
96. Alcohol and drug abuse
97. Determination of minimum number of persons employed on South African ships
98. Employment of persons holding foreign certificates
99. Recognition of foreign certificates
Part 7 : General Manning Levels
100. Employment of certificated deck officers on ships other than fishing vessels
101. Employment of certificated deck officers on fishing vessels
102. Employment of certificated engineer officers on ships other than fishing vessels
103. Employment of certificated engineer officers on fishing vessels
104. Employment of certificated radio operators on ships other than fishing vessels
105. Employment of certificated radio operators on fishing vessels
106. Employment of certificated ratings on ships other than fishing vessels
107. Employment of certificated ratings on fishing vessels
Part 8 : Employment of Seafarers in accordance with Occupational Safety, Security and Medical Requirements
108. Employment of qualified personnel on tankers
109. Employment of qualified personnel on ships subject to the IGF Code
110. Employment of qualified personnel on ships operating in Polar Waters
111. Employment of qualified personnel with security training
112. Employment of qualified personnel on passenger ships
113. Employment of qualified electro-technical officers and ratings
114. Employment of qualified medical personnel
115. Employment of qualified fire-fighting personnel
116. Employment of qualified personnel on ships equipped with survival craft or rescue boats
117. Employment of qualified personnel on ships equipped with a fast rescue boat
Part 9 : Supplemental
118. Dispensations
119. Exemptions
120. Equivalence of certificates and endorsements
121. Safe manning document
122. Carriage of documents
123. Offences and penalties
Part 10 : Repeal of Regulations and Savings, Transitional Arrangements, and Title and Commencement
124. Repeal of Regulations
125. Transitional arrangements
126. Title and commencement
Annexure 1 : Table of Equivalent Certificates
Annexure 2 : Watchkeeping Arrangements and Principles for Ships other than Fishing Vessels
Part 1 : Certification
Part 2 : Voyage Planning
1. General requirements
2. Planning prior to each voyage
3. Verification and display of planned route
4. Deviation from planned route
Part 3 : Watchkeeping Principles in General
Part 4 : Watchkeeping at Sea
5. Principles applying to watchkeeping generally
6. Protection of marine environment
Part 4-1 : Principles to be observed in keeping a navigational watch
7. Lookout
8. Watch arrangements
9. Taking over the watch
10. Performing the navigational watch
11. Watchkeeping under different conditions and in different areas
11.1. Clear weather
11.2. Restricted visibility
11.3. In hours of darkness
11.4. Coastal and congested waters
11.5. Navigation with pilot on board
11.6. Ship at anchor
Part 4-2 : Principles to be observed in keeping an engineering watch
12. Watch arrangements
13. Taking over the watch
14. Performing the engineering watch
15. Engineering watchkeeping under different conditions and in different areas
15.1. Restricted visibility
15.2. Coastal and congested waters
15.3. Ship at anchor
Part 4-3 : Principles to be observed in keeping a radio watch
16. General provisions
17. Watch arrangements
18. Performing the radio watch
Part 5 : Watchkeeping in Port Principles applying to all watchkeeping
19. General
20. Watch arrangements
21. Taking over the watch
Part 5-1 : Taking over the deck watch
Part 5-2 : Taking over the engineering watch
Part 5-3 : Performing the deck watch
Part 5-4 : Performing the engineering watch
Part 5-5 : Watch in port on ships carrying hazardous cargo
22. General
Part 5-6 : Cargo watch
Annexure 3 : Watchkeeping Arrangements and Principles for Fishing Vessels
Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act No. 57 of 1951)
Chapter II : Recording, Registering and Licensing of Ships
47. [Repealed]
[Section 47 repealed by section 60(a) of Act No. 58 of 1998]
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