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Merchant Shipping Act, 1951 (Act No. 57 of 1951)RegulationsMerchant Shipping (Training, Certification and Safe Manning) Regulations, 2021Part 4 : Training81. Maritime training providers |
(1) | The Authority may accredit a training provider to conduct any training required by the Training Standards Code. |
(2) | Accreditation must take place in accordance with these Regulations and the Quality Standards System and— |
(a) | must— |
(i) | be given in writing; |
(ii) | be for a period not exceeding three years; |
(b) | may, immediately after an audit or any other cause, be altered, suspended or cancelled, provided that if the accreditation is cancelled, a minimum of 30 days' notice shall be given.” |
(3) | To be accredited a maritime training provider a training provider must— |
(a) | have a Quality Standards (Management) System in place which meets the requirements set out in the Authority’s Quality Standards (Management) System; |
(b) | have instructors and assessors who meet the criteria as set out in the Quality Standards System of the Authority; |
(c) | conduct internal audits annually and submit a copy to the Authority; |
(a) | have facilities and training equipment as specified in the Training Standards Code for this certificate; |
(b) | provide any documents upon request by the Authority within two days of such request. |
(4) | Application for accreditation shall be made in the form and manner specified by the Quality Standards System of the Authority. |
(5) | A maritime training provider applying for accreditation shall allow the Authority— |
(a) | to inspect the provider's facilities, training and assessment arrangements, methods and materials; and |
(b) | to interview the provider's students, administrative personnel, training instructors and assessors. |
(6) | An accredited maritime training provider shall— |
(a) | on request, furnish the Authority with any information regarding the training offered by the provider; and |
(b) | inform the Authority, as soon as possible with regard to any change in— |
(i) | teaching staff; |
(ii) | teaching methods; and |
(iii) | teaching material. |
(7) | Every accredited training provider authorised to conduct level 2 assessments in terms of regulation 18 shall— |
(a) | submit, for moderation by an examiner— |
(i) | all final examination question papers and memoranda 30 days before the examination is written by candidates; |
(ii) | final examination scripts, before a final mark is given to the candidates; |
(b) | make available to an examiner any examination scripts, assessment results, course assignments, progress reports or other training-related reports that the Authority may require; and |
(c) | for audit purposes, keep the information referred to in paragraphs (a) and (b) for at least five years. |
(8) | An examiner may visit an accredited maritime training provider at any reasonable time to inspect and audit the conduct of any activity covered by the provider's accreditation to ascertain continued compliance and conformance with the conditions of accreditation. |
(9) | Where an accredited institution has been found to have contravened, in a way which cannot be rectified, the conditions of accreditation, the Authority may refuse to accredit such an institution or any other institution where its Directors are involved. |
(10) | The Authority shall publish details of institutions accredited as maritime training providers and the relevant courses provided by the institutions. |