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Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act No. 57 of 1951)


Merchant Shipping (Training, Certification and Safe Manning) Regulations, 2021

Part 2 : Assessment

19. Moderation of written examination papers


(1) This Regulation applies to written examinations that form part of assessment at level 2 for certificates of competency covered by these Regulations.


(2) The moderation of written examination papers shall be in accordance with the Authority’s Quality Standards System.


(3) For academic subjects that covers the functions of navigation, marine engineering and controlling the operations and care for persons onboard (only elements of ship stability & construction) the final pass mark shall not be less than 60%. For all other subjects, the final pass mark shall not be less than 50%.


(4) In the case of doubt about a candidate's final mark, the decision of the relevant senior examiner shall be final.