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Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act No. 57 of 1951)SchedulesSecond ScheduleProtocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974AnnexChapter IV : Radiotelegraphy and RadiotelephonyPart C — Technical RequirementsRegulation 14 : Portable radio apparatus for survival craft |
(a) | The apparatus required by Regulation 13 of Chapter III shall include a transmitter, a receiver, an antenna and a source of energy. It shall be so designed that it can be used in an emergency by an unskilled person. |
(b) | The apparatus shall be readily portable, watertight, capable of floating in sea water and capable of being dropped into the sea without damage. New equipment shall be as lightweight and compact as practicable and shall preferably be capable of use in both lifeboats and liferafts. |
(c) | The transmitter shall be capable of transmitting on the radiotelegraph distress frequency using a class of emission assigned by the Radio Regulations for that frequency, and, in the bands between 4000 kHz and 27500 kHz, of transmitting on the radiotelegraph frequency, and of using a class of emission assigned by the Radio Regulations for survival craft. However, the Administration may permit the transmitter to be capable of transmitting on the radiotelephone distress frequency, and of using a class of emission assigned by the Radio Regulations for that frequency, as an alternative or in addition to transmission on the radiotelegraph frequency assigned by the Radio Regulations for survival craft in the bands between 4000 kHz and 27500 kHz. |
(d) | The transmitter shall, if modulated emission is prescribed by the Radio Regulations, have a depth of modulation of not less than 70 per cent and in the case of radiotelegraph emission have a note frequency between 450 and 1350 Hz. |
(e) | In addition to a key for manual transmissions, the transmitter shall be fitted with an automatic keying device for the transmission of the radiotelegraph alarm and distress signals. If the transmitter is capable of transmitting on the radiotelephone distress frequency, it shall be fitted with an automatic device, complying with the requirements of paragraph (e) of Regulation 16 of this Chapter, for transmitting the radiotelephone alarm signal. |
(f) | The receiver shall be capable of receiving the radiotelegraph distress frequency and the classes of emission assigned by the Radio Regulations for that frequency. If the transmitter is capable of transmitting on the radiotelephone distress frequency the receiver shall also be capable of receiving that frequency and a class of emission assigned by the Radio Regulations for that frequency. |
(g) | The antenna shall be either self-supporting or capable of being supported by the mast of a lifeboat at the maximum practicable height. In addition it is desirable that an antenna supported by a kite or balloon shall be provided if practicable. |
(h) | The transmitter shall supply an adequate radio frequency power* to the antenna required by paragraph (a) of this Regulation and shall preferably derive its supply from a hand generator. If operated from a battery, the battery shall comply with conditions laid down by the Administration to ensure that it is of a durable type and is of adequate capacity. |
(i) | At sea a radio officer or a radiotelephone operator, as appropriate, shall at weekly intervals test the transmitter, using a suitable artificial antenna and shall bring the battery up to full charge if it is of a type which requires charging. |
(j) | For the purpose of this Regulation, new equipment means equipment supplied to a ship after the date of entry into force of the present Convention. |