R 385
Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act No. 57 of 1951)SchedulesSecond ScheduleProtocol of 1978 Relating to the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea, 1974AnnexChapter VI : Carriage of GrainPart A — General ProvisionsRegulation 6 : Securing |
(a) | Unless account is taken of the adverse heeling effect due to grain shift in accordance with these Regulations, the surface of the bulk grain in any “partly filled compartment” shall be level and topped off with bagged grain tightly stowed and extending to a height of not less than one-sixteenth of the maximum breadth of the free grain surface or 1,2 metres, whichever is the greater. Instead of bagged grain, other suitable cargo exerting at least the same pressure may be used. |
(b) | The bagged grain or such other suitable cargo shall be supported in the manner described in Section II of Part C of this Chapter. Alternatively, the bulk grain surface may be secured by strapping or lashing as described in that Section. |